Author - Charles M0OXO

V31MA 80M for EU


Marc, V31MA will try to be active during the next few weeks from Belize.

Everyday from 05:00-5:30 utc on +/-3510.0 Marc will be specifically looking for EU. Noise level on his side is very low and Marc hopes many 100watt EU stations will find there way into his log.

Please keep your eye on the DX Heat DX Cluster, M0OXO Blob, Facebook & Twitter for additional updates.

Please QSL ONLY via M0OXO OQRS or  M0OXO by Direct Post Mail.



XU7MDC – Cambodia 2016

K800 Final Team

Lee Hai from Cambodia!

As a wonderful and unforgettable adventure, from the coast of Cambodia, the final act is upon us. Today, in early afternoon , local time ,the team are gathering to begin the take down of the antennas. At this moment as we are writing this post, we decided to leave working only a vertical antennas for RTTY on 30 meters and 20 meters, the spiderbeam, five bands,and the 40 meters vertical, for the only SSB station remaining, and the Quad and vertical 80 meters for the guys of CW.

In any case all the antennas will be put down tomorrow at the local Sunrise. We’ll leave our QTH in Ream- Shinahoukville District in late morning to reach ,after a long way by bus the Phon Phen Airport and starting our come back route to Milano where we’ll arrive at 7 AM of Tuesday. We reached a target of 35.000 Qsos , with proudly a number of 6500 Qsos on RTTY mode. Thanks one again to the dxers of all over the world for calling and calling us in any band/mode. And thanks for your incredible support!!! The great big international family of the Mediterraneo Dx Club will come back on air with our unvualable members of the team .

So thinking about our next one, as well we are thinking about the next one!

Lee Hai from Cambodia!!!

73 de Antonio, IZ8CCW Team Leader, Gabriele, I2VGW Co-Leader ….And ALL THE ENTIRE FANTASTIC INTERNATIONAL TEAM !


More bureau wasteage

K800 20161112 151659

A large amount of Qsl Cards received via the RSGB Bureau have been sorted ready for processing.

The photo’s show approx 3000 bureau cards that have been sorted into Callsign order ready to be processed through the logs.

The most disturbing thing is that ALL the Qsl Cards you seen in the image to the left have all been received via the Bureau but QRZ.Com clearly states ”Your QSL Cards are NOT required – Please DO NOT send them via the Bureau”.

This cards have taken 8 hours to sort by me alone after already being sorted by the RSGB Bureau Staff. They have to be packaged, mailed and postage paid for before they arrive at my door.

This is simply ‘Indiscriminate QSL’ing’ by YOU, the user.


TL8AO reminder


TL8AO is primarily a single op DXpedition to take place from Bangui, Central African Republic (C.A.R) between 10th & 22nd November 2016. QSO target is 15,000. I go to Bangui to do the DXpedition and achieve as many contacts as possible. But we all realize that TL is a very poor country – so why not try some fundraising for the people of C.A.R?

My budget is 7000 USD. I am not seeking donations to cover my own expenses, but try to do some fundraising for Doctors Without Borders in C.A.R who have been there since 1997 providing humanitarian aid to local residents.

My goal is to generate as much donations as possible where 100% of donations received will be given to DWOB. It is important to state that this DXpedition is not in co-operation with DWOB – they are solely the recipient of the donation.

They have acknowledged this fundraising, and use of their logo. Please check

  • 100% of  donations received by individuals or clubs/organizations will go directly to Doctors Without Borders in C.A.R
  • 100% of net income through OQRS and direct QSL will go to Doctors without border in C.A.R

ALL donations are voluntary – there is no expectation that you donate just because you made a QSO. LoTW will be uploaded on the same day I return to Norway no matter!

M0OXO is the QSL manager and will handle all QSLing, OQRS, direct and buro. Thanks!

INDEXA have already decided to contribute to this fundraiser, we all know they established a humanitarian fund founded by Zorro JH1AJT in 2015. I sincerely hope other clubs/organizations and individual want to contribute as well

More info is released on Donations can be given by paypal to [email protected]


VI50DC QSL Preview

VI50DC 1

The Qsl Card for the special event station in Australia celebrating 50 years of decimalisation has now been made.

Qsl Cards will be available in two weeks.

Logs are already on M0OXO Logsearch & OQRS.

Please QSL ONLY via M0OXO OQRS or  M0OXO by Direct Post Mail.





XU7MDC almost ready…


The major DXpedition to Cambodia just around the corner. 20+ team of international operators working round the clock. DXpedition starts November 4th. The team will land in XU7 tomorrow.

The XU7MDC international team is working hard to build a very professional Dxpedition. They are testing many new items and tools to be able to reduce weight on the plane and maximize the results at their location; Sihanoukville beach, Cambodia.

They will be on air from 4th to 14th November 2016. Operating 24/7 with 5 stations from the beach with a particular focus to low bands and digimodes. Antonio, IZ8CCW and Gabriele, I2VGW, will share this new adventure with 18 members from five countries. More details and info can be found on their website.

You can also find regular updates on their Facebook and Twitter feeds. Alternatively this blog will also be updated at the same time. The choice is yours 😉


VK5MAV/6 OC-266


QSL Card arrived today from VK5MAV for his recent activity.

Andy was qrv from Viney Island, Australia IOTA OC-266 on the 11th September 2016.

Thanks for the fast despatch on the card Andy!






VI50DC – 100 Years Decimal Currency in Australia

Australian 1 Coin

Special Event Station celebrating the 50th anniversary of the introduction of dollars (Decimal Currency) in Australia.

The Station will be qrv between the 31st October 2016 until the 31st December 2016 from Victoria, Australia.

    Please QSL ONLY via M0OXO OQRS or  M0OXO by Direct Post Mail.