Author - Charles M0OXO

A25UK QSL Card preview

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All Direct Mail/OQRS Direct Qsl Cards have been mailed today 7th June 2017.

We have a really nice 4 sided (Folding) Card which will be sent to all who have made a donation
or requested a Direct Card via OQRS or Post Mail. A 2 sided card has also been produced which
will be sent to all those requesting a Bureau Card.

Thanks to Gennady UX5UO for the printing of the card, showing a selection of the time we spent in Botswana.

We hope you will like the card once received, thank you.

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Logsearch is now on Clublog and our OQRS pages are now open.A25UK single front

The team really enjoyed their stay in A2 and the pile ups were amazing! We would all like to thank everyone that called us.

You enabled us to pass our target of 40,000 qsos and finish with a total of over 44,000 qso’s from 151 DXCC’s and all 7 Continents!

Thank you de A25UK

QSL via M0OXO OQRS or Direct Post MailA25UK 4


Bouvet 2018


Like in 2006 at 3Y0X Peter 1st Island DXpedition, EME will be deployed at the Bouvet 3Y0Z DXpedition for 50MHz and 144MHz. In 2006 we made 114 EME QSO on 2m with digital modes and CW giving a lot of hams Peter 1st an ATNO!
This time we have improved the set-
up’s: SDR radios, EME tuned antennas, a minimum of 1KW SSPA power per band with low noise preamps and additional BPFs inline to avoid HF- QRM, low loss coax cabling, automatic Az and El moon tracking system, improved WSJT modes, heavily involved experienced EME pilots (Chris PA2CHR and Lance W7GJ) and back-up of the EME community.

The 3Y0Z EME operator team consist of Craig K9CT, Just LA9DL and Michael PA5M. Therefore technical and operational knowledge to work EME from such a remote, challenging location is assured.
To speak in Bouvet glacier term, the icing on the cake will be excellent EME condx during our stay with a Perigee at 31 January 2018. Giving the opportunity to work as many as possible light equipped EME stations.

We will have an on-line log and submit our logs to LOTW within six months after our return.

Everything is in place except our financing. Our total budget for this DXpedition is $740,500 where 50% of the budget is paid for by the 20 operators. 5% of our total budget is related to EME. This is where we need your support!

Club/Foundation and individual EME donors can be seen on our website:

Will you support us making your ATNO possible?

73e Craig, Just and Michael
3Y0Z Bouvet island EME DXpedition team


Baiyah Island AF-111P

5L3BI logo

Time on the island will be limited and definitely weather dependent. We are under no illusion this activity could be tricky. One only has to look at the Media Gallery on our website to see the island is not very inviting. Nonetheless, we carefully chose early November (dry season) to attempt an activation of AF-111.

We have requested the special callsign 5L3BI and are hopeful the Liberian Telecoms Authority will approve and issue this to us soon.

Tentatively, dates of activity will be around November 1-4, 2017. This may change slightly but we will update in due course regarding that.

Even at this early stage, demand to work AF-111 will be huge and we kindly ask you work us only once to give all IOTA chasers a fair chance of getting in the log.

Costs are ever growing and we do seek support and sponsorship to help offset some of our high expenses. Visit our website to support us. Thank you.

Next news release early August.


Col McGowan, MM0NDX




The 9U4M Team have opened their website for the public. Please check it out here!

No doubt another top class Dxpedition from a top class team. Well done MDXC !!!






TN5E Congo


Ken is now en route to the Congo and reports LOTW Certificate received.

He also tells us “There will be no 6m operation despite the approval. I will operate 80-10m. If I operate in cqwpx it will be with TN5E license. Please note if I send serial numbers I am in contest mode and would like one in return…

73 Ken, LA7GIA”

 QSL via M0OXO OQRS or Direct Post Mail



D2TI AF-108


The 8-man team planning the activation of Tigres Island AF-108, Angola have announced the activity is postponed.

Originally planned to take place in the first half of June 2017, the activation will now be in early 2018. All
Licences have been received and confirmation of the Callsign D2TI confirmed.

Credit DX World



HD2RRC/4 & HD2RRC/P SA-033 & SA-034


Two IOTA activations are planned for this week when several operators are qrv from Salango Island, SA-033 and Puna Island, SA-034 as HD2RRC/4 & HD2RRC/P.

They are expected to be on air between May 20-30, 2017. on 20-30-40m.

QSL via Club Log OQRS. Credit DX World








ZS9V AF-064 2017


ZS9V will again be active from Robben Island, IOTA AF-064 during August 9-13, 2017.

This year there will be more operators and they will stay for 4 days rather than the two days last year. The Team hpe to have more stations on air this Year and with Yagis and PA’s, lets hope we get many more in the logs this time around despite the poor conditions/

Information about the previous trip can be found here    The website will be update with information about the 2017 trip in the next few weeks.

QSL via M0OXO OQRS or Direct Post Mail



TN5E – Republic Of The Congo


From Ken LA7GIA;

I will visit Congo – Brazzaville in May 2017 as TN5E. TN Congo is ranked following on clublog most wanted
72 world wide mixed
45 world wide CW
19 on 80 meter
21 on 40 meter

Operation will be 80-10m + probably 6 meter. I will used the following equipment.
Radio Elecraft K3 (upgraded)
Radio TS480SAT as backup
Amplifier Ameritron ALS 500m 400 W output.
2 element rotatable beam on 14-21-28 MHz up 25-30 meter
Wire dipole on 80,40,30,17,12m up 25-30 meter

80m dipole fixed to EU
40+30+17+15+12m dipole fixed to NA/VK
5 el Cushcraft 50 MHz rotatable beam up 25 meter
Low band receving antennas, homebrew K9AY and BOG
Wire backup antennas on all frequencies (dipole/delta loop)

FREE LoTW and clublog will be uploaded. QTH Brazzaville, Congo. JI75PR

QSL via M0OXO OQRS or Direct Post Mail