Author - Charles M0OXO

An Ulsterman on the air in Chile



I bought my first rig a TS130 and got on the air with a dipole.  In came stations from all over the globe though mainly from USA.  I made some good friends on the air and one of them, Keith G4RZQ, became my QSL manager.  I also acquired an Elmer in the form of Dick CE3DWL, an American also living in Santiago.  Nightly he transmitted to me in CW on 10 metres as I prepared for my UK radio examinations.  The problem being that the UK did not recognise the Chilean licence so it meant taking my City and Guilds in the British Council in Santiago – specially sent out to me and later my morse test at the coastgards in Southampton.

By 1983 the economic situation was becoming difficult in Chile so we left to come back to the UK and I looked for a new job.  Shortly afterwards I obtained a lecturing post in Malaysia and off we set again this time with a TS430 and a TET triband antenna in the luggage.  I had also picked up a UK licence G4VHO.  We soon made contacts in Malaysia (Photo’s above & right) and through them Linda and I were able to obtain local licences – I became 9M2DC (my initials) and Linda was 9M2LA.  Some local lads helped me put up the antenna and I was on the air.  I was soon building up QSOs but where were my QSL cards.  I contacted 9M2SS Sangat who was the President of MARTS and he took me into a room in his house which was stacked high with cards.  There was no one to sort them out.  Well the only way Linda_9M2LA_on_the_air_copyto get my cards was to sort the whole lot out so we made several trips by car and brought all the cards back to our house. Over a month I had them all stacked on the floor in piles – there were about 70 amateurs in Malaysia at the time – no one in 9M6 and only later one in 9M8 – 9M8EN.  I soon got to know all the active members and have fond memories of 9M2DW (Two Dancing Witches), 9M2CO Adrian – very active, 9M2FZ Leong and my lifetime friend 9M2BB whom we still affectionately call Two Bravo Bravo – now living in VK.  I made about 5000 contacts in Malaysia and sent out endless packets of cards monthly wrapping them in plastic bags from the local supermarket to protect them from the tropical rain.  In 1986 I ended my contract in 9M2 and we returned to the UK.

By now teaching jobs were getting more difficult to get and the XYL made it clear that she did not fancy three years in South Sudan even though the callsign would have been exotic.  So I retrained as a solicitor and took a teaching post at the University of Glamorgan near Cardiff.  Up went the TET tribander with the help of my friend Ron VK7RN visiting us from Tasmania and I was back on the air as GW4VHO. However my days as a ham were to be limited as my neighbour complained of TVI.  Unable to resolve it to his satisfaction I gave up the hobby for the next 15 years.

In 2006 I had reached retirement age and Linda and I agreed that we wanted to move abroad again.  After visits to different parts of Spain we finally settled on Northern Chile as the best place to set up home.  We returned in late 2006 sailing out on a container ship a journey of 46 days.  Shortly after our arrival we joined the local radio club and within six months I had recovered my licence.  I was back on the air as CE2EYN still with my TS430S and TET tribander.

In September 2008 I was invited to join the Atacama DX group and in ANTOFA_051October I was off to Bahia Inglesa (English Bay) with the group to operate CE1W in the CQWW contest.  We made 4000 QSOs over the weekend helped with Chilean wine of course.  The group will activate CE1W again this year.  I also help out the local radio club in contests – we usually operate as CE2LS and the club has a good record in contests. In December I applied to Telecomunicaciones in Santiago to change my licence for a 2 letter call.  This involved providing evidence of publications – luckily I had written an article some years ago in Practical Wireless – and at least 25 years operation as a ham.  The application was processed quickly and when we rang Santiago to ask on its progress we were advised that I had been granted the callsign CE2WZ which was much better for contest work.

As for the future I hope to be able to pension off the TS430S soon and replace it with something newer.  I have been working on my CW and hope to get on the air in that mode soon.   My favourite band is 10 metres CE2WZand I have been considering joining 10-10 International.  I just love it when 10 metres opens up and I can make QSOs to Europe and North America.

So if you hear me please give me a call particularly if it is on 10 metres. I qsl via LOTW and/or via M0OXO (M3ZYZ and it would be my pleasure to both send you and receive your Qsl Card in return.

73 & regards,






(On-line Qsl Request Service)

For DIRECT QSL Requests please complete the form below and once submitted,

the card has been prepared and sent to the

Bureau, usually within 48 hours.

For BUREAU QSL Requests please complete the form below and once submitted,

the card has been prepared and sent to the

Bureau, usually within 14 days.

For MORE THAN ONE Qsl Requests then copy and paste the details

into the form found here.

******Once the QSL Request Form has been sent then

please go to for Direct QSL Payment ******


{ FacileForms : QSL_Request_form, 1, 0, }
If you find this facility of use, please leave a comment here – Thanks, Charles

