Author - Charles M0OXO



I heard from Leo DW1OXL yesterday. Leo has been back in the Philippines now for the last couple of years due to work.

More interesting is that he has his other licence renewed YC9MLL and he says he will be returning to Flores Island OC-151 for a period sometime in 2017 although at this stage no dates have been fixed.

I am not sure how many of the keen IOTA chasers still need OC-151 but I am sure
that some of you will.

OC-151 is on the Most Wanted list claimed by only 27.3% of chasers.


M0OXO ‘new’ OQRS !


The new M0OXO OQRS system provided by the PDXG is almost ready. I have loaded around 340 Logs onto the system and i expect to go ‘live’ sometime on Sunday 11th September.

The links to the OQRS which are on both and my website are exactly the same as for the old OQRS.

Whilst I don’t anticipate any problems with the changeover,  please drop me an email if you do experience any issues of concern.

Thanks for your continued support

73 de Charles




MS0UKI Qsl preview


MS0UKI cards are now at the Print Shop and I expect them in around two weeks time.

Thank you,


MS0UKI ob 2


MS0UKI – Isle Of Lunga EU-108


The MS0UKI Team (EI5GM, EI6FR, EI9FBB, G0VJG, MM0LID & MM0NDX) are delighted to announce their upcoming adventure to Lunga island, the largest of the Treshnish Isles EU-108, is now underway!

The team will arrive on the island this evening around 1700 UTC September 3rd, and will remain on the Island until the 7th subject to weather / sea conditions. They will have four stations QRV on 40m through 6m. More info on their website.

Note: With the activation of EU-085 earlier this year, and according to Annex H part 2 of the 2016 IOTA Directory, the Treshnish Isles EU-108 is now the second most wanted island group in Europe behind Rockall EU-189.

QSL is via Clublog OQRS or M0OXO Direct Mail.




ZS9V AF-064 Video


ZS9V AF-064 Video

The team that activated AF-064 recently on Robben Island have compiled this short video.

Click the image to the left to view the video on You Tube.

Thanks Jan Van der Vyver.






Friends Of IOTA – Update

friends of iota

The ‘Friends Of IOTA’ appeal, launched to help fund the introduction into IOTA of paperless QSLing (IOTA News 20 June 2016 and update 11 July 2016) has so far brought in GBP £11,266. This amounts to approximately 45% of our initial target of GBP £25,000. We are hugely grateful to the 86 contributors in 22 countries who so far have contributed.

The fact remains that until we reach our target we will need to call on a commercial loan. We believe that the IOTA Community is more than ready to help us to make this unnecessary and build a position financially where we can promote IOTA in ways that we have not previously been able to fund. We are still a long way short, so we invite IOTA enthusiasts to join our Happy Band of Friends of IOTA. You can make a payment through PayPal either to “Islands on the Air (IOTA)” or to the email address [email protected] but make sure to add in the comments field “Friends of IOTA” and your callsign to identify you.

The full appeal details here include an updated list of those who have reached the various levels of support.


ZS9V AF-064

ZS9V – Robben Island (South Africa, Nelson Mandela’s former Prison Home) IOTA AF-064 will be activated from 19 to 21 August 2016.

This will be a dual purpose activation for ILLW 2016 and also an activation of AF-064 IOTA.

Four operators (ZS1V Paul van Spronsen, ZS1VDV Jan van der Vyver,  ZS1BM Bani van der Merwe & ZS1FX Bruce Robinson) will be on the Team and hope to give this rare IOTA and Lighthouse to the Ham Community but as always, they are Weather dependant.

Their website is being updates and can be found here

Qsl is via Clublog OQRS or M0OXO Direct Mail.