FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – September 3, 2024
Our shipment arrives in Fiji
At about 0900z this morning the tracking devices attached to our shipment came on-line in Nadi, Fiji. The 330 Kg shipment left Atlanta by truck for LAX on August 24 and departed LAX on August 31 on Qantas Airfreight for Fiji via Auckland NZ, and Sydney AU.
Shipment by air freight is expensive shares Gregg W6IZT. To minimize shipping costs, the team will be carrying 2 ea. K3s, 3 ea. KPA500s, laptops, the StarLink terminal, and other gear as checked or carry-on baggage.
Our equipment will be picked up from customs in Nadi and placed in storage by our agent in Fiji in preparation for the trip by boat to Rotuma. The boat runs between Suva, Fiji and Rotuma about once per month. Our shipment will be picked up in Rotuma by our on-island representative for storage at our operating location. The team arrives November 15.
This DXpedition is a partnership with Youth on the Air (YOTA) encouraging youth participation and will feature three young operators who will be active on the Island while there will also be 60 or more hams operating remotely using W6IZT’s NexGenRiBs over Starlink.
We will be signing 3D2Y, not 3D2Z as previously planned.
Funding raising efforts continue for the November DXpedition.
We hope to see you on the bands, the op on the other end is likely a young ham experiencing the thrill of a DXpedition pile up for the first time!