Author - Charles M0OXO




Members of the GMDX group will be active from Luxembourg from 25/05/2019 – 01/06/2019 operating on 40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 on SSB/ CW/FT8/RTTY. We will be using the call sign of LX/GM0OBX


Operators are;


Station set up:

1 x 7300 –  1kw – hexbeam

1 x 7300 – 1kw – 1/4 vertical for 40m – 1/4 vertical for 30m  – 5 element beam for 6m

1 x 7300 – 30w ( on ft8 bands will be variable )

Qsl via M0OXO OQRS


Experts Predict a Long, Deep Solar Minimum

long deep


Researchers are still learning to predict the ebb and flow of solar activity. Forecasting techniques range from physical models of the sun’s inner magnetic dynamo to statistical methods akin to those used by stock market analysts.

“We assessed ~61 predictions in the following categories: Climatology, Dynamo, Machine Learning/Neural Networks, Precursor Methods, Spectral/Statistical Methods, Surface Flux Transport, and Other,” says Upton. “The majority agreed that Solar Cycle 25 would be very similar to Solar Cycle 24.”

“Here,” she says, “is a figure showing the last minimum and where we are with the current minimum.”


“As you can see – we haven’t quite reached the lowest levels of the last cycle – where we experienced several consecutive months with no sunspots. However, the panel expects that we should reach those levels [between now and the end of 2020].”

In recent years, the Internet has buzzed with the idea that a super-deep solar minimum such as the 70-year Maunder Minimum of the 17th century might cool the Earth, saving us from climate change. That’s not what the panel is saying, however.

“There is no indication that we are currently approaching a Maunder-type minimum in solar activity,” says Upton. Solar minimum will be deep, but not that deep.

The panel predicts a “fairly weak” Solar Cycle 25. What does that mean? Saying that a solar cycle is “weak” is a bit like saying hurricane season will be “weak.” In other words, there may be fewer storms, but when a storm comes, you’d better batten down the hatches. “Weak” Solar Cycle 24 produced a number of intense X-class solar flares, strong geomagnetic storms, and even a Ground Level Event (GLE) when solar energetic particles reached Earth’s surface. An equally “weak” Solar Cycle 25 could do the same 3 or 4 years hence.


Meanwhile, we have solar minimum. This is a widely misunderstood phase of the solar cycle. Many people think it brings a period of dull quiet. In fact, space weather changes in interesting ways. For instance, as the sun’s magnetic field weakens, holes open in the sun’s atmosphere. Emerging streams of solar wind buffet Earth’s magnetic field, sustaining auroras even without solar flares and sunspots. Some observers believe that Solar Minimum auroras have a distinctive palette, pinker than during other phases of the solar cycle.

The sun’s weakening magnetic field also allows cosmic rays to enter the solar system. Energetic particles from deep space penetrate Earth’s atmosphere with a myriad of possible effects ranging from changes in upper atmospheric electricity to extra doses of radiation for people on airplanes.

Finally, the sun dims, especially at extreme ultraviolet wavelengths. This, in turn, causes the upper atmosphere to cool and contract. Aerodynamic drag that would normally cause satellites to decay is reduced; space junk accumulates. This effect makes solar minimum a terrible time to blow up satellites–although people do it anyway.

The Solar Cycle Prediction Panel is comprised of scientists representing NOAA, NASA, the International Space Environment Services, and other U.S. and international scientists. Their April 5th prediction was preliminary, and they plan to issue a refined forecast by the end of 2019


New to Qsl’in? How to request a Qsl Card


A few recent arrivals in the way of Qsl requests have made me wonder, ‘do we really know how to make a Qsl card request?’. You may be a newcomer to the hobby who finds the whole process of requesting Qsl Cards very daunting indeed.

Well, in an attempt to help both older and newer people in the hobby, I have compiled a page on my website which I hope will attempt to answer most of the common questions.

Please take a look and if you feel it is of benefit then feel free to comment. So many times people fall foul of this proceedure so I hope this helps, at least a little!

Click here to read the article.


Harald is back in Ouagadougou…


XT2AW is again on air!

Harald (DF2WO) is going to Ouagadougou with his wife Alice tomorrow (Saturday 6th April) and from Sunday he will be on all bands (160-6m conditions permitting) on CW, SSB and FT8 modes.

He is always available for Skeds, otherwise he will take advantage of the sun and enjoy the warmth!

Anyone attending Friedrichshafen this year will also have the opportunity to say hello to Harald in person

QSL via M0OXO OQRS or Direct Post Mail (Please do NOT send cards via the Buro).






Qsl Manager service – M0OXO


If you are thinking of a Qsl Manager then please contact me and discuss your options for a fast, efficient, well presented and most important, a ‘Bespoke’ service.

