Author - Charles M0OXO

HB0/GM4UYE Liechtenstein


Information received from Billy GM0OBX;

”Members from Stirling & District Amateur Radio Society (GM6NX) and GMDX group will be active from Liechtenstein  01/06/2017 – 07/06/2017.

Operators are: Hugh GM4UYE, Billy GM0OBX, Jonathan MM0OKG, John 2M0JHN, Ross 2M0*** Modes will be CW, SSB and DATA on 6m 10m 12m 15m 17m 20m 30m 40m 80m.

*Liechtenstein permit UK Intermediate licensee’s to operate under supervision OR on their own as HB0Y/2M0ABC. Also Liechtenstein authority stated that if the call is used on air as GM4UYE in the UK then to sign HB0/GM4UYE*

Whilst looking to give people an ATNO, ANY MONEY RAISED WILL BE DONATED to Yorkhill Children’s Charity / Glasgow Childrens Hospital Charity.  Please DONATE VIA PAYPAL or DONATE DURING M0OXO OQRS process.”

 QSL via M0OXO OQRS or Direct Post Mail.




Eric DU8BRS, Boy DU8EB and Chris VK3FY will activate Mindanao Coastal Islands OC-235 in April 2017.

The Callsign will be DX8ZWC (Zamboanga West ARC) and will comprise of 2/3 Stations working HF 80-6m on SSB & CW.

QSL via M0OXO OQRS or Direct Post Mail.. (Please use OQRS for all Bureau requests)










First Sunspot of a New Cycle 25


Solar activity picks up this week after a lull, bringing some fast solar wind that is causing a mild solar storm.

Aurora has been seen at high latitudes and sporadically at mid-latitudes, but effects are mild. These mild conditions are likely to continue through the weekend. Amateur radio and GPS operators should only experience minor effects.

Get an update on the storm, catch up on aurora photos, and see the first sunspot of solar cycle 25 appear!


Click the image above to see the full Video.


9N7EI – Nepal


”Members of the newly formed EI DX Group are delighted to announce this exciting project to Nepal, March 8th to 20th 2017.

For the 1st time, this 11 man, all ‘Echo India’ DXpedition team will operate up to 5 stations continuously for 9 consecutive days on all bands and modes from 80m through 10m.

Our QTH is located 30 kilometers outside Kathmandu, in a quiet suburb sited at 5,600′ above sea level, with great views and take off across the Himalayas.”

More information can be found here

QSL via M0OXO OQRS or Direct Post Mail.


A71YY QSL preview


Qsl cards have now been printed for Juma Al Kuwari for both his new Callsign A71YY and also his old Callsign A71EM.

Juma lives in the Capital City Doha and is QRV on all bands using SSB and digital modes but mostly on cw.

Qsl via M0OXO OQRS or Direct Post Mail.

A71YY ob


A73A QSL Preview

A73A 2017

Qsl Cards have now been printed for the A73A.

A73A is the Callsign of the Doha Contest Team in Qatar. The team are active in most major Contests and you can also find them on Facebook (click here).

Qsl Cards can be requested via M0OXO OQRS or Direct Post Mail.

A73A ob


KL7/VK3FY NA-019


Chris, VK3FY plans activity from Kodiak Island IOTA NA-019, Alaska as KL7/VK3FY during July 2017.

Dates to be announced. QRV on HF bands.


QSL via M0OXO OQRS or Direct Post Mail.

Credit DX






Located in Eureka, Ellesmere Island (NA-008) Nunavut, The Eureka Amateur Radio Club is probably the located in the most Northerly Part of the World.

The Club is located in the environs of the Eureka Weather Station which is itself located at 79 degrees 59 minutes N, 85 degrees 56 minutes W on Ellesmere Island.

VY0ERC will be qrv from Jauary 22nd 2017 until early April. Qrv time will be as and when conditions allow.

VY0ERC is currently operating out of the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory (PEARL) Ridge Laboratory (RidgeLab) located approximately 11 km as the crow flies from the weather station (

QSL via M0OXO OQRS or Direct Post Mail.


YC9MLL IOTA OC-151 Flores Island


Just a reminder from Leo YC9MLL;

“I have also bought tickets already for Flores Island IOTA OC-151.  I will be on air there most probably on January 18-19 7 21st 2017 and then again on the 22, 24 & 25th January 2017.

I will also be qrv in July 2017 again on the same days 21-22 & 24th.

I will be running 100W mostly on 21 MHz around the IOTA calling freq. or at any clear freq. near it.  I will try to operate split for better results.  I have also 14MHz segment in Indonesia so I may also try that band and 7MHz also if I have a long bamboo pole available.  It was not previously planned to be there but it is a great surprise to be allowed to be back.”

(I am mailing out a 12m Spiderbeam Pole to Leo so I hope this will be better than his ‘bamboo pole’…73 de Charles)

 QSL via M0OXO OQRS or Direct Post Mail.