Author - Charles M0OXO

ZL4HR Campbell Isld update

zl9hr logo

The HARAOA president and DX’Pedition leader Tommy VK2IR has just finished construction of a 40metre, 2 element Moxon antenna – yes that’s right a two element 40 metre beam is going on the ZL9HR DX’Pedition to Campbell Island (IOTA OC-037) for the activation between November 28th. and December 9th.

The element length is 15 ½ metres long! To see the construction of this monster simply search for ZL9HR on Youtube.

The fitting out of the four shipping containers to take all the equipment has also been finished and they are being packed. All of this is on schedule to be ready to be shipped out of Sydney in just a few days around the 15th. of September.

Please refer to the web site ZL9HR.COM for the full, up to date, information about this major DX’Pedition to the Great Southern Ocean.



Curiosity on the move

onthemove curiosity 960

Curiosity is on the move across Mars — but where is it going? The car-sized rover’s path after 29 Martian days on the surface is shown on the map.

Curiosity is still almost 300 meters from its first major destination, though, a meeting of different types of terrain called Glenelg and visible on the image right. It may take Curiosity two months or so to get to Glenelg as it stops to inspect interesting rocks or landscape features along the way.

The above image was taken about one week ago from high up by the HiRise camera onboard the robotic Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.




GO2HQ Cards in mail next week


GO2HQ Qsl Cards received from the printer yesterday.


Cards being processed and will be in the mail next week. Apologies for the delay which was caused with processing log before submission to the IARU Contest Adjudiucators.







9th CIS DX PSK Contest tomorrow..


The European PSK Club has the honour to invite the radio amateurs all over the world to participate in the CIS DX PSK Contest 2012. The objective of the contest is to establish as many QPSK63 contacts as possible between radio amateurs around the world and radio amateurs in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Everybody can work everybody for QSO and multiplier credit.

The CIS DX PSK Contest is held every year on the third weekend of September. This year it starts at 12:00 UTC on Saturday 15th September, 2012 and ends at 12:00 UTC on Sunday 16th September, 2012.

Important changes since this year: Since 2012 we only accept logs submitted through UA9QCQ web interface at

We don’t accept logs sent via e-mail any longer!

Complete rules can be found here. Good luck to all and see you in the contest!



London 2012 Olympics ended


This is the third and final instalment of reports of the London 2012 Olympic Games wirtten by Chris Colclough G1VDP. Please see the full report by using the link below. Thanks Chris……

Sadly we are coming to the end of the Paralympic games, and the Olympic games in London 2012. And to the end of what has been a memorable event here in the UK. It has shown that people from ordinary walks of life can achieve their goals and become winners at all levels.

There have been tears of joy, of pain, and of failure. Smiles and laughter. And every other emotion that a human can show. Photographs in the media of a proud parent looking on as their child has just won a medal, photos of the atheletes – both able bodied and paralympians – crossing the finish line with the smiles of the winner and anguish of thesimmonds 2326555i loser, and one that as I have previously said will stand out for me of the british rower crossing the line and the sudden realisation of winning gold and saying to her partner “we just won the Olympics”. But every competitor, in my book, is a winner for qualifying and taking part. Heroes all.

Well done to all involved with the London 2012 Games and thanks to all of the Ham Operators who we have worked with MO0OXO, GO1VDP, MO0KYI & GO4RCG and for their kind words and flowers!

Scroll down this page for the previous two reports from Chirs and click link to see the full report from Chris which is help on our Club site of the StrumbleHead Amateur Radio Klub (S.H.A.R.K.).



NH8S qrv from Swains Island

800px-Swains Island 1

NH8S qrv this morning for the first time on the Swains island DXpedition (IOTA OC-200). Very good signals 0800-1000+ so looks promising for the UK. Band conditions a little livlier too since the Solar Storms and poor K index over the last 6 days.

Swains Island has a total area of 460.9 acres (186.5 ha), of which 373 acres (150.8 ha) is land. The central lagoon accounts for the balance of 88 acres (35.8 ha). There is a small islet of 914 square yards (764 m2) in the eastern part of the lagoon.nh8s-logo-200The atoll is somewhat unusual, featuring an unbroken circle of land enclosing a freshwater lagoon cut off from the sea. Recent U.S. Coast Guard visitors to Swains described its lagoon as “brackish” and a source for the plentiful numbers of mosquitoes which plague the island. In April 2007, a member of an amateur radio expedition confirmed that the lagoon water was fit only for bathing and washing, and that fresh water seemed to be in rather short supply on the island at the time. According to a United States Department of the Interior description of Swains Island, drinking water on Swains is derived entirely from rainfall collected in two large mahogany tanks near the island’s copra shed.

