GB80DDAY England

In 1944 the US Air Force (USAF) 438th Troop Carrier Group were based at RAF Greenham Common Airbase, near Newbury, Berkshire UK. This would be critical in transporting men of the US Army 101st and 82nd Airborne Divisions in the build up to D-Day in June 1944. The airbase had over 400 of the Waco CG-4A gliders (figure 1), along with their Douglas C46 & C47 towing aircraft, and were used to carry troops, jeeps and munitions for the D-Day operation.
US General Eisenhower, Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Expeditionary Force, himself paid an important visit to Greenham Airbase on the eve of D-Day and saw the first of the Airborne troops take off for France (figure 2).
June 6th 2024 marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day and the recently restored air traffic Control Tower at Greenham is being recognised as an important part of the WW2 commemoration in West Berkshire. To make a contribution to this very important time in WW2, the Newbury And District Amateur Radio Society (NADARS) will be using a very special call sign at our permanent HF radio station at the Control Tower
Earlier this year, Phill Morris G6EES submitted a detailed proposal to Ofcom (the UK Government Regulator) requesting that we be issued with a very unique callsign GB80DDAY (80th D-Day). This is unique because GB special event call signs are usually only a single number and two or three letters (we needed two numbers and four letters ! ). After requests for more information from Ofcom they granted us the call sign.

Using the call sign GB80DDAY, and the explanations we will give on-air and to visitors to the Control Tower, will help recognise the troops of all nations involved in D-Day and the many who did not return. It is expected to generate a lot of interest both on-air and in the TV & press.
You are invited to take part, on-air, in the 80th anniversary of D-Day and make contact with GB80DDAY. The call sign will be active from 1st to 28th June, and in addition to operating the HF station remotely during the weekdays and evenings, we will be active at the Control Tower (figure 3) each Saturday in June. We will also have a special focus of our operation at the Control Tower on Thursday 6th June (D-Day) when there will be a number of other activities at the tower, organised by both the towers team of volunteers and other organisations.
Join us and help commemorate WW2 D-Day with ‘GB80-D-DAY’.
For details of the Newbury And District Amateur Radio Society

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Charles M0OXO

I was born in the 1960’s and have lived all my life in the Coal Mining Town of Barnsley in South Yorkshire, Northern England. My parents were all from this area of Yorkshire and my father worked in the main Industry of the local Collieries as a face worker. I have been married to my wife Debbie for 38 years and we have two children and two grandchildren.

I have been licensed for around 20 years after my interest was re-kindled when I retired from my role as a Police Officer within South Yorkshire Police Force. The latter few years were spent as Radio Operator in the Force Operations Control Room at Sheffield, before my career ended.

IOTA chasing is (and always has been) my real passion, as climbing the ladder to reach Honour Roll status was always my main aim. The 1000 Islands Trophy is still out of reach but I am heading in the right direction. I am currently a Board Member of IOTA Ltd.

In my free time I am a keen Photographer of Wildlife but the QSL Manager role is my main passion within Ham Radio.