3YØJ Bouvet 2023 Flexible BandPlan
We have updated our bandplan https://www.3y0j.no/bandplan
This will be our initial setup.
We will work closely together with our pilots and if we see that something is not working, we will do adjustments. Be rest assured that we will do these changes if needed.
(i) We will always keep lowest 10 kHz on regular bands and lowest 5 kHz on WARC bands clear to allow regular DX traffic. So you will never hear us calling CQ in that portion of the band.
(ii) CW split will be limited to 15 kHz spectrum
(iii) Phone split will be limited to 30 kHz spectrum.
Thus operator will chose a frequency within the spectrum and limit the split to max 15 kHz and 30 kHz respectively.
To note that
– 160m will be CW only.
– 80m will be CW/SSB
So no FT8 on 160/80m.
Special permit up to 1500W on CW/SSB.
RTTY will be on 1-2 bands 14125 and 21125 kHz.
CW/SSB will have priority over digital modes.
60m frequencies have been updated, potentially 60m for last few days. There is no promise for 60m but we want to do it if we can.
FT8 operation
FT8 will be F/H only, 4 stations aimed running 24/7 with 100W.
We will NEVER transmit FT8 on regular FT8 frequencies. The 4xFT8 stations can be controlled by 1 operator, or each FT8 station can be controlled individually by an operator running SSB/CW (SO2R) mode.
FT8 will be on 40-10m running 100W, but focus on our 7 yagis 20-10m. We have chosen FT8/RTTY frequencies that gives us better in band separation, and also so to avoid the most public frequencies that might be occupied by others DX-peditions in F/H mode.
We have agreed with Crozet that he run FT8 on 10131 and Bouvet on 10140 kHz.
We are in the process of updating our station system diagram that will reflect the possible camp build up, ie how we plan to build the camp step by step.
73, 3YØJ