All my Qsl help is exactly what it means, a non-profit QSL Service for its clients.

I offer will help to cut down as what it is seen as the chore of the hobby. This should aid DXpedition Teams, Holiday Stations or IOTA Stations and Rare DXCC.

What can I provide?
1) I can look after all your QSL requirements from Holiday station, IOTA to major expedition status.
2) I handle RSGB Bureau, Direct QSLing, LoTW, OQRS and Direct Via Paypal.
3) I work directly with UX5UO QSL Printing to ensure a quality Qsl Card and at a very competitive cost.
4) For some DX’peditions I may be able to offer free QSL cards if you use my QSL services. You may qualify for sponsorship, you are welcome to email me.

Email ; [email protected]

Tel:+44 (0) 7900 500775

Or write to:

Charles Wilmott M0OXO
60 Church Hill,
Royston, Barnsley,

**For efficiency I will work with either the Team Leader or one person nominated by the Team Leader for the Management required. In practice working with multiple persons leads to errors and ambiguities.



4E8T Tawi Tawi

DV1UD Holding the Vertical Antenna

Chris VK3FY and Dindo DU1UD will be qrv on OC-174 Tawi-Tawi Island between the 19th
and 23 April 2019.

They will use CW and FT8 on the 40m through 20M band.
Qsl via M0OXO OQRS

CY9C Saint Paul Island


CY9C Team will be active again from Saint Paul Island, IOTA NA – 094, 1 – 11 August 2019.

CY0C – Sable Island Permission for a Dxpedition has been authorized for Fall of 2020. Team leader – WA4DAN. Some time ago, we had scheduled fall of 2019 for Sable.

Due to circumstances we had to reschedule to 2020. Hopefully this will be better for propagation. The permit process took over a year of emailing, phone calls, and furnishing documents. Sable at this point is no longer easily “permitted” for Ham Radio DXpeditions, as the policies have changed with the change in administration. In fact our permit finally was graciously authorized as a “one time special use permit”. We believe that it is very probable that permits in the future may be esentially “nil” for a very long time. Among other policies, visitors to the island are not permitted overnight stays. Thankfully, we have been authorized to stay there for 7 – 8 days ( $300 per person per day).

We are grateful and excited and look forward to meeting the challenge of a sizeable operation as if it were the last one for a very long time. The team for the upcoming CY9C St. Paul Island August Dxpedition will be the primary makeup of the Sable team. A “SABLE” information page will be maintained on the St. Paul website, This news update is provided at the request of Murray, WA4DAN-Sable and St. Paul Team Leader.

Thanks, Randy N0TG

QSL via WA4DAN direct, OQRS, LOTW


CME inbound today


The Northern Lights are going south this weekend. A geomagnetic storm, caused by a cloud of charged particles ejected from the sun, may bring the aurora borealis as far south as Iowa, Colorado and Washington on Saturday, as these particles bombard Earth, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Space Weather Prediction Center.

“If the storm is oriented properly, we could have a chance for auroras for several days after impact,” said Tamitha Skov, a space weather scientist based in Los Angeles.

Auroras form when charged particles from the sun collide with Earth’s atmosphere. When there is an influx of charged particles during geomagnetic storms, this can supercharge the aurora’s glow, according to Terry Onsager, a physicist at the Space Weather Prediction Center.

“It’s like a big battery driving electricity through the Earth’s system,” he said. “And when that flows through the atmosphere, the atmosphere glows like a neon light.”

The particles are the result of a coronal mass ejection, an outpouring of plasma from the sun’s atmosphere that was detected by NOAA on Wednesday.

“This is exciting news, considering we haven’t had a decently sized Earth-directed solar storm launch for quite some time,” Skov said, adding that geomagnetic storms are less common during the current period of the sun’s 11-year activity cycle.

Onsager said the storm could arrive Saturday morning, which means it may not be visible. But he and Skov both said that prediction could change.

A35JT OC-049 Tonga


”After several months of communications we have finally been issued with our licence to operate on Tonga!

We had a small surprise however when we looked at the issued callsign. It has now changed and our final assigned callsign is A35JT. Never mind!

We have also confirmed that we are not able to operate on 60m this trip. We have, however,  been granted access to 6m to conduct our EME experiments!

So after a quick rebrand of the website, QRZ and Facebook pages our identity is corrected and away we go!

The A35JT expedition team is grateful for the tremendous support it has received from the German DX Foundation & from the CDXC UK Foundation. We will be trying our hardest to make contact with your members from Tonga in September.

With the addition of Steve VK5SFA to the team (who is something of a 160m specialist) and support received from the DX associations, we will be placing some increased focus on our planned 160m operations too! ”