Author - Charles M0OXO

9N7EI Press release


Latest press release from the 9N7EI Team Leader EI9FBB;

In just 2 weeks from now, 12 members from the EI DX Group will begin their travels to Nepal for their 10 day operation from the hills high above Kathmandu. The 9N7EI team report that they have located a different QTH which has truly spectacular views in all directions. Sited at over 6,000 feet above sea level, “we now have the clear path we were looking for towards NA/EU.”

 The team are delighted to announce that their requested 9N7 ‘Echo India’callsign is confirmed and their licenses have now been issued.  The packing of over half a ton of equipment has already begun with final plans being well underway.  For more information, photos and latest news please visit their webpage at


C6APY NA-054


M1ACB, M0VFC and M0IDA will be QRV as C6APY from Little Harbour Cay, Berry Islands (NA-054) next month. 

They’ll be flying to C6 on March 2nd and after several days of travel they plan to begin operations “around the 4th March“, depending on weather.  They will have three stations running 100 watts with most of their activity on 40-15 Meters on SSB and CW.  Plans are to be QRV until March 10th or 11th, as they fly back home on the 12th. 

QSL via M0OXO OQRS or Direct Post Mail.



H74B & H74W NA-013


Thanks to Nuria Font Soler EA3WL & Josep Gibert EA3BT for the fast dispatch of the H74B & H74W Cards.

 Cards arrived today for their recent trip to Big Corn Island, Nicaragua NA-013.

Many thanks to both! 73/88






TM1CEZ EU-157…mailing…


QSL Cards for this event arrived from the Team’s Printer yesterday & will be mailed later this morning. The team asked me not to preview the Qsl design so it would be a surprise when you open the envelope

Thanks to Gil F4FET, Alain F5JTV, Antoine F5RAB and their colleague Jean Claude for their operation from Cezembre Island.

QSL Card available via



A71AM A71SS QSL preview


Qsl cards have now been printed for Saif Alkhayarin for his two Callsigns A71AM and also A71SS.

Saif lives in Dukhan, Qatar and is QRV on all bands using SSB and digital modes but mostly on cw. He is a member of QARS and the A73A Contest Team.

Qsl via M0OXO OQRS or Direct Post Mail.

A71AM olb


9X2AW Rwanda


Harald (DF2WO) has arrived in Rwanda and will soon commence operations as 9X2AW.

He will be using CW, SSB, PSK & JT65 modes.

QSL via M0OXO OQRS or Direct Post Mail.

Please DO NOT send cards via the bureau as they will not arrive.

Please use M0OXO OQRS for all bureau requests.





9N7EI – ”You ready for this”

9N7 Video

The 9N7EI Team have released a short video promoting their upcoming DXpedition to Nepal.

The video was produced by Paul 2E1AYS and shows the team members who will be on the Nepal Dxpedition which starts in a few weeks time.

Take a look by clicking on the image above or their website at

QSL via M0OXO OQRS or Direct Post Mail.





VK9XI OC-002 & VK9CI OC-003


Chris VK3FY, Lee VK3GK, & Tony VK3TZ will be active from both Christmas Island (IOTA OC-002) as VK9XI and Cocos Keeling Island (IOTA OC-003) as VK9CI in October 2017. The tentative dates are as follows;

Christmas Island between 2nd & 10th October (which coincides with Oceania SSB Contest) and Cocos Keeling Island between the 10th – 17th October (coinciding with the Oceania CW Contest).

They hope to have 2 stations with amplifiers (K3 and KPA500). Ant: 160m/80m/40m Verticals, Hexbeam 20m-6m, 20-10m VDA and 80-10 Doublet. RX Loop and Beverages for 160/80m. They will operate on 10m thro 160m with emphasis on the lower bands using SSB, CW & RTTY. There may be some 6m activity, more details as the plans progress.



QSL via M0OXO OQRS or Direct Post Mail.