Hi All, It may have filtered through by now but if not, just a quick note to say that I have withdrawn from GFF representative of WFF.
For a few reasons I made the decision and last week dropped WFF HQ an email to inform them. I hope the new Committee that has been formed makes some serious changes to many things within WFF not least the hierarchy at the top who continue to make decisions without consulting the WFF group as a whole. This can only get better.
Max IK1GPG and Betty IK1QFM have been friends of mine for many years and I wish them success with their new project which I am sure will benefit all of the WFF community as a whole.
I have left some of the information on my website and it will stay there in the short term at least. Can I ask that if you have any logs that require sending for the Database then please send them Direct via the links on their website to WFF HQ pending any advice to the contrary from them.
Thanks to all of you who have supported me over the last few years as your help, activations and advice were most appreciated.
73 for now