Author - Charles M0OXO


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Yuri Sushkin, N7QQ was active from Kalgin island Around between 8-11th, 2016

Kalgin reference number for the IOTA programme is IOTA NA-158.

Learn more about Russian Robinson Club, RRC’s 20th anniversary video


Thanks to N7RO for the Qsl Card confirmation 73




B4R AS-135 QSL Card

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The B4R QSL Cards arrived today via Manager BA4WR.

The Team from the Jiangsu DX Club in Nangjin China activated QinShan Island IOTA AS-135 during the IOTA Contest in July 2016.

Thanks to the Team for the new one and to the Manager Li for the beautiful card!





VE3KTB/VY0 NA-043 confirmed

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Qsl card arrived today from reg VE7IG (thanks!) for the rare IOTA NA-043.
Pierre, VE3KTB was active as VE3KTB/VY0 from the McGill Arctic Research Station on Axel Heiberg Island (IOTA NA-043) back in July 2016.


Thanks for the new and very rare IOTA Pierre!





3B9HA AF-017 etc etc


I have just added several new Logs to the M0OXO OQRS. These Logs are for the Callsigns;

3B8HA AF-049, 3B8MU AF-049, G0CKV, M5E, SM5CKV EU-177, ZD8M AF-003 & 3B9HA AF-017.

From 3B9HA Qrz.Com page ;

”G0CKV will again be QRV from Rodrigues as 3B9HA November 24 – December 12, 2016 in particular during the CQWW CW Contest but also focusing on the low bands outside the contest.

All QSL via Charles M0OXO OQRS or Direct Post Mail.

Please DO NOT send your cards via the bureau. There was a time when I loved to receive all those cards but there is now not enough time left in my life to collect them. Please use OQRS to request bureau cards.

Apologies for delays in responding to QSL requests. As from October 2016 Charles has kindly offered to help me and the backlog will soon be sorted.”

Kamchatka Award


The Kamchatka Award Plaque arrived yesterday.

This plaque is dedicated to the Dxpedition of UE23RRC team to the rare and hard to reach Kambalnyy Island AS-142.

I have had a few Plaques now from Most Wanted DX. The Plaques are excellent, they are delivered within days and the communication between Ken RW3DD is first class.

I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending them to anyone!






XT2AW/XT2AFT EME activity


From Harald DF2WO;

XT2AW is qrv from 13:10:16 to 20:11:16.
Equipamente: TS 430S (a gift from Angelo D44BS), Hex Beam, Dipole 40Meter as usual. I will work in the Digi-modes and in
slow CW
But this time I’m not alone!
In the first 14 days, we will work in pairs XT2AFT Herman makes EME on 2 meter, 0.7 meter, 23cm and 13cm
XT2AW is allowed to use the equipment and antennas of Herman some time.

This will been a big party.
Even if the conditions are not so good, we are will the maximum work.

Good luck Harald!