The 9G5X Team should be qrv from Ghana later today.
”We have planned for three separate stations at 9G5X, all to be set up inside a single operating room within the main hotel building. Each station will be identical, with an Elecraft K3/100 transceiver and a matching Elecraft KPA-500 500W linear amplifier.
All our K3/100 radios are fitted with the latest KSYN3A synthesizers, producing cleaner synthesized signals, in turn leading to better transmitter and receiver performance and less inter-station QRM. The new KSYN3A has faster switching times to improve TX/RX switching for high speed CW, avoiding problems with keying distortion in split frequency mode and allowing proper RIT operation on receive.”
You can see more information about the upcoming Dxpeditiion by viewing the website (click here).
QSL via M0OXO OQRS or Direct Post Mail.