Author - Charles M0OXO
Qsl Cards for the 7Q7EI Trip to Malawi all completed.
They were all mailed this morning as expected so hope you receive them pretty soon.
New Adventure from the MDXC.
For 2018 the MDXC team will be engaged in ZIMBABWE, with call Z23MD. As always, we will be active with 5 stations ( 2xSSB – 2xCW-1xRTTY)
Please check out our new Facebook Page for our planned operation in Zimbabwe
Launching this summer, our Parker #SolarProbe will swoop within 4 million miles of the Sun’s surface, facing heat and radiation like no spacecraft before it.
Learn more about this and another mission that will explore the inner workings of our nearest star:
Qsl Cards are now printing for the recent trip to Vanuatu by Grant VK5GR.
A double (Folded) Qsl card will be available for all Direct requests and a two sided (single) Card will be for all bureau requests.
Sunspots are becoming scarce.
Very scarce. So far in 2018 the sun has been blank almost 60% of the time, with whole weeks going by without sunspots. Today’s sun, shown here in an image from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory, is typical of the featureless solar disk:
The fact that sunspots are vanishing comes as no surprise. Forecasters have been saying for years that this would happen as the current solar cycle (“solar cycle 24”) comes to an end.
The surprise is how fast!
See for the full report;
Just a reminder that Harald DF2WO will be qrv again later this year from his regular African haunts using CW, SSB, FT8 and also RTTY on the HF Bands (with 6m) from the following places;
9X2AW Rwanda – He will operate again from Kigali but this time using a Spiderbeam antenna between the 5th and 24th June 2018.
XT2AW Burkina Faso – Harald will operate from Ouagadougou on HF using various antennas in November 2018 (dates TBC) and on this trip he will make a focused attempt on the 160M Band.
Questions and information requests to M0OXO please, do not trouble Harald directly with information and sked requests.😉
John Muzyka, G4RCG will be active as GB4FOC from Wakefield, England, for 80 year anniversary of FOC Club.He will operate on HF Bands.