GFF (England) Area list



Below is the list for ‘GFF’ up to and including :-     07/09/2011



**Areas shown in BLUE are ‘most recent activation by’
**Areas NOT shown in BLUE are ‘not yet activated’

England GFF-001 New one Brecon Beacons *now GWFF-073
England GFF-002 New one
England GFF-003 Chalk Sound
England GFF-004 Dartmoor
England GFF-005 East Bay Islands
England GFF-006 Exmoor
England GFF-007 Grand Turk Cays, Land and Sea
England GFF-008 Lake District (G4OBK) (M6ONL)
England GFF-009 New one
England GFF-010 New Forest (M6ADB)
England GFF-011 North West Point Marine
England GFF-012 North York Moors (G4OBK) ((M6ADB)
England GFF-013 Northumberland (GB1TAN/M0OXO)
England GFF-014 Peak District (M0OXO) (G1INK) (G4OBK)
England GFF-015 Pembrokeshire Coast (GB0WFF/M0OXO) (MC0SHL)
England GFF-016 Princess Alexandra Land and Sea
England GFF-017 New one Snowdonia *Now GWFF-074
England GFF-018 South Downs (M6ADB/p several times)
England GFF-019 The Broads (G7SQW)
England GFF-020 Yorkshire Dales (GB1TAN)(G1LAT) (G1INK)
England (Ant. Base) GFF-021 Ferguson Bay Base Camp
England (Ant. Base) GFF-022 Station “Bl” Bird Island Station
England (Ant. Base) GFF-023 Station “M” King Edward Point
England (Ant. Base) GFF-024 Falkland Islands
England (Ant. Base) GFF-025 Husvik, South Georgia isl.
England (Ant. Base) GFF-026 Spenceley Glacier Camp
England (Ant. Base) GFF-027 Grytviken, , South Georgia isl.
England (Ant. Base) GFF-028 SANAP Weather Station
England (Ant. Base) GFF-029 Base «W» Detaille Island
England (Ant. Base) GFF-030 Brabant Station
England (Ant. Base) GFF-031 Smith Base
England (Ant. Base) GFF-032 Station «A» Port Lockroy
England (Ant. Base) GFF-033 Station «B» Deception Island
England (Ant. Base) GFF-034 Station «C» Cape Geddes
England (Ant. Base) GFF-035 Station «D» Hope Bay
England (Ant. Base) GFF-036 Station «E» Stonington Island
England (Ant. Base) GFF-037 Station “F” Faraday (James Wordie House)
England (Ant. Base) GFF-038 Station «F» Faraday Station
England (Ant. Base) GFF-039 Station «G» Admiralty Bay
England (Ant. Base) GFF-040 Station «H» Signy Island
England (Ant. Base) GFF-041 Station «KG» Fossil Bluff
England (Ant. Base) GFF-042 Station «O» Danco Island
England (Ant. Base) GFF-043 Station «R» Rothera
England (Ant. Base) GFF-044 Station «T» Adelaide
England (Ant. Base) GFF-045 Station «Y» Horseshoe Island
England (Ant. Base) GFF-046 Station “Z” Edmond Halley I
England (Ant. Base) GFF-047 Station “Z” Edmond Halley II
England (Ant. Base) GFF-048 Station “Z” Edmond Halley III
England (Ant. Base) GFF-049 Station “Z” Edmond Halley IV
England (Ant. Base) GFF-050 Station “Z” Edmond Halley V
England (Ant. Base) GFF-051 Western Bransfield Strait
England (Ant. Base) GFF-052 Western Shore of Admiralty Bay
England GFF-053 Pitcairn island (include Oeno)
England GFF-054 Henderson island
England GFF-055 Ducie island
England GFF-056 Gordano Valley Avon (G4WSB)
England GFF-057 Barton Hills Bedfordshire
England GFF-058 Chiltern Hills Bedfordshire (M6ADB)
England GFF-059 Kings Wood, Heath & Reach Bedfordshire
England GFF-060 Knocking Hoe Bedfordshire
England GFF-061 The Lodge Bedfordshire
England GFF-062 Leigh Woods Bristol (G4WSB)
England GFF-063 Church Wood Buckinghamshire
England GFF-064 Barnack Hills & Hoes Cambridgeshire
England GFF-065 Bedford Purlieus Cambridgeshire
England GFF-066 Castor Hanglands Cambridgeshire
England GFF-067 Chippenham Fen Cambridgeshire
England GFF-068 Fowlemere Cambridgeshire (M6ONL)
England GFF-069 Holme Fen Cambridgeshire
England GFF-070 Monks Woods Cambridgeshire
England GFF-071 Nene Washes Cambridgeshire (M6ONL)
England GFF-072 Ouse Washes Cambridgeshire (M6ONL)
England GFF-073 Upwood Meadows Cambridgeshire
England GFF-074 Wicken Fen Cambridgeshire (M6ADB/p) (M6ONL)
England GFF-075 Woddwalton Fen Cambridgeshire
England GFF-076 Gayton Sands Cheshire
England GFF-077 Wybunbury Moss Cheshire
England GFF-078 Golitha Falls Cornwall
England GFF-079 Goss Moor Cornwall
England GFF-080 The Lizard Cornwall
England GFF-081 Hayle Estuary Cornwall
England GFF-082 Marazion Marsh Cornwall
England GFF-083 Campfield marsh Cumbria
England GFF-084 Finglandrigg Woods Cumbria
England GFF-085 Haweswater Cumbria (M6ONL)
England GFF-086 Hodbarrow Cumbria
England GFF-087 Hutton Roof Crags Cumbria (G4WSB) (G1LAT)
England GFF-088 Moor House Upper Teesdale (Cumbria)
England GFF-089 St Bees Head Cumbria
England GFF-090 Biggin Dale Derbyshire
England GFF-091 Derbyshire Dales Derbyshire (GB0WFF/M0OXO)
England GFF-092 Aylesbeare Common Devon
England GFF-093 Chapel Wood Devon
England GFF-094 Dawlish Warren Devon
England GFF-095 East Dartmoor Woods & Heaths Devon
England GFF-096 Exe Estuary Devon
England GFF-097 Slapton Ley Devon
England GFF-098 Arne Dorset (G4WSB)
England GFF-099 Ballard Down Dorset (G4WSB)
England GFF-100 Garston Wood Dorset (M6ADB)
England GFF-101 Holt Heath Dorset (G4WSB)
England GFF-102 Lodmoor Dorset (G1OCN)
England GFF-103 Lundy Island Dorset
England GFF-104 Radipole lake Dorset (G1OCN)
England GFF-105 Studland & Godlingston Heath Dorset (G4WSB)
England GFF-106 Castle Eden Dene Durham
England GFF-107 Durham Coast Durham
England GFF-108 Bempton Cliffs East Riding Yorkshire
England GFF-109 Blacktoft Sands East Riding Yorkshire
England GFF-110 Lower Derwent Valley East Riding Yorkshire
England GFF-111 Spurn Point East Riding Yorkshire (M0OXO)
England GFF-112 Fore Wood East Sussex
England GFF-113 Stour Estuary Essex
England GFF-114 Highnam Woods Gloucestershire
England GFF-115 Nagshead Gloucestershire
England GFF-116 Rainham Marshes Greater London
England GFF-117 Ashford Hangers Hampshire (M6ADB/p)
England GFF-118 Ashford Hill Hampshire (M6ADB)
England GFF-119 Beacon Hill Hampshire (M6ADB)
