The Hexbeam is at about 20 feet from the ground and is being used alongside the Cushcraft A4S which is on the neighbouring tower at 50 feet both rotatable from their mobile shack, all seen in the foto above.
The weather yesterday was great on arrival and it almost allowed us to get set up outside before we had to take cover for some showers. Heavy rain arrived around 2100utc and then this morning at 5am, we had a few hours of showers before torrential rain arrived at 10am which looks like its here for the duration hi.
Its early days to say how they compare but for sure its a very very close race. On rx the antennas are well matched but without doubt the Hexbeam has far less noise than the Cushcraft does. With 7 hours of operating yesterday (Friday) and up to 11am Saturday morning the guys logged 750 stations mainly on SSB but also some on PSK-31.
I will post more as I am available to but if you would like further info please see this link for past visits to Holy Island here;