Author - Charles M0OXO

Most spectacular Moon of 2013 – tomorrow….


On June 23, 2013 we will experience a truly super supermoon. The full moon that falls on June 23, 2013 at 11:32 UTC, will not only be the closest to Earth for the year, but it will also appear the biggest full moon for 2013. It will also be about 30 percent brighter than an average full moon. Last supermoon was on May 24, 2013. And in 2011, we witnessed the moon’s closest approach in 19 years.

Moon`s elliptical orbit is the main reason for the increase in its apparent size. About 50,000 km is the difference between the Moon`s apogee (it`s furthest point to Earth) and it`s perigee (it`s closest point to Earth).

The supermoon of June 2013 will be extra special, as the full moon coincides with it`s closest approach to our planet for 2013, at a distance of 356,991 km. Next time this event will occur is August 2014. It is also worth mentioning that between June 22 and June 25, 2013 the occurrence of “King tides” is expected

D44TWO Logs received….


!! NOW QRT  !!

Over the last few days I have received the logs (2013 operation) from Harald in D44TWO.

All of the qso’s up to the 20th June are now available should you require a log check.  However, all of the logs are on Paper (Excel format) so there is no electronic log search at this stage and all log requests will have to be done manually.

Please request your log searches at this address [email protected] and please supply ALL necessary information to make the job as easy as possible for me. Please include your Callsign, Date, Time, Band and Mode of the Qso or I will be unable to verify it for you.

New Qsl cards (not the image above) will be printed after Harald returns home so please be patient, I aim to have them mailed in 3-4 weeks after the operation has ended.

Qsl route is via MØOXO OQRS, Your Qsl Cards are not required so please do not send them (unless requesting by Direct Post Mail ! ).


GM100C this weekend….

2013-01-03 133824

Listen out from this weekend (15th – 16th June) for more special event stations on air celebrating the RSGB Centenery.

Clive GM3POI will be QRV this weekend as GM100C from Deerness in the Orkney Islands (IOTA EU-009).

You can keep an eye on who is operating and from where by clicking here.

Please keep an eye on this blog and I will post more information when I have it along with the website which will hold all information for these events.

Next weekend (22/23rd June) Neil G6MC (Club Station) will be QRV as G100C from Harrogate in North Yorkshire.

In both cases, ‘realtime’ logging will be active for much of the weekend.

For more info, please check GM100C and G100C on QRZ.COM

Qsl route (cards expected to be available from July 2013) is via MØOXO OQRS (Your Qsl Cards are not required so please do not send them !). GL !!


ANZAC Day Cards in the mail

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I am pleased to say that the cards for this event arrived today and will be mailed tomorrow.

The Australian Communications and Media Authority allows radio amateurs to substitute their normal VK callsign prefix with the letters AX every ANZAC Day April 25. To help commemorate ANZAC Day, the use of CW and AM is used to keep alive those modes used during World War 1 and 11, the Korean, Malaysian and even in early Vietnam conflicts

The now annual event involves ex-military sites and related museums. It was started by Mike “Banjo” Patterson VK4MIK and includes the AM Narly Net is on 3.600 MHz at 0630 local and then the same mode appears at 7.115 MHz at 4pm local.

Paul VK5PAS was qrv as AX5PAS for the event. Qsl Cards now available via M0OXO OQRS.

Bureau cards being processed….


A busy time at the moment after quite a decent drop of cards from various RSGB Sub-Managers.

The first batch of around 900 cards was completed yesterday and consisted of the following;

GQ4RCG 84, G4RCG 222, GR4RCG 177, GO4RCG 43, MQØOXO 179, MOØOXO 39 and MRØOXO 146

All these cards have been prepared for bureau and will be mailed in the coming weeks.

 Also received this email ;

Dear Charlie M0OXO

Today, I received many QSLs via JARL QSL bureau which were requested through your OQRS system.
Almost of them were requested on 2012/Oct/08 by me. It is very quick to receive it.
I am pleased very much. I will give you a lot of THANKS.
The cards are: MQ0OXO, M2G, VK4HAM, VK4NM, DV1UD and PX2C.

I wish to meet you again on the bands. FB DX 73
de JA7COI Ichiro

Band conditions improving……

2013-06-09 091714

…..or was I just lucky?

Heard the beacons on 17m this morning and conditions seemed a lot better than of late.

I started on 17m RTTY around 0645 (UTC) and first call was JA. I persevered a little longer and then they started to get a little stronger.

Not quite beaming his way but a pleasure all the same when Atsu 5W1SA popped up in the window. It was a new slot for me so very happy to have him in the log (tnx Atsu san!).

Conditions continued good and I moved to 15m RTTY around 0730 (UTC) and again, straight into JA and the Far East. The brief session netted me 33 Japan, 5 South Korea, 5W1SA Samoa and several others from Russia, Kazakhstan and Europe….

….a good start to a Sunday morning 😉

0913 (UTC) email just received….

”Hi Charles,

thanks for the QSO. Your RTTY signal was very clear and stable that time. TS950SDX (150W) + 8mH Inv. Vee. Hope the condition becoming better. Not much contact today, keep CQing on 60m now.

I will upload my LoTW shortly.


M5.9 (yet another!) Flare

2013-06-08 070356

Photo here is an updated image of the visible solar disk on Friday morning.

Solar activity is currently at low levels. A minor C3.0 flare was detected at 11:51 UTC and was centered around Sunspot 1762 now rotating onto the southwest limb.

All other regions, including Sunspot 1765 which is now in a perfect geoeffective position remain stable.

A moderately strong solar flare reaching M5.9 was observed Friday evening around Sunspot 1762 off the southwest limb. 2013-06-08 070555




Because of the location near the limb, any associated CME would be directed mostly away from Earth.

G100C this weekend…..

2013-01-03 133824

Listen out from this weekend (8th – 9th June) for more special event stations on air celebrating the RSGB Centenery.

Simon M0VKY will be QRV this weekend as G100C from Dudley near Birmingham, mostly on SSB.

You can keep an eye on who is operating and from where by clicking here.

Please keep an eye on this blog and I will post more information when I have it along with the website which will hold all information for these events.

Next weekend (15/16th June) Clive GM3POI will be QRV as GM100C from Deerness in Orkney, mostly on CW.

In both cases, ‘realtime’ logging will be active for much of the weekend.

For more info, please check G100C and GM100C on QRZ.COM

Qsl route is via MØOXO OQRS (Your Qsl Cards are not required so please do not send them !). GL !!

GB5NCQ Qrv this weekend….

D7C 1250 cs6 kinglutherandthegirls

This is a special event for the Nuneaton Carnival.

 This includes processions and a elected Carnival    Queen. Full details can be found on the website.

 The special event station is activated by the  Hinckley Amateur Radio and Electronics Society.

 Details are;
 IOTA EU-005 UK Mainland
 WAB – SP39
 Loc- IO92gm
 Lat – 52 30′ 48″ N (52.5134)
 Long – 1 27′ 40″ W (-1.4612)

A full colour special QSL card will be available after the event to be held over the weekend of June 8th and 9th 2013. Any enquiries to Chris G1VDP (Event organiser).

Qsl via M0OXO OQRS

D44TWO now qrv from IOTA AF-005

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Harald DF2WO is now qrv from the Cape Verde Islands.

D44TWO will be on air from Santiago Island, Cape Verde, IOTA AF-005 (Leeward islands Group) until 20th June (approx) 2013.