England GFF-120 Butser Hill Hampshire (M6ADB/p)
England GFF-121 Castle Bottom Hampshire (M6ADB/p)
England GFF-122 Kingston Great Common Hampshire (M6ADB)
England GFF-123 Langstone Harbour Hampshire (M6ADB)
England GFF-124 Martin Down Hampshire (M6ADB)
England GFF-125 North Solent Hampshire
England GFF-126 Old Winchester Hill Hampshire (M6ADB)
England GFF-127 Tichhfield Haven Hampshire (M6ADB)
England GFF-128 Rye Meads Hertfordshire (M6ADB)
England GFF-129 Brading Marshes Isle of White
England GFF-130 Barnsfield Pit Kent (M6ONL)
England GFF-131 Blean Woods Kent (M6ONL)
England GFF-132 Cliffe Pools Kent
England GFF-133 Dungeness Kent (M6ONL)
England GFF-134 Elmley Marshes Kent
England GFF-135 Hamstreet Woods Kent
England GFF-136 Lydden & Tempell Ewell Downs Kent (M60NL)
England GFF-137 Nor Marsh & Motney Hill Kent
England GFF-138 Northward Hill Kent
England GFF-139 Stodmarsh Kent
England GFF-140 Tudeley Woods Kent (M6ONL)
England GFF-141 Wye Downs Kent
England GFF-142 Gait Barrows Lancashire (G1LAT/p)
England GFF-143 Leighton Moss Lancashire
England GFF-144 Morecambe bay Lancashire (G1LAT/P)
England GFF-145 Ribble Estaury Lancashire
England GFF-146 Frampton Marsh Lincolnshire
England GFF-147 Freiston Shore Lincolnshire
England GFF-148 Gibralter Point (The Wash) Lincolnshire
England GFF-149 Saltfleetby-Theddlethorpe Dunes Lincolnshire
England GFF-150 Marshside Merseyside
England GFF-151 Ainsdale Sand Dunes Merseyside
England GFF-152 Ant Broads & Marshes Norfolk (G7SQW)
England GFF-153 Brettenham Heath Norfolk (G1UGH)
England GFF-154 Blakeney Point Norfolk
England GFF-155 Bure Marshes Norfolk (G7SQW)
England GFF-156 Berney Marshes & Breydon Water Norfolk
England GFF-157 Calthorpe Broad Norfolk
England GFF-158 Dersingham Bog Norfolk (G7SQW)
England GFF-159 Foxley Wood Norfolk (G7SQW)
England GFF-160 Great Yarmoth Little terns Norfolk
England GFF-161 Holkham Norfolk (G7SQW)
England GFF-162 Redgrave & Lopham Fen Norfolk (G7SQW)
England GFF-163 Roydon Common Norfolk (G7SQW)
England GFF-164 Scolt Head Island Norfolk
England GFF-165 Snettisham Norfolk (G7SQW)
England GFF-166 Strumpshaw Fen Norfolk (G7SQW)
England GFF-167 Swanton Novers Norfolk
England GFF-168 Tichwell Marsh Norfolk (G7SQW)
England GFF-169 Weeting Heath Norfolk (G7SQW)
England GFF-170 Winterton Dunes Norfolk (G7SQW)
England GFF-171 Farne Islands Northumberland (GX4NOK/M0OXO)
England GFF-172 Lindisfarne (Holy Island) Northumberland (GB1HI/GB0HI)
England GFF-173 Duncombe Park North Yorkshire
England GFF-174 Ingleborough North Yorkshire (G4OBK) (G1LAT)
England GFF-175 Aston Rowant Oxfordshire (M6ADB)
England GFF-176 Otmoor Oxfordshire (M6ADB)
England GFF-177 Aqualate Mere Shropshire
England GFF-178 Fens, Whixall & Bettisfield Mosses Shropshire
England GFF-179 Stiperstones Shropshire
England GFF-180 Wyre Forest Shropshire
England GFF-181 Brigwater Bay Somerset (G4WSB)
England GFF-182 Dunkery & Horner Woods Somerset
England GFF-183 Ebbor Gorge Somerset
England GFF-184 Grelake Somerset
England GFF-185 Ham Wall Somerset (G3TJE/p)
England GFF-186 Hardington Moor Somerset
England GFF-187 Huntspill River Somerset (G4WSB)
England GFF-188 Rodney Stoke Somerset (G3TJE/p)
England GFF-189 Shapwick Heath Somerset (G4WSB)
England GFF-190 Somerset levels Somerset
England GFF-191 Westhay Moor Somerset (G4WSB)
England GFF-192 West Sedgemoor Somerset
England GFF-193 Old Moor Dearne Valley South Yorkshire (M0OXO)
England GFF-194 Coombes & Churnet Staffordshire
England GFF-195 Benacre broad Suffolk (G7SQW)
England GFF-196 Bradfield Woods Suffolk (G1UGH)
England GFF-197 Cavenham Heath Suffolk (G1UGH) (M6ADB/P)
England GFF-198 Orfordness/Havergate island Suffolk
England GFF-199 Lakenheath Fen Suffolk (M6ONL)
England GFF-200 Minsmere Suffolk (G7SQW)
England GFF-201 North Warren Suffolk
England GFF-202 Thetford Heath Suffolk (G1UGH)
England GFF-203 Walberswick Suffolk (G7SQW)
England GFF-204 Westleton Heath Suffolk ( G7SQW)
England GFF-205 Wolves Wood Suffolk
England GFF-206 Farnham Heath Surrey (M6ADB/p)
England GFF-207 Thursley Surrey (M6ADB/p)
England GFF-208 Teesmouth Teeside
England GFF-209 Sandwell Valley West Midlands (G0TRB)
England GFF-210 Sutton Park West Midlands (G0TRB)
England GFF-211 Wrens nest West Midlands
England GFF-212 Kingley Vales West Sussex
England GFF-213 Pulborough Brookes West Sussex (M6ADB/p)
England GFF-214 Fairburn Ings West Yorkshire (M0IAA / M0GGR)
England GFF-215 Bredon Hill Worcestershire (M6ADB/p)
England GFF-216 Bolton Ings Dearne Valley South Yorkshire (M0OXO)
England GFF-217 Boyton Marshes Suffolk
England GFF-218 Buckenham Marshes Norfolk (G7SQW)
England GFF-219 Coquet island Northumberland
England GFF-220 Darts Farm Devon
England GFF-221 Dingle Marshes Suffolk
England GFF-222 Fen Drayton Lakes Cambridgeshire
England GFF-223 Geltsdale Cumbria
England GFF-224 Gypsey Marsh Dearne Valley South Yorkshire (M0OXO)
England GFF-225 Parkgate Dee Estuary Cheshire
England GFF-226 Saltholme Teeside
England GFF-227 Vange Marshes Essex
England GFF-228 Wat Tyler Country Park Essex
England GFF-229 Surlingham Norfolk (G7SQW)
England GFF-230 Wombell Ings Dearne Valley South Yorkshire (M0OXO)
England GFF-231 Samphire Hoe Kent (M6ONL)
England GFF-232 Cricklade Nature reserve (G4WSB)
England GFF-233 Whitbarrow Cumbria (G4WSB) (G1LAT)
England GFF-234 Stoborough Heath, Dorset (G4WSB)
England GFF-235 Hartland Moor NR Dorset (G4WSB)
England GFF-236 Lount Nature Reserve Derbyshire (G0TRB)
England GFF-237 Rye Harbour NR
England GFF-238 Romney Marsh NR
England GFF-239 Fyfield Down NR Wiltshire (TBA G4WSB)
England GFF-240 Pwesey Down NR Wiltshire (TBA G4WSB) (M6ADB)
England GFF-241 Parsonage Down NR Wiltshire (TBA G4WSB) (M6ADB)
England GFF-242 Cuerden Valley Park (TBA GX3KUE/p 21/05/2011)