Swains Island has a population of 37 Tokelauans, who harvest the island’s coconuts.



Olympics 2012 – Part 2

There was the usual parade of countries, and the Olympic flame descended into the arena carried by a Royal Marine, who had lost his legs in a conflict, from the 100ft top of one of the buildings down a Zip Wire (a wire between 2 points with a harness or other device attached 300128-london-2012-paralympics-opening-ceremonyallowing the person to slide – also known as a death slide) and then handed over to one of the first Paralympian medal winners to light the cauldron. Fantastic. And once more I think Great Britten showed how we can put on a party and welcome the visitors and atheletes to the games.

And as we are a Amateur Radio club we must also mention LouiseCauldron lighting para Simpson, M3WSQ, who is one of the atheletes at the games, click here for more information. We wish her and the GB Team all the best and good luck in all their sports

Don’t forget that during this period we will still be on the air and using our special calls, MO0OXO and GO1VDP, on all modes. Sadly Charles has had a computer failure and has been off air for the past few weeks but he is getting back on this weekend and will be racking up the contacts. Also look out for Chris on JT65A on the HF bands. He has just 2012LondonParalympics-OpeningCeremonygot the software and his radio working so will be using this mode over the weekend to give people a chance of getting the GO1 prefix in their logs.

And remember to support the atheletes now competing in the Paralympic Games, London 2012.

Dr. Spock’s take on DX behaviour


Maybe you don’t know that Dr. Spock is an avid DXer and is a supporter of ethical operating practices.


Hear what he has to say.


Click the image to go to watch his video. We may have found our new spokesperson to assist in the DX Code of Conduct.


Thanks to NZ3M for this invaluable contribution.









DX Code of Conduct Newsletter


DC Code of Conduct September Newsletter


I am pleased to report that our second objective has been achieved, to get DXpeditions to ally with us with a common objective of increasing ethical conduct. All of the DXpeditions are pleased to tell the world that they support the DX Code of Conduct. They all link to our website. We post them on our DXpeditions page.

 I am also encouraged by the fact that many do so as they assemble their website. It’s already up when I hear about it. I don’t even have to ask. We are all pleased that those guys, whom we are trying to benefit, all seem to quite pleased at our effort. I have also heard from some returning DXpeditions that they think that we are making a difference. Great news!


We continue to get new visitors to our website. Every time I check in and click on the globe at the bottom of the 2nd page, I find that 3 or 4 others who are also be in the site at the same time. I am not about to fool myself and think that we are QRZ.COM or something like that. But it is clear that we have achieved our goal of having our mission universally recognized in the ham community. I believe that all active HF operators are aware of the Code.


I am sad to report that our “shop” has not been successful.   It turns out that almost no one 0seems to want a DX Code T-shirt or coffee mug. I own them and like them. It doesn’t hurt to keep it open but I would have thought that there would be more interest among our community of subscribers – YOU. So check it out. and imagine how handsome you would look in that T-shirt!


Finally, our next goal is to get your national society to support the Code publicly and put a link at their website. DARC and RSGB have joined us in promoting it but for U.S. hams, I continue to be embarrassed that the ARRL is still just ignoring our existence. Take a minute to write or e-mail to your Section and Division Leaders and the management at Newington.  


For our supporters in other countries, urge your leaders to join us in supporting the program. All of us have a duty to be sure that the next generation of operators learn how to operate ethically and responsibly.


There are lots of DXpeditions in the Pacific coming up very soon. They ought to be a lot of fun and they are all well run professional teams that endorse the Code.  Let’s hope that the pileups are orderly.


Thanks for all your support.  It invigorates the team. You might consider forwarding this to your ham friends, like members of your club.  


Randy W6SJ

Local Amateur takes parts in Paralympics


Good luck to Louise Simpson M3WSQ who takes part in this Years Paralympic Games in London which starts today.

For Louise, former Member of the Wakefield and District Radio Society, London 2012, it will be Louise’s second Paralympic Games, after she competed as part of the team that came 5th at the Sydney Paralympic Games in 2000. She will be part of ther Womens Goalball Team

Louise has been playing Goalball for around 17 years, after discovering the sport when she attended the RNIB College in Worcester in 1995. She played her first international tournament in Denmark in 1996 and she has been playing for Great Britain ever since.

Of course we wish Louise and all the para-atheletes the best of luck in their events.