Satellite QSO’s
If you have had a Satellite QSO and require this confirming by QSL Card, you are advised to email and inform me BEFORE making the OQRS request otherwise your card MAY contain the incorrect information.
This is because M0OXO OQRS does NOT cater for Sat Frequencies and was primarily written for HF only. If requested on OQRS the Band will show as 13m and not 13cm. To confirm any Satellite QSO, the label has to be produced from different Software. This is fine, I was happy to do that and/or correct the error with a new card when notified either by email or other social media source and at no further cost to the customer.
However, I no longer wish to deal with certain people who send rude, abusive and threatening emails regarding Satellite QSO’s. I thought I was helping the SAT Community by confirming their QSO’s (often as a new DXCC entity) but clearly this is not the case and several of them have now spoilt it for the others.
For this reason and from January 1st 2021, I will no longer confirm any new Satellite QSO’s (unless the owner of the log specifically and personally asks me to do so).