** re- GFF-015 – Pembrokeshire National Park. This area is in DXCC Wales. When WFF
first launched, GFF was all one entity. However, when the decision was made to split in
to G, GM & GW, ‘GFF-015’ had already been activated several times. In view of that and
the fact that Qsl Cards have been already issued/printed the area at this stage will continue to be
used. If you have or in the future do work ‘Pembrokeshire Coast’ be assured ‘GFF-015’ is still valid
for WFF and the DXCC will be Wales.

Any questions email me!

73 de Charles


GFF-001 Brecon Beacons 51°53’N/3°27’W
GFF-002 Cairngorms
GFF-003 Chalk Sound 21°46’N/72°17’W
GFF-004 Dartmoor 50°33’N/3°54’W
GFF-005 East Bay Islands 21°55’N/71°53’W
GFF-006 Exmoor 51°10’N/4°00’W
GFF-007 Grand Turk Cays, Land and Sea 21°23’N/71°06’W
GFF-008 Lake District 54°30’N/3°00’W
GFF-009 Loch Lomond and the Trossachs
GFF-010 New Forest
GFF-011 North West Point Marine 21°51’N/72°20’W
GFF-012 North York Moors 54°22’N/0°52’W
GFF-013 Northumberland 55°16’N/2°13’W
GFF-014 Peak District 53°18’N/1°45’W
GFF-015 Pembrokeshire Coast 51°55’N/4°57’W
GFF-016 Princess Alexandra Land and Sea 21°48’N/72°12’W
GFF-017 Snowdonia 52°54’N/3°49’W
GFF-018 South Downs
GFF-019 The Broads 52°35’N/1°40’E
GFF-020 Yorkshire Dales 54°20’N/1°50’W
GFF-021 Ferguson Bay Base Camp Antarctica Base
GFF-022 Station “Bl” Bird Island Station 54°00’S 38°03’W
GFF-023 Station “M” King Edward Point 54°17 S 36°30 W
GFF-024 Falkland Islands 51°42′S/ 57°51′W
GFF-025 Husvik, South Georgia isl. 54°10′S/36°42′W
GFF-026 Spenceley Glacier Camp Antarctica Base
GFF-027 Grytviken, , South Georgia isl.
GFF-028 SANAP Weather Station Antarctica Base
GFF-029 Base «W» Detaille Island 66°52’S/66°48’W
GFF-030 Brabant Station 64°30’S 64°21’W
GFF-031 Smith Base 62°59’S/62°32’W
GFF-032 Station «A» Port Lockroy 64°49’S/63°30’W
GFF-033 Station «B» Deception Island 62°59’S/60°34’W
GFF-034 Station «C» Cape Geddes 60°41’S 44°34’W
GFF-035 Station «D» Hope Bay 63°24’S 56°59’W
GFF-036 Station «E» Stonington Island 68°11’S/67°00’W
GFF-037 Station “F” Faraday (James Wordie House) 65°15’S/64°16’W
GFF-038 Station «F» Faraday Station 65°15’S/64°16’W
GFF-039 Station «G» Admiralty Bay 62°05’S 58°25’W
GFF-040 Station «H» Signy Island 60°43’S 45°36’W
GFF-041 Station «KG» Fossil Bluff 71°20’S/68°17’W
GFF-042 Station «O» Danco Island 64°44’S/62°36’W
GFF-043 Station «R» Rothera 67°34’S/68°08’W
GFF-044 Station «T» Adelaide 67°46’S/68°55’W
GFF-045 Station «Y» Horseshoe Island 67°49’S/67°18’W
GFF-046 Station “Z” Edmond Halley I 75°30’S 26°36’W
GFF-047 Station “Z” Edmond Halley II 75°31’S 26°39’W
GFF-048 Station “Z” Edmond Halley III 75°31’S 26°43’W
GFF-049 Station “Z” Edmond Halley IV 75°36’S 26°46’W
GFF-050 Station “Z” Edmond Halley V 75°35’S 26°34’W
GFF-051 Western Bransfield Strait 63°27’S/62°10’W
GFF-052 Western Shore of Admiralty Bay 62°11’S/58°27’W
GFF-053 Pitcairn island (include Oeno)
GFF-054 Henderson island
GFF-055 Ducie island
GFF-056 Gordano Valley Avon
GFF-057 Barton Hills Bedfordshire
GFF-058 Chiltern Hills Bedfordshire
GFF-059 Kings Wood, Heath & Reach Bedfordshire
GFF-060 Knocking Hoe Bedfordshire
GFF-061 The Lodge Bedfordshire
GFF-062 Leigh Woods Bristol
GFF-063 Church Wood Buckinghamshire
GFF-064 Barnack Hills & Hoes Cambridgeshire
GFF-065 Bedford Purlieus Cambridgeshire
GFF-066 Castor Hanglands Cambridgeshire
GFF-067 Chippenham Fen Cambridgeshire
GFF-068 Fowlemere Cambridgeshire
GFF-069 Holme Fen Cambridgeshire
GFF-070 Monks Woods Cambridgeshire
GFF-071 Nene Washes Cambridgeshire
GFF-072 Ouse Washes Cambridgeshire
GFF-073 Upwood Meadows Cambridgeshire
GFF-074 Wicken Fen Cambridgeshire
GFF-075 Woddwalton Fen Cambridgeshire
GFF-076 Gayton Sands Cheshire
GFF-077 Wybunbury Moss Cheshire
GFF-078 Golitha Falls Cornwall
GFF-079 Goss Moor Cornwall
GFF-080 The Lizard Cornwall
GFF-081 Hayle Estuary Cornwall
GFF-082 Marazion Marsh Cornwall
GFF-083 Campfield marsh Cumbria
GFF-084 Finglandrigg Woods Cumbria
GFF-085 Haweswater Cumbria
GFF-086 Hodbarrow Cumbria
GFF-087 Hutton Roof Crags Cumbria
GFF-088 Moor House Upper Teesdale (Cumbria)
GFF-089 St Bees Head Cumbria
GFF-090 Biggin Dale Derbyshire
GFF-091 Derbyshire Dales Derbyshire
GFF-092 Aylesbeare Common Devon
GFF-093 Chapel Wood Devon
GFF-094 Dawlish Warren Devon
GFF-095 East Dartmoor Woods & Heaths Devon
GFF-096 Exe Estuary Devon
GFF-097 Slapton Ley Devon
GFF-098 Arne Dorset
GFF-099 Ballard Down Dorset
GFF-100 Garston Wood Dorset
GFF-101 Holt Heath Dorset
GFF-102 Lodmoor Dorset
GFF-103 Lundy Island Dorset
GFF-104 Radipole lake Dorset
GFF-105 Studland & Godlingston Heath Dorset
GFF-106 Castle Eden Dene Durham
GFF-107 Durham Coast Durham
GFF-108 Bempton Cliffs East Riding Yorkshire
GFF-109 Blacktoft Sands East Riding Yorkshire
GFF-110 Lower Derwent Valley East Riding Yorkshire
GFF-111 Spurn Point East Riding Yorkshire
GFF-112 Fore Wood East Sussex
GFF-113 Stour Estuary Essex
GFF-114 Highnam Woods Gloucestershire
GFF-115 Nagshead Gloucestershire
GFF-116 Rainham Marshes Greater London
GFF-117 Ashford Hangers Hampshire
GFF-118 Ashford Hill Hampshire
GFF-119 Beacon Hill Hampshire
GFF-120 Butser Hill Hampshire
GFF-121 Castle Bottom Hampshire
GFF-122 Kingston Great Common Hampshire
GFF-123 Langstone Harbour Hampshire
GFF-124 Martin Down Hampshire
GFF-125 North Solent Hampshire
GFF-126 Old Winchester Hill Hampshire
GFF-127 Tichhfield Haven Hampshire
GFF-128 Rye Meads Hertfordshire
GFF-129 Brading Marshes Isle of White
GFF-130 Barnsfield Pit Kent
GFF-131 Blean Woods Kent
GFF-132 Cliffe Pools Kent
GFF-133 Dungeness Kent
GFF-134 Elmley Marshes Kent
GFF-135 Hamstreet Woods Kent
GFF-136 Lydden & Tempell Ewell Downs Kent
GFF-137 Nor Marsh & Motney Hill Kent
GFF-138 Northward Hill Kent
GFF-139 Stodmarsh Kent
GFF-140 Tudeley Woods Kent
GFF-141 Wye Downs Kent
GFF-142 Gait Barrows Lancashire
GFF-143 Leighton Moss Lancashire
GFF-144 Morecambe bay Lancashire
GFF-145 Ribble Estaury Lancashire
GFF-146 Frampton Marsh Lincolnshire
GFF-147 Freiston Shore Lincolnshire
GFF-148 Gibralter Point (The Wash) Lincolnshire
GFF-149 Saltfleetby-Theddlethorpe Dunes Lincolnshire
GFF-150 Marshside Merseyside
GFF-151 Ainsdale Sand Dunes Merseyside
GFF-152 Ant Broads & Marshes Norfolk
GFF-153 Brettenham Heath Norfolk
GFF-154 Blakeney Point Norfolk
GFF-155 Bure Marshes Norfolk
GFF-156 Berney Marshes & Breydon Water Norfolk
GFF-157 Calthorpe Broad Norfolk
GFF-158 Dersingham Bog Norfolk
GFF-159 Foxley Wood Norfolk
GFF-160 Great Yarmoth Little terns Norfolk
GFF-161 Holkham Norfolk
GFF-162 Redgrave & Lopham Fen Norfolk
GFF-163 Roydon Common Norfolk
GFF-164 Scolt Head Island Norfolk
GFF-165 Snettisham Norfolk
GFF-166 Strumpshaw Fen Norfolk
GFF-167 Swanton Novers Norfolk
GFF-168 Tichwell Marsh Norfolk
GFF-169 Weeting Heath Norfolk
GFF-170 Winterton Dunes Norfolk
GFF-171 Farne Islands Northumberland
GFF-172 Lindisfarne (Holy Island) Northumberland
GFF-173 Duncombe Park North Yorkshire
GFF-174 Ingleborough North Yorkshire
GFF-175 Aston Rowant Oxfordshire
GFF-176 Otmoor Oxfordshire
GFF-177 Aqualate Mere Shropshire
GFF-178 Fens, Whixall & Bettisfield Mosses Shropshire
GFF-179 Stiperstones Shropshire
GFF-180 Wyre Forest Shropshire
GFF-181 Brigwater Bay Somerset
GFF-182 Dunkery & Horner Woods Somerset
GFF-183 Ebbor Gorge Somerset
GFF-184 Grelake Somerset
GFF-185 Ham Wall Somerset
GFF-186 Hardington Moor Somerset
GFF-187 Huntspill River Somerset
GFF-188 Rodney Stoke Somerset
GFF-189 Shapwick Heath Somerset
GFF-190 Somerset levels Somerset
GFF-191 Westhay Moor Somerset
GFF-192 West Sedgemoor Somerset
GFF-193 Old Moor Dearne Valley South Yorkshire
GFF-194 Coombes & Churnet Staffordshire
GFF-195 Benacre broad Suffolk
GFF-196 Bradfield Woods Suffolk
GFF-197 Cavenham Heath Suffolk
GFF-198 Orfordness/Havergate island Suffolk
GFF-199 Lakenheath Fen Suffolk
GFF-200 Minsmere Suffolk
GFF-201 North Warren Suffolk
GFF-202 Thetford Heath Suffolk
GFF-203 Walberswick Suffolk
GFF-204 Westleton Heath Suffolk
GFF-205 Wolves Wood Suffolk
GFF-206 Farnham Heath Surrey
GFF-207 Thursley Surrey
GFF-208 Teesmouth Teeside
GFF-209 Sandwell Valley West Midlands
GFF-210 Sutton Park West Midlands
GFF-211 Wrens nest West Midlands
GFF-212 Kingley Vales West Sussex
GFF-213 Pulborough Brookes West Sussex
GFF-214 Fairburn Ings West Yorkshire
GFF-215 Bredon Hill Worcestershire
GFF-216 Bolton Ings Dearne Valley South Yorkshire
GFF-217 Boyton Marshes Suffolk
GFF-218 Buckenham Marshes Norfolk
GFF-219 Coquet island Northumberland
GFF-220 Darts Farm Devon
GFF-221 Dingle Marshes Suffolk
GFF-222 Fen Drayton Lakes Cambridgeshire
GFF-223 Geltsdale Cumbria
GFF-224 Gypsey Marsh Dearne Valley South Yorkshire
GFF-225 Parkgate Dee Estuary Cheshire
GFF-226 Saltholme Teeside
GFF-227 Vange Marshes Essex
GFF-228 Wat Tyler Country Park Essex
GFF-229 Surlingham Norfolk
GFF-230 Wombell Ings Dearne Valley South Yorkshire

