Click the image to see the latest publicity video from the Intrepid DX Group relating to their Dxpedition to the South Sandwich Islands.
Qsl Cards for the 2014 Kari’s Tour of Freedom Ride have now been mailed.
Qsl Cards for VK2014TDF arrived today and all have been processed. Direct cards will be mailed tomorrow and bureau cards will all go in the next Bureau mailing in January 2015.
If you need a Qsl Card for this trip then please use the link here at M0OXO OQRS. Your card is NOT required so please DO NOT SEND one, it is unnecessary!
After a successful trip to Burkina Faso last week, Harald DF2WO is now en-route to Cape Verdi.
Harald will arrive on San Tiago Island (IOTA AF-005) this Friday and he hopes to be qrv as D44TWO from either Saturday/Sunday 13/14th December. Look out for him on HF CW and SSB.
If you need a Qsl Card for this trip then please use the link here at M0OXO OQRS. Your card is NOT required so please DO NOT SEND one, it is unnecessary!
QSL Card for the RI0X Expedition arrived today.
The RIØX Team activated Karaginsky Island, IOTA As-064, one of the Bering Sea Islands back in August this year.
Great Qsl turnaround time from Vic UA3AKO.
All Direct requests for Qsl Cards for these special events have now been mailed.
Dom 3Z9DX, Jorge TI2HMJ and Jon K7CO plan to activate Cocos Island early next year. Activation dates are February 16-23, 2015.
Cocos Island is DXCC most wanted #26.
More information on their website at
Also received today;
YB8RW/P (OC-213, Batudaka Island, Togean Islands) and YB8RW/P (OC-236, Siladen Island).
Thanks to Din for securing these cards and providing the OQRS faciilty to request them. Cards were received just over a week after request through OQRS, excellent service again! Thanks Din!
Received in todays mail, the following confirmations;
YB4IR/8 (Obi Island IOTA OC-222) and also YB4IR (Taliabu Island OC-076). Thanks to Imam for the activations and of course for allowing an OQRS service, the best way to receive cards.
QSL via M0OXO OQRS preferred. Please DO NOT send your cards via the bureau, they are not required and may not arrive here.
Please use OQRS for ALL bureau requests where possible.