Author - Charles M0OXO

VK9/G7VJR – QSL cards

G7VJR 001

The Qsl Cards for the VK9/G7VJR operation from Norfolk Island, IOTA OC-005 have been delivered today and will be mailed out this week.

Qsl Cards can be requested here M0OXO OQRS







C5X – Update

K800 C5X 2

C5X are reaching the end of their trip to The Gambia.

The team will continue to work through the next few days using CW, RTTY and SSB until the end of the operation.

The team will be qrv in CQWW 160m CW over the weekend before dismantling the antennas on Sunday afternoon, leaving one up until late Monday morning.

 The C5X Log is on-line and can be found here. LOTW is also fully updated each evening and/or early morning for your convenience.

Qsl information can be found here. Please DO NOT send your cards via the bureau, they will not reach us.


C5X are reaching the end of their trip to The Gambia. The team will continue to work throughthe next few days using RTTY now until the end of the operation.

The team will be qrv in CQWW 160m CW over the weekend before dismantling the antennas on Sunday.

XR2T SA-086 Card arrives


QSL card arrived today for XR2T.

XR2T were qrv from Damas Island, Chile IOTA SA-086 in late October last year.







VK16AC is currently qrv on most bands CW, Digital modes and SSB celebrating the 2015 Asian Cup.

The AFC Asian Cup is an international association football tournament run by the Asian Football Confederation (AFC). It is the second oldest continental football championship in the world after Copa América. The winning team becomes the champion of Asia and automatically qualifies for the FIFA Confederations Cup

VK16AC is qrv until 31st January 2015 and will be AX16AC on the 26th Jan 2015 for ‘Australia Day’.

 QSL via M0OXO OQRS Direct. Please DO NOT send any cards via the Bureau, they will not arrive here.


C5X – This week

radio c5x

Just a reminder that G3VMW, Steve; G3XAQ, Alan; Don G3XTT; and M0PCB, Iain; will be in The Gambia” as C5X from January 15-26, 2015.  This will also include “some activity in the CQWW 160m Contest”. 

Plans include two complete stations (Elecraft K3s and KPA500s) using Spiderbeams for the HF bands, verticals on an 18 meter high Spiderpole for 160 and 80 meters and dipoles/verticals on 40 and 30 meters.  Activity will be on 1.8 through 28 MHz on CW, SSB, RTTY and some PSK.

With the K1N Navassa operation likely around the same time, C5X will try to steer clear of those pileups.

Logs are expected to be uploaded daily to both Club Log and LoTW.  QSL via M0OXO (OQRS Preferred). Please DO NOT send your cards via the Bureau as they are NOT required and the team may not receive them.


‘E’ Callsign error by OFCOM

rsgb100 logo colour

Many UK Amateurs complaining and worried today when they received letters suggesting that OFCOM intended to change their Licence prefix to include the letter ‘E’ (GE, ME etc). This was indeed an error and here is the response from the RSGB;

”Dear Colleague,

As you will be aware, Ofcom are required to give all licenced radio amateurs notice that they intend to vary licences in line with their decisions following last year’s consultation. That process has nowbegun and letters are being sent out.

It has been brought to our attention that some amateurs have received a letter suggesting that their callsign now includes the RSL “E”. Ofcom have confirmed that this is an error and not a change in policy. I am advised that Ofcom intend to publish an explanation on their website (which we will replicate on ours) but, until that appears, I would be grateful if you could reassure any enquirers accordingly.

Many thanks

Graham Coomber, G0NBI

*General Manager*

Radio Society of Great Britain ”

Happy New Year 2015


A few days before the Year ends and i’ll be glad to see the back of 2014!

Thanks to everyone who supported me this Year and I wish all of you a pleasant and peaceful 2015.

Happy New Year!

VK9/G7VJR – Norfolk Island


Michael G7VJR will be in Australia over the Christmas period.

Whilst there, he has arranged a short stop over on Norfolk Island IOTA OC-005. Michael will use the Callsign VK9/G7VJR.

Qsl will be via M0OXO (OQRS preferred). Your Qsl Cards are NOT required so please do not send them via the bureau.


G3TXQ Hexbeam- New site launched


Anthony MW0JZE has now launched his new website.

It is now possible to purchase Hexbeam antennas and spare parts direct from the shop using PayPal or debit/credit cards. Some of the new products featured in the shop include:

Fiberglass spreaders/tubing kits
Rolls of wire to make your own wire elements (Jan 2015)
Baseplate kits saving you the hassle of finding all the parts for your homebrew antenna
Wire element clips
Stainless Hose clips and much more.

There will be some new products and projects that will be launched early in 2015 including the new 7 Band wide spaced Hexbeam  6 to 40m and a Hexbeam Kit for you homebrew addicts. LOGO-10

Click on the image or here to go to the new Hexbeam Website!

Voyager Buffeted by Interstellar ‘Tsunami Waves’


Since 2012, NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft has experienced three ‘tsunami waves’ in interstellar space.  The most recent, which reached the spacecraft earlier this year, is still propagating outward according to new data. It is the longest-lasting shock wave that researchers have seen in interstellar space.

A “tsunami wave” occurs when the sun emits a coronal mass ejection, throwing out a magnetic cloud of plasma from its surface. This generates a wave of pressure. When the wave runs into the interstellar plasma — the charged particles found in the space between the stars — a shock wave results that perturbs the plasma.