GMFF (Scotland) Area List


Please contact MM0DFV for information about GMFF

GWFF (Wales) Area List


Below is the current list for ‘GWFF’ (Wales) up to and including :-   08/04/2010


**Areas shown in BLUE are ‘first activated by’
**Areas NOT shown in BLUE are ‘not yet activated’

EU Wales GWFF-001 Allt Rhyd y Groes
EU Wales GWFF-002 Allt y Benglog
EU Wales GWFF-003 Berwyn NNR
EU Wales GWFF-004 Cader Idris NNR
EU Wales GWFF-005 Carmel NNR
EU Wales GWFF-006 Carngafallt NR
EU Wales GWFF-007 Ceunant Llennurch
EU Wales GWFF-008 Claerwen
EU Wales GWFF-009 Clwydian Range
EU Wales GWFF-010 Coed Cymerau
EU Wales GWFF-011 Coed Dolgarrog
EU Wales GWFF-012 Coed Ganllwyd
EU Wales GWFF-013 Coed Gorswen
EU Wales GWFF-014 Coed Llyn Mair NNR
EU Wales GWFF-015 Coed Rheidol
EU Wales GWFF-016 Coed Tremadog
EU Wales GWFF-017 Coed y Rhygen
EU Wales GWFF-018 Coedmor
EU Wales GWFF-019 Coed-y-Cerrig
EU Wales GWFF-020 Coedydd Aber
EU Wales GWFF-021 Coedydd Aber NNR
EU Wales GWFF-022 Coedydd Maentwrog
EU Wales GWFF-023 Conwy NR
EU Wales GWFF-024 Coombe Valley Woods (MW6ADB/p)
EU Wales GWFF-025 Cors Bodeilio
EU Wales GWFF-026 Cors Caron
EU Wales GWFF-027 Cors Caron NNR
EU Wales GWFF-028 Cors Erddreiniog
EU Wales GWFF-029 Cors Geirch
EU Wales GWFF-030 Cors Goch, Llanllwch
EU Wales GWFF-031 Cors y Llyn
EU Wales GWFF-032 Corsydd Llangloffan (MW0OXO/p)
EU Wales GWFF-033 Craig Cerrig Gleisiad a Fran Frynych
EU Wales GWFF-034 Craig y Cilau
EU Wales GWFF-035 Craig-Cerrig-Gleisiag a Fan Frynych NNR
EU Wales GWFF-036 Craig-y-Cilau NNR
EU Wales GWFF-037 Crymlyn Bog and Pant y Sais
EU Wales GWFF-038 Cwm Clydach NNR
EU Wales GWFF-039 Cwm Glas Crafnant
EU Wales GWFF-040 Cwm Idwal NNR
EU Wales GWFF-041 Dan yr Ogof
EU Wales GWFF-042 Dinas NR

