Its very easy to get involved so just read on and see if it intrests you. Each WFF Country will have their own
interpretations of the guidelines to abide by dependant upon different circumstances. The list below is how to
proceed should you wish to activate GFF & GWFF.
and to gain maximum support & intrest that your trip will attract from WFF chasers.
other means to legitimise that the operation was authentic. The usual and most appropriate way is to have
photograph taken standing by a sign or other feature that validates you to the area you are activating.
Do not worry if it is not possible to use a computer on your activation, a paper log will suffice in the
first instance. Once the operation has ended, send your log (either paper or electronic) to MØOXO
and I will send it to the relevant WFF checkpoint where it will be added to EW4DX LogSearch.
***Please DO NOT send it directly to EW4DX LogSearch,
it must come via me (for reasons I can explain if you wish!)
produce qsl cards for the events. If stations you have worked do ask for a qsl card and you are happy
to send one, then again it is necessary to have the reference number of the GFF area and the
licensed Callsign used, clearly visible on the card either by label or other format thereby avoiding
any attempt to tamper with the details shown.
National Park or Nature Reserve. I can and I will either help you to sort out the qsl’s or i will provide the
qsl management for you at no cost, I am happy to do that, just ask. I support LOTW, Bureau and Direct
Qsl methods.
There are plenty of Qsl printers out there who will happily print and provide the cards for
you but please also check out UX5UO Print too, he is very cost effective and I am his UK agent
so no hassle whatsoever to deal with him and basic 2 colour cards cost from
£34.00GBP for 1000 delivered – no extra cost just £34.00GBP!
Full Colour (Front) cards from £49.00GBP for 1000 delivered – no extra cost just £49.00GBP!