Harald XT2AW is now QRT from Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso. His full and final log is now available on M0OXO OQRS where you can search his log and request any QSL Cards you may require.
LOTW is uploading now.
**Please be aware of a problem with the online log. Harald in error merged both his XT2AW Log and 9X2AW FT8/FT4 logs in error and this log was uploaded to OQRS. Please don’t send me any more emails saying ”My PC has broken, please send me details of the extra QSO’s in the Log”.
There are no extra QSO’s in his log that you didn’t log, you simply did not work him, the extra QSO’s are from you contacts with 9X2AW.
It is impossible to remove these QSO’s from the log at the moment. There are over 8,000 QSO’s that need to be manually and individually removed which will take a long time and I am currently away from home.