EU Wales GWFF-043 Dinefwr Park
EU Wales GWFF-044 Dyfi
EU Wales GWFF-045 Fenn’s, Whixall and Bettisfield Mosses NNR (partly in England)
EU Wales GWFF-046 Fiddlers Elbow
EU Wales GWFF-047 Gower Coast NNR
EU Wales GWFF-048 Gower peninsula
EU Wales GWFF-049 Grassholm Island
EU Wales GWFF-050 Hafod Elwy Moor
EU Wales GWFF-051 Hafod Garregog
EU Wales GWFF-052 Isle of Anglesey NP
EU Wales GWFF-053 Kenfig Dunes NNR (MW6ADB)
EU Wales GWFF-054 Kenfig Pool and dunes
EU Wales GWFF-055 Lady Park Wood
EU Wales GWFF-056 Lake Vyrnwy NR
EU Wales GWFF-057 Lleyn Peninsula
EU Wales GWFF-058 Llyn Eiddwen
EU Wales GWFF-059 Maes y Facrell
EU Wales GWFF-060 Mawddach Valley NR
EU Wales GWFF-061 Merthyr Mawr (MW6ADB)
EU Wales GWFF-062 Morfa Harlech & Morfa Dyffryn NNR
EU Wales GWFF-063 Nant Irfon
EU Wales GWFF-064 Newborough Warren
EU Wales GWFF-065 Newborough Warren NNR
EU Wales GWFF-066 Newport Wetlands NNR (MW0OXO/P) (MW6ADB/p)
EU Wales GWFF-067 Ogof Ffynnon Ddu
EU Wales GWFF-068 Oxwich
EU Wales GWFF-069 Pengelli Forest (MW6ADM/P)
EU Wales GWFF-070 Penhow Woodlands (MW6ADB/p)
EU Wales GWFF-071 Point Of Air
EU Wales GWFF-072 Ramsey island NR (MC0SHL/M0OXO)
EU Wales GWFF-073 Brecon Beacons (GW4WSB/p)
EU Wales GWFF-074 Snowdonia (GW1LAT/P)
EU Wales GWFF-075 Rhos Llawr Cwrt
EU Wales GWFF-076 Rounton Hill
EU Wales GWFF-077 Skomer island NNR
EU Wales GWFF-078 South Stack NR
EU Wales GWFF-079 Stackpole
EU Wales GWFF-080 Stanner Rocks
EU Wales GWFF-081 Ty Canol
EU Wales GWFF-082 Valley Wetlands NR
EU Wales GWFF-083 Whiteford
EU Wales GWFF-084 Y Berwyn
EU Wales GWFF-085 Ynys Enlli NNR
EU Wales GWFF-086 Ynyslas NNR
EU Wales GWFF-087 Yr Wyddfa
EU Wales GWFF-088 Flatholme Island NR

remember** re- GFF-015 – Pembrokeshire National Park. This area is in DXCC Wales. When WFF
first launched, GFF was all one entity. However, when the decision was made to split in
to G, GM & GW, ‘GFF-015’ had already been activated several times. In view of that and
the fact that Qsl Cards have been already issued/printed the area at this stage will continue to be
used. If you have or in the future do work ‘Pembrokeshire Coast’ be assured ‘GFF-015’ is still valid
for WFF and the DXCC will be Wales.
For more information on the welsh Countryside pls visit Countryside Council of Wales website.

Any questions email me! ……………73 de Charles

** Many thanks to Steve GW4BKG for his tireless work assisting to prepare this list.


GFF-001 Brecon Beacons 51°53’N/3°27’W GW
GFF-002 Cairngorms GM
GFF-003 Chalk Sound 21°46’N/72°17’W VP5
GFF-004 Dartmoor 50°33’N/3°54’W G
GFF-005 East Bay Islands 21°55’N/71°53’W VP5
GFF-006 Exmoor 51°10’N/4°00’W G
GFF-007 Grand Turk Cays, Land and Sea 21°23’N/71°06’W VP5
GFF-008 Lake District 54°30’N/3°00’W G
GFF-009 Loch Lomond and the Trossachs GM
GFF-010 New Forest G
GFF-011 North West Point Marine 21°51’N/72°20’W VP5
GFF-012 North York Moors 54°22’N/0°52’W G
GFF-013 Northumberland 55°16’N/2°13’W G
GFF-014 Peak District 53°18’N/1°45’W G
GFF-015 Pembrokeshire Coast 51°55’N/4°57’W GW
GFF-016 Princess Alexandra Land and Sea 21°48’N/72°12’W VP5
GFF-017 Snowdonia 52°54’N/3°49’W GW
GFF-018 South Downs G
GFF-019 The Broads 52°35’N/1°40’E G
GFF-020 Yorkshire Dales 54°20’N/1°50’W G
GFF-021 Ferguson Bay Base Camp Antarctica Base VP8
GFF-022 Station “Bl” Bird Island Station 54°00’S 38°03’W VP8
GFF-023 Station “M” King Edward Point 54°17 S 36°30 W VP8
GFF-024 Falkland Islands 51°42′S/ 57°51′W VP8
GFF-025 Husvik, South Georgia isl. 54°10′S/36°42′W VP8
GFF-026 Spenceley Glacier Camp Antarctica Base VP8
GFF-027 Grytviken, , South Georgia isl. VP8
GFF-028 SANAP Weather Station Antarctica Base ZD9
GFF-029 Base «W» Detaille Island 66°52’S/66°48’W VP8
GFF-030 Brabant Station 64°30’S 64°21’W VP8
GFF-031 Smith Base 62°59’S/62°32’W VP8
GFF-032 Station «A» Port Lockroy 64°49’S/63°30’W VP8
GFF-033 Station «B» Deception Island 62°59’S/60°34’W VP8
GFF-034 Station «C» Cape Geddes 60°41’S 44°34’W VP8
GFF-035 Station «D» Hope Bay 63°24’S 56°59’W VP8
GFF-036 Station «E» Stonington Island 68°11’S/67°00’W VP8
GFF-037 Station “F” Faraday (James Wordie House) 65°15’S/64°16’W VP8
GFF-038 Station «F» Faraday Station 65°15’S/64°16’W VP8
GFF-039 Station «G» Admiralty Bay 62°05’S 58°25’W VP8
GFF-040 Station «H» Signy Island 60°43’S 45°36’W VP8
GFF-041 Station «KG» Fossil Bluff 71°20’S/68°17’W VP8
GFF-042 Station «O» Danco Island 64°44’S/62°36’W VP8
GFF-043 Station «R» Rothera 67°34’S/68°08’W VP8
GFF-044 Station «T» Adelaide 67°46’S/68°55’W VP8
GFF-045 Station «Y» Horseshoe Island 67°49’S/67°18’W VP8
GFF-046 Station “Z” Edmond Halley I 75°30’S 26°36’W VP8
GFF-047 Station “Z” Edmond Halley II 75°31’S 26°39’W VP8
GFF-048 Station “Z” Edmond Halley III 75°31’S 26°43’W VP8
GFF-049 Station “Z” Edmond Halley IV 75°36’S 26°46’W VP8
GFF-050 Station “Z” Edmond Halley V 75°35’S 26°34’W VP8
GFF-051 Western Bransfield Strait 63°27’S/62°10’W VP8
GFF-052 Western Shore of Admiralty Bay 62°11’S/58°27’W VP8
GFF-053 Pitcairn island (include Oeno) VP6
GFF-054 Henderson island VP6
GFF-055 Ducie island VP6
GFF-056 Gordano Valley Avon G
GFF-057 Barton Hills Bedfordshire G
GFF-058 Chiltern Hills Bedfordshire G
GFF-059 Kings Wood, Heath & Reach Bedfordshire G
GFF-060 Knocking Hoe Bedfordshire G
GFF-061 The Lodge Bedfordshire G
GFF-062 Leigh Woods Bristol G
GFF-063 Church Wood Buckinghamshire G
GFF-064 Barnack Hills & Hoes Cambridgeshire G
GFF-065 Bedford Purlieus Cambridgeshire G
GFF-066 Castor Hanglands Cambridgeshire G
GFF-067 Chippenham Fen Cambridgeshire G
GFF-068 Fowlemere Cambridgeshire G
GFF-069 Holme Fen Cambridgeshire G
GFF-070 Monks Woods Cambridgeshire G
GFF-071 Nene Washes Cambridgeshire G
GFF-072 Ouse Washes Cambridgeshire G
GFF-073 Upwood Meadows Cambridgeshire G
GFF-074 Wicken Fen Cambridgeshire G
GFF-075 Woddwalton Fen Cambridgeshire G
GFF-076 Gayton Sands Cheshire G
GFF-077 Wybunbury Moss Cheshire G
GFF-078 Golitha Falls Cornwall G
GFF-079 Goss Moor Cornwall G
GFF-080 The Lizard Cornwall G
GFF-081 Hayle Estuary Cornwall G
GFF-082 Marazion Marsh Cornwall G
GFF-083 Campfield marsh Cumbria G
GFF-084 Finglandrigg Woods Cumbria G
GFF-085 Haweswater Cumbria G
GFF-086 Hodbarrow Cumbria G
GFF-087 Hutton Roof Crags Cumbria G
GFF-088 Moor House Upper Teesdale (Cumbria) G

