Author - Charles M0OXO

7Q7EI QSL Cards

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Qsl Cards for the 7Q7EI trip to Malawi are now designed and are already awaiting printing at UX5UO QSL Print in the Ukraine. I expect delivery in 2 to 3 weeks.

Cards requested Direct will have a nice 4 sided folding card and to accompany the Direct requests there will be a 7Q7EI Logo Sticker in the envelope, our small way of saying thank you.

Bureau requested cards will be two sided cards as normal.

So when cards are received, please check your envelopes carefully!

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Andre Silva – PY2MTV SK


I was saddened to learn this week of the passing of Andre Silva PY2MTV/PX2C.

My thoughts are with his his wife Milene and his his Family in Guarujá, Sao Paolo, Brazil.

73 Andre RIP.










Postal Addresses in OQRS Direct


Please take a little more care when you request Direct Qsl card via M0OXO OQRS.

If you do not fill the PayPal Address in correctly then your envelope will NOT arrive at your address. This is your responsibility and if no correct address is given, the envelopes will be returned here having not been delivered by your Postal Courier.





9X2AW 2018


DF2WO, Harald, will wrap up his XT2AW operation on April 15th as he heads back home.

Next, he will go to Kigali where he will be QRV as 9X2AW at the end  of June. Harald will be running 100 watts into a Hexbeam on the high bands and a vertical on 60, 40 and 30 Meters.

He may also be back as D44TWO from Praia Baixa, Santiago (AF-005) in October.

Qsl via M0OXO OQRS or Direct Post Mail




V3A QRV from Belize


V3A will be qrv in WPX CW in the Multi Single Low Power category.

There will also be planned activity by V3A in WPX CW, ÇQWW SSB and CW later in the year.

V3A Qsl is via M0OXO OQRS.

7Q7EI – Final report


”7Q7EI QRT !!!! The 7Q7EI team went QRT on Monday 02/04/2018 @ 16:30UTC with over 37,000 QSOs in the log.

The full log is now complete on Clublog ​and our OQRS pages are open via

During our stay in Malawi, we encountered many power outages, internet outages and had to QRT even to lightning storms. We noticed several hours each morning of zero propagation to anywhere! Most afternoons, band conditions began to improve and we frequently checked 10m & 12m. Due to our antenna design and station layout, we were able to exploit all openings and operate 2 stations on each band (mixed mode) with zero interference.

FT8 proved invaluable for our LF operations. Yes, we did receive some criticism about using FT8 on 80m & 160m however ,due to local high noise levels, FT8 certainly did what it is designed to do and that was putting QSO’.s into our LF logs. CW was tried time and time again however, netted us few QSOs on 160m.

Words of thanks and emails of support are coming in on a daily basis. We like to think that we gave many a new band or mode slot, no matter what continent you’re QRV from! Sincere thanks to all our sponsors.

Be sure to check back here for any further updates. Until then, 7Q7EI continues to the next stage for Powerpoint presentations, QSL design, photo sharing, website updates, etc.

vy 73 de 7Q7EI team.


Z2LA QSL Card mailing


Z2LA QSL Cards have been printed and will be mailed week commencing Monday 9th April to all Operators who requested a Card via Direct Post Mail or via M0OXO OQRS (Direct).

Qsl Cards were printed by UX5UO Print Shop.

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