9U4U (via MØURX) Qsl Cards in the mail
From Tim MØURX – ”Tuesday 9th April 2013 – 2,724 letters have been posted today containing mostly 9U4U QSL cards. Last night I worked through the night to capture the latest QSL requests before taking all the mail to the local sorting office this afternoon.
There are about 100 9U4U letters containing “multi QSL requests” that I have held back waiting for the 9M4SLL and XW8XZ QSL cards to be printed before posting can be done. If you have requested 9U4U along with those QSL cards then your cards will be posted soon.
I expect to post all Bureau cards direct to World Bureaus during May.
Many thanks to Charles, M0OXO, and Chris, G1VDP, for their excellent help last weekend in preparing the posting. Thank you!
Photo above: 9U4U letters posted.
Photo right: Chris G1VDP filling envelopes”.