My WFF Activations



Below is the full list of activations for WFF by Charles MØOXO (and friends!).

Details of some of the trips can be found below this item in the sidebar menu.

This page not complete, some details not correct at this time.


GB1HI GFF013/GFF-172 Holy Island/Lindisfarne 21/07/2007 >> NU-14 6948
GBØWFF GFF-014 Peak District National Park 13/06/2009 SE-00 347
GBØWFF GFF-014 Peak District National Park 03/03/2010 SE-00 391
GBØWFF GFF-015 Pembrokeshire National Park 22/10/2008 SM-83 178
GB4CI GFF-015 Pembrokeshire National Park 28/07/2005 SM-83 2739
MCØSHL GFF-015 Pembrokeshire National Park 14/08/2008 SM-83 6083
MWØOXO/P GFF-015 Pembrokeshire National Park 20/07/2009>> SM-83 293
MWØX GFF-015 Pembrokeshire National Park 25/10/2008
MW5W GFF-015 Pembrokeshire National Park 27/10/2007>> SM-83 5230
MW9W GFF-015 Pembrokeshire National Park 28/03/2009 SM-83 1317
GB1TAN GFF-020 Yorkshire Dales National Park 17/10/2008 NY-80 1999
GBØWFF GFF-091 Derbyshire Dales 02/03/2010 SK-17 272
MØOXO/P GFF-193 Old Moor, Dearne Valley 11/08/2009 SE-40 213
MØOXO/P GFF-216 Bolton Ings, Dearne Valley 13/08/2009 SE-40 199
MWØOXO/P GWFF-032 Corsydd Llangloffan NNR 20/07/2009 SM-93 143
MWØOXO/P GWFF-042 Dinas Head NR 21/07/2009 SN-04 157
MWØOXO/P GWFF-066 Newport Wetlands 21/07/2009 SN-04 99
MCØSHL GWFF-072 Ramsey Island NNR 23/07/2009 SM-72 2966
MW9W GWFF-072 Ramsey Island NNR 25/07/2009 SM-72 2281
MWØOXO/P GWFF-081 Ty Canol NNR 21/07/2009 SN-13 234





I have been involved in the builds of several antennas in the last few years but in the main they have been the Antennas designed by SteppIR.

I have personally, or assisted in the building of the BigIR, the vertical by SteppIR (Photo – Below) which I owned for a while, and also of course the 2 element SteppIR which I still use. I assisted Steve MØOLD with the build of his K800_SNV302614 element SteppIR and then at North Wakefield Radio Club with their 4element which included the 30/40 kit (Photo – Below). Also included are the Cushcraft MA5B, the Comet H-422 and the Cushcraft D3W (30M & WARC Band rotatable dipole. Photos of all the builds can be found by looking further in the website plus also looking through ‘Gallery’ where other photographs can be viewed.

The SteppIR antenna was originally conceived to solve the problem of covering the 7 Amateur bands (40m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m, 10m and 6m) on one main tower without sacrificing the performance of them and also to avoid interaction that would occur should you try to mount several antennas on the same Tower.Yagi’s are available that cover 20 meters through 10 meters by using interlaced elements, traps or log periodic techniques, but do so at the expense of significant performance reduction in gain and front to back ratios. Now, with the addition of the WARC bands on 17m and 12m, the use of interlaced elements K800_SNV30266and traps has clearly been an exercise in diminishing returns.

Obviously, an antenna that is precisely adjustable in length while in the air would solve the frequency problem, and in addition, would have vastly improved performance over existing fixed length Beam antennas. The ability to tune the antenna to a specific frequency, without regard for band-width, results in excellent gain and front to back at every frequency.

Also offered with the SteppIR beam antennas is the ability to be able to change direction (180 degrees) at the push of a button and within 3 – 5 seconds. This prevents wear and tear on the rotator but the main benefit for me is time. In the time it takes you to turn your normal antenna 180 degrees, the SteppIR beam could have done it 6 to 8 times in the same period, truly amazing for optimum efficiency. The SteppIR design was made possible by the convergence of determination and high tech materials. The availability of new lightweight glass fibre composites, K800_CIMG0268Teflon blended thermo- plastics, high conductivity copper-beryllium (Photo – right) and extremely reliable stepper motors has allowed the SteppIR to be a commercially feasible product. There are questions on how it will survive the test of time, extreme cold temperatures and other variables but these cannot be answered with certainty, it would be wrong to do so. Some also K800_SNV31299question how they will stand up to the conventional trapped beams due to how many moveable parts there are involved in the design. Again it would be wrong to second guess the designers but they are highly confident all will be good in the future years.

