IOTA Charges increase


Published on the IOTA website today;

Although increases in charges are never welcome, we have come to the conclusion that we have no alternative but to revise some of them upwards to cover increased costs that we are having to meet, following recent significant currency exchange variations in the financial markets.We are faced also with a continuing small shortfall in the Friends of IOTA Appeal funds to meet the cost of the IT project to rewrite the programme software.

This project will revolutionise the way that IOTA credits can be obtained by allowing QSO matches from your log with islanders’ logs on Club Log. This must provide huge financial savings for award chasers. The more than 50% increase in applications since the introduction of a degree of this on the existing IT system has made us confident that by taking on this major development we are meeting the wishes of a large section of the IOTA community. Finally, any newly formed company needs working capital and we have very little of this at the moment.

Participants who have been waiting for the 1000 Islands Trophy will be pleased to know that from January onwards we will be in a position to supply as we have identified a source and placed a major order. The list of charges applying from 1 January 2017 can be seen here.

G3KMA, 13 Dec 2016


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Charles M0OXO

I was born in the 1960’s and have lived all my life in the Coal Mining Town of Barnsley in South Yorkshire, Northern England. My parents were all from this area of Yorkshire and my father worked in the main Industry of the local Collieries as a face worker. I have been married to my wife Debbie for 38 years and we have two children and two grandchildren.

I have been licensed for around 20 years after my interest was re-kindled when I retired from my role as a Police Officer within South Yorkshire Police Force. The latter few years were spent as Radio Operator in the Force Operations Control Room at Sheffield, before my career ended.

IOTA chasing is (and always has been) my real passion, as climbing the ladder to reach Honour Roll status was always my main aim. The 1000 Islands Trophy is still out of reach but I am heading in the right direction. I am currently a Board Member of IOTA Ltd.

In my free time I am a keen Photographer of Wildlife but the QSL Manager role is my main passion within Ham Radio.