Take, JI3DST will be active from Shodo (小豆島) Island, IOTA AS-200, 16 – 18 June 2018, as JI3DST/5.
He will operate on 40 – 6m CW, SSB.
QSL via home call buro preferred, ClubLog OQRS.
Take, JI3DST will be active from Shodo (小豆島) Island, IOTA AS-200, 16 – 18 June 2018, as JI3DST/5.
He will operate on 40 – 6m CW, SSB.
QSL via home call buro preferred, ClubLog OQRS.
It has been very difficult to get mail in and out of Venezuela over the last year due to the politcal and financial climate in the country. Several attempts to get our bureau packages to the YV QSL Bureau failed with mail being returned as “Route suspended” however thanks to the help of the YV Bureau team we were able to route the mail via USA and this was picked up by the YV team.
The photo from YV4BCD, Juan shows that the cards from Tim M0URX and myself, Charles M0OXO finally got through to the Venezuela hams.
Thank you to all who helped!
VI70MI is a Special Callsign issued to Commemorate 70 years of ANARE (Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions) for Macquarie Island, which since 1947 have served Australia in the south polar regions.
The first ANARE Expedition to Macquarie Island was in March 1947.
The Special Event Callsign will be active from June12th until August 31st 2018. (Winter Season)
All HF bands 160m-10m, SSB, CW, RTTY and possibly digital modes also.
VI70MIwill be joining the WAP World Antarctic Program and we are awaiting a WAP allocation.
RA/VK3FY Russia
Chris Dimitrijevic VK3FY currently qrv from UA4M Contest Station whilst visiting Russia for the World Cup.
Qsl via M0OXO OQRS
The first log for the EI DX Groups operations has now been received and is available on M0OXO OQRS. This particular log refers to EU-115, the Irish Main Island.
OQRS is open for requests but QSL Cards for this event won’t be sent until after the final activation at DX Feile on the Aran Islands (EU-006) in September. .
Listen out for the other stations qrv over the next few weeks from all of the Irish IOTA Groups.
The next activation will be Little Saltee island EU-103 on the 15, 16, 17 & 18th june 2018. Please familiarise yourself with the award available for working all the irish IOTA’s by checking their website on the link below.
Harald (DF2WO) will be qrv from Kigali, Rwanda later today.
He will be using various antennas and he hopes this new location will giove him less noise and a far better take off than he has had in previous visits.
Listen for Harald on CW (slow), SSB and Digital Modes (FT8 etc).
Qsl via M0OXO OQRS
Just a reminder that emails and busted call enquiries will be delayed this week.
I am attending the Ham Radio Fair in Friedrichshafen and will be travelling between 0300 Thursday the 31st May and not returning home until Tuesday the 5th of June.
All Busted Calls and Direct QSL requests have been completed and cards sent up to 0700 today so please be patient if you submit an enquiry during this period as it may not be answered as fast as usual.
Thanks for your patience, 73 de Charles
Hi pals!
Many of you can rememer the RI0B callsign sounding back in 2001 from Ushakova Island. Our team has decided to give this callsign a second breath. Moreover, one of our current team members (Andy Moiseev UA0BA) was the member of the old “Lost Islands” expedition too.
And so after his suggestion and blessing we’ve taken the same callsign RI0B for our new expedition again.
Our new expedition ‘Arctic legends 2018’ will take place in September this year.
The route is as follows:
Dudinka – Dickson – Firnley Islands (AS- 054), Tyrtova Island (AS-121 ) – Nansena Island ( AS- 104 ),
Skott-Gansena Island ( AS – 068 ), Arkticheskogo Instituta Islands( AS- 087 ) – Sibiryakova Island, ( AS- 005 ) – Dudinka
The crew of “Bristol” vessel under the leadership of Captain A.V. Patyukov
Igor Znamensky UA9KDF
Andy Moiseev UA0BA
Andy Korobeynikov UA9LDD
Mike Kutyumov UA1QV
Igor Kuznetsov – camera man, designer and painter
Two sets of equipment: TS-590 , Expert 1,3K – FA , microham CW keyer , computer, antennas DXer 206, Inv-v 30-40 ( CW-SSB 40-10 м )
One DIGI set: IC-706MK2G, microham DIGI KEYER 2 , TNS pator Dragon 7400, iMac , SteppIR BigIR DX ( FT-8, PSK-63, CW 40-10 м )
Band filters – 3 pcs
Yamaha generators EF 2800I – 2 pcs
“Bristol” vessel – 1 pcs
Financial support : https://www.paypal.me/RT9K
The IOTA Shop is now on-line and can be found on the IOTA Website.
”This 18th edition contains the complete listing of IOTA islands as well as everything you need to know to participate in IOTA. Included in the colour section are fascinating reports on several rare IOTA operations from Ashmore Reef, an Australian external territory in a highly sensitive area of the Timor Sea, Bhola Island and St Martin’s Island, two Bangladeshi islands in different IOTA groups, Pukapuka Atoll in the North Cooks, Busuanga Island in the Philippines and Mokil Island in the Federated States of Micronesia.
The rules have seen a major and once only restructuring to make them easier to follow. The list of Most Wanted IOTAs has been recast to show the listing in three ways: based on contacts credited all-time, credited to those who updated in the last 10 years and to those who did so in the last 5 years. Regular features such as the Honour Roll and other performance listings, award winners and advice on making a first application are also included. This Directory will probably be the last paper edition to be printed.”
Edited by Roger Balister, G3KMA and Steve Telenius-Lowe, PJ4DX, published by Islands On The Air (IOTA) Ltd in 2018, 128 pages.
Enquire about price for quantity.”
For those of you attending Ham Radio Event in Messe Friedrichshafen next week, don’t forget to call in at the Mediterranean DX Club (MDXC) Booth where you will be welcomed by the team on site.
There will be beer, Wine, ‘New Gadgets’ and some Special Sausage available on the stand plus a wide range of MDXC bits and bobs.
There will be also be the facility to make yourself a member of MDXC and all of the benefits that go with it. You will also be able to meet Team Members from the upcoming Z23MD Dxpedition to Zimbabwe.
Lets see you there, have fun and safe travels to all de MDXC !
More information can be found on this website;
”HAM RADIO serves as a platform where radio enthusiasts can get together and exchange information and experience. As one of the largest amateur radio exhibitions in the world, alongside the Hamvention Dayton/Ohio, USA and the Ham Fair in Tokyo/Japan, HAM RADIO attracts exhibitors and visitors from more than 32 countries all round the world to Friedrichshafen. A special feature of HAM is the combination of commercial exhibitors, worldwide networked associations and Europe’s largest radio flea market with some 280 participants from 16 countries.
Our ideal partner is DARC (German Amateur Radio Club). DARC e. V. represents the interests of radio amateurs in Germany, in particular backing their 38,000 members in dealings with associations, organizations, authorities and ministries – also beyond the national borders.”