Author - Charles M0OXO

VK3VTH/7 – OC-233

VK3VTH 7 2-696x453

Tony, VK3VTH will be active from King Island IOTA OC-233.

  He will be qrv as VK3VTH/7 betweeen 18th and 22nd of August, 2016. on 20 and 40m, but will be using SSB only.








FT4JA AF-012 Cards arrive

K800 img017

The QSL Cards for the FT4JA Dxpedition arrived today.

This confirmed several Band Slots for me as well as the most needed IOTA confirmation for AF-012.

Thanks for the team for the fast LOTW, IOTA and paper confirmations which were all received in good time.







San Felix IOTA SA-013 (2017)

San Felix

A DXpedition to San Felix Island IOTA SA-013 is now scheduled for April 2017. 

What began as a 3 man effort for earlier this summer has now apparently become a 10 man team, and all operators are experienced DXpeditioners. 

Planned modes CW, SSB, Digital. Planned bands 160m and up, probably also will include the 6m Band.









received 102103218626259431

Theodoros, SV1EJD will be active from Syros Island, IOTA EU-067, 23 July – 11 August 2016 as SV8/SV1EJD.

He will operate on 80 – 6m SSB, RTTY including activity in RSGB IOTA Contest 30 – 31 July 2016.

QSL via home call, LOTW. Ads for direct QSL:








D44TWO QSO’s have now been uploaded to LOTW.

This is NOT a full upload. Uploaded are all that I have in the logbook plus the Digital Qso’s that Harald has made currently whilst in Cape Verde. SSB and CW QSO’s for his current trip have not been uploaded as these are held in paper logbooks and I have not yet had receipt of those. They will take time to transfer from paper to PC Log when I receive them so please be patient, it will not be a fast process.

Normal QSL Cards can still be obtained via M0OXO OQRS or Direct Post Mail.



Friends Of IOTA – Appeal


”The appeal (IOTA News 20 June 2016) has progressed well, reaching GBP £7,000, an amount that takes us a quarter of the way towards our initial target of GBP £25,000. In the process we have enrolled some 41 Friends of IOTA at the various levels of support. Once we reach our target we will not need to call on a promised commercial loan to fund IOTA’s new IT system and anything above that figure will go towards promotion of IOTA in ways that we have not previously been able to fund.

Those close to IOTA will have noticed that we have in the last 10 days introduced on our existing IT system the first stage of acceptance of electronic confirmation of contacts by QSO matching of logs, something that the IOTA community has been requesting for some time. A fuller note on this appears in a concurrent News Item. It is a start.

We are still a long way short of our financial target, so we invite IOTA enthusiasts who wish to join our Happy Band of Friends of IOTA to check the entry details here. A list of those who have reached the various levels of support has been included in the note. Become a Friend of IOTA and help us take IOTA forward. If you are already one, consider progressing to a higher support level by increasing your donation!”

G3KMA, 11 Jul 2016


IOTA-Clublog – More news;






More information has been posted on the IOTA website in relation to the Clublog QSO matching;

One of the first actions of Islands on the Air (IOTA) Ltd., the new managers of the programme, has been to expand the application routes on IOTA’s existing software system to include Club Log QSO Matches.

This is intended as the first step to the introduction of a much broader system of Paperless QSLing that is scheduled to be launched in the late Spring of 2017. Only a relatively small number of IOTA operations have been added at this time, mainly ones from islands which satisfy the criterion of one DXCC entity equals just one IOTA.

This action was intended to provide a test run on how Club Log QSO matching would work in due course on the new IT system. Even so, modest as this approach is, more than 10,000 QSO matches were obtained in the first week, and the first IOTA 100 Island applications have been received using this option exclusively. As with all new IT enhancements there were a number of bugs and queries raised which have now been resolved. Finally, to make use of this additional feature, sign in to the IOTA website and go to and click on Club Log QSO Matches.

Bear in mind, this is not the full-blown system envisaged for introduction next year. We will expand the list of accepted operations over the coming weeks and months but, much as we would like to do more, it will be mainly in the area of recent operations from the rarer IOTA groups and, of course, ones that have uploaded logs to Club Log and indicated that they do not wish to delay or block IOTA QSO matching.

G3KMA, 10 Jul 2016




M0OXO DXCC Honor Roll

K1024 DXCC HR Plaque Shack

Well after 14 years I finally got there!

I was pleased to receive this Plaque from the ARRL yesterday and of course it has pride of place in the shack.

2016 has been a good year for the hobby with both DXCC Honor Roll and IOTA Honour Roll. I hope to add to it very soon with my most sought after Trophy, the IOTA 750 Shield. Fingers crossed.

Thanks again to Christian Cabre EA3NT who gave me the final entity I needed when he operated from Juan De Nova as FT4JA. Cheers Chris !









Bureau Mailing – #2 – 2016

K800 20160709 103912

QSL cards will be posted to 83 World Bureaus , Monday 11th July 2016

This mailing is a joint mailing between Charles M0OXO & Tim M0URX
I would very much appreciate feedback from you when the QSL cards start arriving at World Bureaus or received by hams around the world.? This feedback will be added to our data below.

This mailing features cards from the recent expeditions A25UK, A35T, A91HI, GS0NWM, TX3X, VK0EK

Total amount of QSL cards 19,765
Via M0URX 10,565
Via M0OXO 9.200

Click here for more detailed information of this and past bureau posting.