Author - Charles M0OXO

IOTA Contest 2018 Logs


Posted on IOTA Ltd website today:

IOTA Contest 2018 logs are online.

We are waiting for further information from 9M2SDX, B4/BY1AA, B4/BY1OK, BD4SDX, BD7PCA, BG5BAA, BG5BRT, BH4BQI, BY7KP, HS5NMF, J49A and YB9QP before these activations can be accepted.


Please do not contact us on these activations, you can try again at any time.


A Farewell Image of Mars

Farewell Mars 1

NASA InSight’s new home, captured by one of the twin #MarCO CubeSats that flew along with the mission and relayed data and images from today’s #MarsLanding.

Learn how these briefcase-sized, experimental spacecraft worked:



EP6RRC Shif Isld AS-189


Please contact to our pilot stations if we will have problems with our ears or if we don’t work on bands/modes at the right time:

Victor, UA3AKO (Europe, Russia, ex USSR)
Cezar, VE3LYC (East Coast NA)
Taka, JA8COE (Far East, Oceania)
Will, WC6DX (West Coast NA)

The propogation to NA can be difficult. A few comments from Cezar, VE3LYC in as far as the East Coast NA is concerned (Short Path only):

20m – the time for W3/VE3/W8/W9 will likely be somewhere between 14 to 15 UTC
30m – two windows: the first will be between 13 and 15 UTC. A second and perhaps less reliable time window on 30 m will be between 18 and 20 UTC. If the K index is high, this second time window may be unusable for the East Coast.
40m – The opportunity appears between 20:30 and 22:30 UTC, following once again the grey line, which moves from W1 to W2 and W4, then W3, and finally W8 and W9.

Yesterday we made another antenna – VDA on 30m. As the practice of previous expeditions has shown, this antenna works very well on the coast.

More will depend on the level of QRM/QRN in our QTH in the island as well as QRM from mutual interference of several radios operating simultaneously.

Hope to will get many IOTA hunters in our log! We will upload it every evening in Clublog. Check it please before colling twice!

Thank you for your support and see you soon on the air!

73! Vasily, RA1ZZ




Qsl Cards for Peter Dernikos have now been prepared and sent to the Print Shop.

As well as being a Team Member of many Dxpeditions, Peter is also the holder of VK3FN and a Member of the VK3HF South Pacific Contest Club.








WW2SUB – USS Batfish


During this activation, there were two submarines that were honored. The USS Wahoo was sunk in October 1943 with 80 men on board in the Sea of Japan.. The USS Dorado was also sunk in October 1943 and had 77 men on board, near Panama in the Atlantic Ocean.

The YLs made a total of more than 350 contacts during the 3-day event. QSL information is available on the WW2SUB club website. 44028473 1900436763325163 7616446951185186816 nThey called CQ on board the Batfish from one of the three radios systems on board. They used the WW2SUB club gear that is located in the original radio room. And, with the assistance of their USS Batfish Club host Wade Harris KF5IF,  built temporary stations in the crew’s mess and in the operation area. They hung wire antennas and deployed the club’s portable tower in the rain. Many of the YLs slept overnight in the original crew quarters on the ship. They even got to experience a power outage on the sub. Propagation was short over the weekend, so many members of SCARS were able to make a contact!

Everyone was able to get some radio time over the three-day event.  It was the first time on HF for some of the YLs. After they set up antennas, radios, setup satellite systems, and mentored each other, they explored the nooks and crannies of the entire submarine.

To top the weekend off, Virginia NV5F gave a personal performance, playing her bagpipes.

The group wishes to thank USS Batfish Club host Wade Harris KF5IF and the Muskogee War Memorial Museum for hosting the event. On the way out the door, the YLs said: “let’s do this again next year”. So, October 5-6, 2019 is on the calendar and is coming soon.

Tnx Heather Holland @ YL.Beam


VK5GR Australia


Logs from Grant Willis (VK5GR) have been uploaded to M0OXO Logsearch and QSL request facilities are open.

‘AX5GR’ Logs, used for Australia Day, ANZAC Day & World ITU Day are also available at the same location.

Qsl Cards are being printed by Gennady UX5UO and will be available in a few weeks.



9X2AW Rwanda 2019



Harald will be QRV from Kigali, Rwanda from 18.01.2019 to 14.02.2019

He is currently preparing his 160m antenna and will build a Hexbeam with Bamboo Sticks for working the Bands
20,17,15,12 and 10 meters.

He will be running CW, SSB, RTTY and the FT8

Qsl via M0OXO OQRS






Z6 2

Jeremy EI5GM will be qrv as Z6/EI5GM from the Republic Of Kosovo between October 30th to November 6th 2018.

He (and Dave ZS/EI9FBB) will be using Cushcraft X7 and Wire antennas whilst operating from a QTH high in the Mountains above Kosovo.

QSL for Z6/EI5GM only is via M0OXO OQRS (Z6/EI9FBB via EI9FBB).


 QSL via M0OXO



V73MT- Marshall Islands OC-029

Masa JA0RQV will be qrv between 26-29th October 2018 from a small seaside bungalow on Majuro Atoll, OC-029 as V73MT.
He does have approval but picks up the license when he arrives. Masa plans to be on 80-10 CW and SSB with an IC-7000 to a vertical. 




For Immediate release….**NEW IOTA NA-249P**

From 24th – 28th October 2018, Dave EI9FBB will be QRV from Vieques Island, Puerto Rico, NA-249P. He has located a great QTH right on the north side of the island with great sea views in most directions! QRV on 40m,30m,20m and 17m bands, he will concentrate on SSB for the first 2 days and CW during the CQWW SSB contest, to focus on giving out this NEW IOTA group to as many unique chasers as possible.

This is the first activity from one of the 6 new IOTA groups announced at the RSGB convention earlier this month.

QSL Manager is Charles M0OXO **via Clublog or Direct Post Mail**