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More IOTA confirmations…

YB8RW-P OC-213

Also received today;

YB8RW/P (OC-213, Batudaka Island, Togean Islands) and YB8RW/P (OC-236, Siladen Island).

Thanks to Din for securing these cards and providing the OQRS faciilty to request them. Cards were received just over a week after request through OQRS, excellent service again! Thanks Din!

YB8RW-P OC-236


IOTA’s confirmed

YB4IR OC-076

Received in todays mail, the following confirmations;

YB4IR/8 (Obi Island IOTA OC-222) and also YB4IR (Taliabu Island OC-076). Thanks to Imam for the activations and of course for allowing an OQRS service, the best way to receive cards.

YB4IR OC-222



XT2AW – Harald now QRV

Harald, DF2WO is now active as XT2AW from Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
He will be active ‘holiday-style’ until 2nd December, 2014 being QRV on CW & SSB.


QSL via M0OXO OQRS preferred. Please DO NOT send your cards via the bureau, they are not required and may not arrive here.

Please use OQRS for ALL bureau requests where possible.


UA4WHX – IOTA’s confirmed


Thanks to Vlad UA4WHX for the latest Qsl confirmations I received this morning.

I received via Direct Mail confirmations for CE7/UA4WHX/P (IOTA SA-043), CE7/UA4WHX/A (IOTA SA-064), PY0F/UA4WHX (IOTA SA-003), HC8ART (IOTA SA-004) & CP4WHX.

If you need confirmations from UA4WHX then just use his PayPal address, it is 100% secure and works every single time!




IOTA Qsl’in via Kadek YB8BU


This message just received from the IOTA Manager;

IOTA Management has received a number of complaints that QSL card requests sent to Kadek, YB9BU in accordance with his QSLing instructions on have not received a reply and similarly that email enquiries are not being answered. Emails from the IOTA Manager and mutual friends have also gone unanswered.

In the circumstances it can only be assumed that there is an interruption in the QSL manager service for all the many operations for which YB9BU acts as QSL manager and people would be well advised not to send further cards. We would also advise YB island operators for whom YB9BU acts or normally acts as manager to make other arrangements to ensure satisfactory QSLing.

Acceptance by IOTA Management of further IOTA operations by YB9BU must be regarded as on hold until and unless the matter is resolved.


BO0D AS-113 confirmed


Another very fast turn around of Qsl confirmation after the activation of Dong-Yin Island on the 15th September 2014.

BO0D IOTA AS-113 arrived in the mail today after a Direct request via ClubLog OQRS. I wish more teams would use a Manager or at least a qsl route that offers the OQRS facility!

Many thanks to Sin and the team.





FT4TA – Final update

TAAF 028 TROMELIN-754871

17 and 20m are the best bands for an ATNO and we will try to keep 2 stations on those bands. During daylight, 20m and 17m are almost dead and start to wake-up in the afternoon and works well up to the middle of the night.

We worked on low bands with some West coast and Pacific stations at our sunrise and sunset. We will try to continue to have 40/80 and 160m at these moment +/- 1h. Today again we worked many US on 80 at our SS. We were also on 160 but with no luck. We will try agin tomorrow. We now know we have a good RX towards EU-NA, but still need to improve JA side.

We ask other stations to be cooperative. Too often, our TX frequencies get deliberate QRM, especially on low bands. We are aware of this when reports need to be sent 10 times for each station. To avoid time losses, we are doing a QSY to another band or mode. Yes, that’s a pity !

We made the request of our LoTW certificate just before our departure and sent all documentations to the ARRL HQ. Once on the island, we sent the remaining document to let them validate the certificate. We took the decision to upload immediately the log on LoTW (during the operation). This is a simple way to thank all of you for your help and support and we think that’s part of a good operation when possible.

We are now close to the 60K contacts. We are very tired due to the lack of sleep but we are ready for the last weekend ! Good luck to all of you !


3D2YA – OC-121

3D2YA 001

3D2YA QSL Card arrived this morning foir the operation from Mana Island, Mamanuca, Fiji IOTA OC-121.

Qsl Card was received just 4 weeks after the operation, excellent service from Aki JA1NLX.

ZM90DX now QRT

2013-11-25 121003

ZM90DX are now QRT.

The event, celebrating 90 years of the first radio communication between New Zealand and the United Kingdom was a huge succes so thanks to both the Ham community and operators for their support. Over 70,000 QSO’s have been logged over the last 12 months.

Qsl Cards are printed and the fastest way to receive any Qsl Card I manage is to request them via M0OXO OQRS.

Bureau cards are NOT required so please DO NOT send your cards through the bureau.

EP6T – Iran


This expedition stands for “ friendship and cultural tolerance. In a country with 80 million inhabitants and only 13 (!) radio amateurs, the user manual written and edited by Tony ON6TM will be a guide for students to learn the basics for their Ham radio ticket.Dr. Fard has confirmed his support towards amateur radio in Iran and is planning assessments at various locations across the nation.  Since our last meeting in Tehran, already 300 candidates have announced their participation for these exams! The Rockall DX group has been granted permission to welcome the radio amateurs from Iran at the expedition location.  Some of them will be right next our side to learn the skills about pile-up handling and get some insight in station managing.Mohammad EP3MIR will be our guide and will also assist with local negotiations. Our pilot stations Bjorn ON9CFG and Floyd N5FG will work together with Theo ON4ATW and provide us with the necessary feedback. In the meantime we have our website up and running !

Feel free to visit us at to meet our team and view our plans. Be sure not to forget to fill in our poll and leave a message @ the guestbook !  Or follow us on twitter RockallDX or like us on Facebook Rockall DX Group

The Rockall DX group.