Author - Charles M0OXO

A91HI AS-202 Qrv this week….

A91 Low res

A91HI AS-202NEW will be qrv in just under two days time.

Half the A91HI team are now assembled in Bahrain. Equipment is shipped awaiting full team arrival on Wednesday. Other half transit tomorrow. Estimated QRV on April 27 @ 18:00UTC.

A91HI website will be updated with news. Team plan live web streaming from the island – a first ever from a brand new IOTA activation.

Keep an eye on A9_IOTA on Twitter & Facebook for progress updates.


23092 QSOs
9514 uniques (41.2%)
86 hours operating time



MDXC Dxpedition 2016 – XU7


The Mediterranean Dx Club have announced their new Dxpedition that will take place between 4th to 14th November, 2016.

The license of XU7MDC already in the hands of Antonio, IZ8CCW, leader and Gabriele, I2VGW, co-leader of the team (20 people).

They have planned, as usual, to operate 24/7 hours with 5 stations from the beach of Sihanoukville, Cambodia, with a particular focus to low bands and digi modes

Further information will be available soon and we wish them all well with their preparations. It will no doubt be a first class job by a first class team as always!



Rick K6VVA – ”Its a Mystery”


My good friend Rick (second from left in image) has announced via his website some IOTA activity in the next few months;

”Between 1 JUNE 2016 and 30 AUGUST 2016, I intend to activate several more KL7 IOTAs. But each NA-xxx IOTA # will remain a “MYSTERY” until AFTER the Expedition is completed. You MUST check this webpage for details and Confirmation of QSO instructions, which will then include the specific date(s) of QRV and IOTA # needed to solve each “Mystery”.

Stay tuned…..


IOTA Honour Roll & Listings 2016


Today the annunal IOTA Honour Roll & Listings were published for 2016.

From G3KMA – The 2016 Honour Roll and Annual Listings have been posted on this website at .

186 record-holders have scores of 1000 or more IOTA groups and 519 of at least 750 groups which is the number required for the IOTA Plaque.

Amateurs from 100 countries now have the starter 100 Islands certificate. Congratulations to all who have joined the IOTA family or updated in the last year.


RT92KA – Alyumka Island AS-092


Victor, UA3AKO & the team arrived in Chukotka safely. The weather is fine and they even managed a short trip to Alyumka island by snowmobile to find the best place for shack and antennas.

Today they were qrv from Alyumka Island AS-092 as RT92KA on 20 and 40M.

Thanks for the new ones guys! (cheers Andy EU7A)








Michael G7VJR went qrt with the last qso in the log early this morning UTC. He has now left Lord Howe Island.

Logs have already been uploaded to Club and OQRS is open for Qsl card requests.

The operation ended with just over 2,000 Qso’s logged over the 3 days operating. Well done Michael, we know the conditions were challenging at best!

Logsearch & OQRS can be found here or click the image top left.





A25 LOGO best

The A25UK Team went qrt with the last qso in the log at 0019UTC on the 19th April.

Logs have already been uploaded to Club and OQRS is open for Qsl card requests.

The operation ended with just over 20,000 Qso’s logged over the 4 days operating. Well done to the Team !

Logsearch & OQRS can be found here or click the image top left.






Lord H

From Michael G7VJR – ”I will be visiting Lord Howe island, IOTA OC-004, between 15 April and 20 April 2016. I’ll be on the HF bands, currently planning 100W and CW only, using wire verticals. Baggage allowances on the Dash-8 aircraft are limited so I am probably not going to be able to carry a linear, but I have picked a favourable north-facing QTH for QSOs with Europe and will be focusing on the radio at peak times.

Log search:

QSLs are handled by Charles, M0OXO. I will upload my log to LoTW. I do not need your QSL card so I would prefer it if you could use Clublog OQRS, to ensure you get your card without incurring any waste. See you on the bands!

See you on the bands 73  Michael G7VJR” **Clublog OQRS will be open AFTER Michael leaves the Island.