Author - Charles M0OXO

XR0ZRC – Robinson Crusoe Island

K640 xr0zrc

XR0ZRC will be active from Robinson Crusoe Island, IOTA SA – 005, 11 – 27 March 2019.


Robinson Crusoe Island is the second largest of the Juan Fernández Islands, situated 670 km west of San Antonio, Chile, in the South Pacific Ocean. It is the more populous of the inhabited islands in the archipelago (the other being Alejandro Selkirk Island), with most of that in the town of San Juan Bautista at Cumberland Bay on the island’s north coast.

The island was home to the marooned sailor Alexander Selkirk from 1704 to 1709, and is thought to have inspired novelist Daniel Defoe’s fictional Robinson Crusoe in his 1719 novel about the character (although the novel is explicitly set in the Caribbean, not in the Juan Fernández Islands). This was just one of several survival stories from the period that Defoe would have been aware of. To reflect the literary lore associated with the island and attract tourists, the Chilean government renamed the place Robinson Crusoe Island in 1966.


3Y0I Bouvet Island


From 3Y0I;


As I write, and as you see on our “Sponsors” page, we have not listed a single Amateur Radio foundation or DX club that has donated to our cause (yet).

To answer a friends inquiry as to, “why is that?” – well, we’ve yet to see an offer from a foundation or club that did not come with “strings attached“.

Let’s be clear, IF a foundation or a club wants to donate to our cause they can – and we’ll gladly accept those donations to buy more Satellite Internet minutes, and we’ll also list them as a Donor, but don’t expect the Rebels to accept your list of members, your logo, requests for free QSL cards, LoTW requirements, online log specifications, QSL via bureau requirements, list of remote control ops and on and on, and on…

The Rebel DX Group thanks all of our listed Sponsors who have donated to date!

training continues in Cape Town for the 3Y0I DXpedition Team. Today was more First Aid and First Responder Training.

Somebody once said, “If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem”. Well that goes for pretty much everything in life now doesn’t it? Perhaps instead of asking why the Team has no RTTY plans or why we haven’t set sail yet – you should be asking, “what can I do to help?”

When the Rebel Team feels they are ready to go, the Rebel Team will go.


RI1ANV Vostok Station Antarctica


Alexey, RD1AV will be active as RI1ANV from Vostok Station, Antarctica, between the 24th December 2018 – 15th of February 2019.

He will operate on HF Bands.

QSL via RN1ON. Address for direct QSL:

Alexei V. Kuz’menko, P.O. Box 599, 163000, Arkhangelsk, Russia.






XT2AW LOTW error

I have identified a problem with the last LOTW upload for harald in Ouagadougou.
It seems it affected QSO’s between the 25th and 29th November 2018 ONLY.

I have repaired the error and re-uploaded the file so I hope now the matches are now successful.


H7/RC5A NA-013

Russian YL Elena RC5A Dxpedition to YN4RRC – Big Corn Island,  Nicaragua
Russian Robinson Club members Yuri RM0F, Sergey R4WAA, Sergey RZ3FW, Yuri N3QQ and Elena RC5A plan to be active from Big Corn Island, NA-013 Nicaragua during November 26 to December 6, 2018. QRV on 160-10m, CW/SSB.
Callsigns to be used: H7/RM0F, H7/R4WAA, YN4RRC, H7/RC5A


Earth’s Sun – Facts


The sun lies at the heart of the solar system, where it is by far the largest object. It holds 99.8 percent of the solar system’s mass and is roughly 109 times the diameter of the Earth — about one million Earths could fit inside the sun.

The visible part of the sun is about 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit (5,500 degrees Celsius), while temperatures in the core reach more than 27 million F (15 million C), driven by nuclear reactions. One would need to explode 100 billion tons of dynamite every second to match the energy produced by the sun, according to NASA.

The sun is one of more than 100 billion stars in the Milky Way. It orbits some 25,000 light-years from the galactic core, completing a revolution once every 250 million years or so. The sun is relatively young, part of a generation of stars known as Population I, which are relatively rich in elements heavier than helium. An older generation of stars is called Population II, and an earlier generation of Population III may have existed, although no members of this generation are known yet.


A35AG – Tonga


A35AG Team will be active from Tonga in September/October 2019.

The Team will include VK5GR, VK3BDX, VK5XDX. They will operate on 160 – 10m, including activity in CQ WW DX RTTY and Oceania DX SSB Contest.

From VK5GR ” After three successful IOTA activations so far, I have definitely got itchy feet to do another. My current project is to visit Tonga in October 2019.

This time I hope to take a team of amateur operators with me so that we can mix more on air time with more holiday time for the family. It is very early days at this point so no firm commitments. I expect things to firm up after Christmas 2018 when further details will be announced. Loose plans are in place for at least the OCDX SSB Contest and possibly CQ WW RTTY and / or OCDX CW as well.

See you on the air once again from the South Pacific!”

A35AG call is not confirmed at this stage.

XT2AW Logs


Haralds Log updates from his current trip to Ouagadougou are now available on M0OXO Logsearch & OQRS

Please use the ‘Missing Call” facility on OQRS to report any problems, thanks you.

Harald’s Log update is now available on M0OXO Logsearch & OQRS