At my QTH I only have the baby of the family, the 2 element SteppIR (Photo – Left). Performance wise it is amazing and I cannot complain at all. Clearly it will not compete with the larger SteppIR antennas but for my small station it’s perfectly adequate and will compete very well in a pile up against some of the more modest stations. On the lower bands I have a Comet H-422 trapped rotatable dipole erected above the 2 element SteppIR (Photo – Below & shown at 15ft) which I use solely for 40M and for 80M just a standard half wave Dipole at 15 feet.

Photos of these antennas can be seen in the ‘Gallery’ under ‘Home QTH’. Of course by now I have a good understanding of these antennas as regards performance and building. If you are wanting technical support then contact the UK importer of SteppIR Antennas, Ron Stone at Vine Antennas . Any general enquiriesor maybe you would like to see some photographs in more detail then by all means drop me a line and i  will be happy to help if possible, contact details in the Menu above.



73 de Charles


Radio Projects


The pages in this section deal with anything radio related. Such items covered are the building on various antennas such as the Cushcraft MA5B mini-beam and the Comet H-422 rotary dipole.

Also mentioned are several of the antennas by SteppIR.
I have been involved in the builds of the vertical antenna the SteppIR BigIR, the 2 element SteppIR, the 4 element SteppIR and also the 4 element SteppIR with the 30 & 40M add on kit so I have a basic understanding how they work. K800_DSC00599

Several photographs will also be shown but many more will be found in the Gallery under the various categories listed.

Additionally there is a section that gives operating advice (from a Belgian operator), K800_SNV30261advice and help that you may or may not find helpful.

I have also included the erection of a ‘Tennemast’ 15m free standing antenna mast that is currently in use here at my QTH. It shows photo’s from the preparation of the base right through to the adding of the cage and subsequent antenna(s). The mast is ideal for anyone who can only manage a small mast due to planning, size of property or other local restrictions. I guess it all depends on your level within the hobby but nevertheless it’s sufficient for my needs!

The final item of the moment is the modification i have done to the Acom 1000 Amplifier. The modification only consists of adding a second fan to the unit and again, you may or may not find it useful.

Enjoy the information and if you have any comments both constructive or not, by all means drop me an Email or add an entry to my Guestbook.


Thanks & 73 de Charles….

GFF-216 Bolton Ings, Dearne Valley







Another recently aquired area by the RSPB, this site represents an exciting opportunity to experience 43 hectares of solely reedbed habitiat. On my visit it was a pivotal point in the development of the site and also a major regeneration of the area as a whole. DragonflyAgain, as several other sites, Bolton Ings is recently aquired and is a beatiful spot tucked away down in the Dearne Valley of South Yorkshire, Northern England.

Spoonbills, Avocets have already been sighted in the area with along with numerous other reports of new and indeed rare wildlife. It is a site easily accesible from the Dearne Way and the Trans Pennine Trail. As in other areas the bittern has also been sited and it is hoped that in the near future that they may find the area appealing to them for breeding. Each season brings a different experience at our nature reserves. In spring, the air is filled with birdsong Bolton_Ingsas they compete to establish territories and attract a mate. In summer, look out for young birds making their first venture into the outside world. Autumn brings large movements of migrating birds – some heading south to a warmer climate, others seeking refuge in the UK from the cold Arctic winter. In winter, look out for large flocks of birds gathering to feed, or flying at dusk to form large roosts to keep warm.

Some of the more common birds in the area are the Reed Bunting and Cuckoo. Another warbler that returns from Africa in Kingfisherspring, the sedge warbler is easy to see because it ‘pirouettes’ up into the air from the tops of the bushes, singing its scratchy song as it goes. In spring, watch the display flights of redshanks over the wetlands. Also look out for the adults walking through the water, showing off their long, red legs. The warm days of summer bring dragonflies out and about, with banded demoiselles a particular highlight. These iridescent green and black damselflies flutter over the surface of the water. The reedbed warblers will be feeding chicks and kingfishers whizz to and fro carrying fish for their young. Broods of ducklings can be seen feeding with their mothers.

Huge numbers of lapwings gather in the Dearne Valley in winter. If a bird of prey, such as a peregrine, is in the area, they take to the air in a vast wheeling mass. In spring, nesting lapwings here chase predators away. The protective parents regularly give chase to crows and do not PinkFlowerstop their ‘mobbing’ attacks until the danger has passed.

Thats it for now, hope you enjoyed your visit to GFF-216 Old Moor in the Dearne Valley of South Yorkshire, Northern England?

Please join me again soon,


73 de Charles…









GFF-193 Old Moor, Dearne Valley






Situated in the heart of the Dearne Valley, South Yorkshire lies Old Moor. It is a relativly new Old_MoorNature Reserve for the RSPB and another great place to come and see the Wildlife whilst combining it together with the hobby of Amater Radio. The skies, fields and open water areas are teeming with birds throughout the Year.

Over 250 Acres of Wetland to walk around plus the addition of 7 hides positioned throughout the several trails available to walk. Exciting birds and other wildlife can also be viewed across the lakes from the veranda outside the cafe and there is a Visitors Centre with minute by minute information of sightings plus live video from around the Reserve itself. With a full SNV33182programme of events, there is something for everyone to enjoy including children on school trips and groups or individuals wanting a more one on one guided tour.

At the time of my last visit the grasslands were ablaze with butterflies and orchids GFF193OxoSignas well as the new additions to the families of the wildfoul and other Birds. dragonflies were also in abundance even if they were difficult to catch on camera! Old Moor is very important in the Winter time as it is a regular stop to over 8000 Golden Plovers. Current sightings of a Bittern on the reserve was great news too!

The Tree Sparrow was once a common farmland bird but in recent times they have been on the GFF193OXIOCardecline to an amazing 93% between the 70’s and present times and at that time there were only 4 pairs breeding on the site. Today however there are approx. 50 breeding pairs and individually over 400, another good result for Old Moor.

RSPB at the Old moor site have also created a Wildlife Garden. It is designed to demonstarte that gardening can increase UK biodiversity and improve the quality of life. the garden has been built with young people – participating as part of the Groundwork Dearne Valley scheme – and adults with learning disabilities from the local area.

This group of individuals have been grassvolunteering on the site for some time and this has enabled the RSPB at Old Mill to begin a fruitful partnership with Mencap nearby in the city of Leeds. They have also included an ”insect hotel”, made out of salvaged bricks, pallets, and old roof tiles amongst other things!

Thats it for now. I hope you enjoyed your trip into Old Moor, Dearne Valley Nature reserve in Yorkshire, Northern England, please call again soon!

73 de Charles
