Category - Blog

M0OXO OQRS Direct Mail

D7K 2001

As you know, Tim M0URX and I use a Royal Mail contract for sending our mail in bulk.

This service ensures that our Direct letters and Bureau packages are sent via Priority Air Mail. This gives us the fastest, most efficient and most secure way to get your Qsl Card requests to you. Below are are two reports, one from Italy and one from Japan that show how efficient this service really is;

”Hi Charles, I just received the DX8DX QSL. Probably the faster QSL I ever received !!! Thanks a lot”
Dan, I1-12387

”Dear OM, Thank You , we received qsl for DX8DX for JA1EY /Don and 7K3EOP/Nori, best 73/88”                    JA1EY /Don

The two qsl cards mentioned above were mailed on Friday 24th October at 1600UTC. The cards arrived in Italy on Tuesday the 28th and in Japan on Wednesday 29th October.

If you are planning a DXpedition, Holiday Style activation of an IOTA or any other event then please contact either myself (Charles M0OXO) or Tim M0URX and see how our Qsl Service could help and take the pressure away from you and provide the most efficient QSL service that your DXpedition deserves.


ZM90DX draws to a close

2013-11-25 121003

Well it is now the last few days of the ZM90DX event.

The event, celebrating 90 years of the first radio communication between New Zealand and the United Kingdom draws to a close at the end of October so if you this card you need to be quick to get a qso!

Qsl Cards are printed and the fastest way to receive any Qsl Card I manage is to request them via M0OXO OQRS.

Bureau cards are NOT required so please DO NOT send your cards through the bureau.




C5X – The Gambia

radio c5x

G3VMW, Steve; G3XAQ, Alan; Don G3XTT; and M0PCB, Iain; have announced plans a DXpedition to Gambia” as C5X from January 15-26, 2015.  This will also include “some activity in the CQWW 160m Contest”. 

Plans include two complete stations (Elecraft K3s and KPA500s) using Spiderbeams for the HF bands, verticals on an 18 meter high Spiderpole for 160 and 80 meters and dipoles/verticals on 40 and 30 meters.  Activity will be on 1.8 through 28 MHz on CW, SSB, RTTY and some PSK.

They have had to abandon their original operating site, the well-known “Radio Syd” guesthouse, where C5A, a Czech contest group, operated successfully for several years.  The C5A group advised there were severe LF/HF noise problems, which have been confirmed by C5YK, Andre.  A nearby electric fence installed by aEuropean contractor within the last two years is causing it.  The fence is at a high security prison 200 meters to the west. 

The C5X operation will move to the Ocean Villa Heights Lodge, English run, on the coast at Brufut, southwest of Banjul.  There is a “large northwest-facing lawned garden area” just 100 meters from the beach, a good spot for antennas.  With the K1N Navassa operation likely around the same time, C5X will try to steer clear of those pileups.

Logs are expected to be uploaded daily to both Club Log and LoTW.  QSL via M0OXO (OQRS Preferred). Please DO NOT send your cards via the Bureau as they are NOT required and the team may not receive them.


XT2AW – Qrv from Burkina Faso


Harald, DF2WO (also-D44TWO) will again be active as XT2AW from Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso between November 17 to December 2, 2014.

QRV on CW & SSB.

QSL via M0OXO OQRS preferred. Please DO NOT send your cards via the bureau, they are not required and may not arrive here.

Please use OQRS for ALL bureau requests where possible.



IOTA News – Withdrawal of Berkner Island


In recent years there have been authentic reports from the scientific community that Berkner Island is an ice-rise and that no part of the land-mass under it would be above water if there were no ice. This seems to have gathered credence with map-makers as the considered view of the scientific community. Faced with information that confirms that the ice-rise does not meet IOTA’s qualification rules as a valid island IOTA Management have taken the decision to withdraw AN-014 from the IOTA list with immediate effect before any further operation takes place. The few existing credits will be withdrawn no later than 1 January 2015.


VK9/G7VJR – OC-005


Michael G7VJR will be in Australia over the Christmas period.

Whilst there, he has arranged a short stop over on Norfolk Island IOTA OC-005. Michael will use the Callsign VK9/G7VJR.

Qsl will be via M0OXO (OQRS preferred). Your Qsl Cards are NOT required so please do not send them via the bureau.





Outgoing Bureau Mailing

Each year M0OXO dispatches bureau cards to all World IARU Bureaus every three months, the recent dispatch this week was our third one in 2014 so it is time to give you our report for the year.

In 2014 I have once again worked with Tim M0URX in our bureau posting, this helps us both keep down our outgoing expenses. 31,260 bureau QSL cards have been dispatched this year. All our packages are sent using online business account with Royal Mail, we use several products on the account to best suit the size and weight of the item. All of the packages are sent by Business Mail Priority so that we can be sure that they reach their destination as fast as possible and at a cost that is the most competitve in the industry.

It is very important to remember that bureau cards are NOT free, it actually costs us a considerable amount of money every year which has to be financed by the work that we do here, that is why direct cards cost $2, that is why i do not accept stamps.

The RSGB are in the process of doing a “Bureau Review” in which we have been asked to pay more for the incoming bureau service that we have from the RSGB Bureau. At this stage we are still waiting to hear from the RSGB as to how much this is going to cost. So this is a good time to remind you that for ALL DXpeditions you should NOT send incoming bureau cards to us as they are not required, they cost us money to receive them. You must always use OQRS where possible to request your DXpediton IOTA & DXCC bureau cards. This will save us a considerable amount of money and time, and you will get your bureau cards very quickly.

Thank you to all the bureau staff at the IARU bureaus, we value your work very much. There are some that are giving outstanding service, notably the Venezuealan bureau where members informed us that cards had arrived in just 24 days after we had posted them. Thank you.

Using OQRS for direct QSL cards is the fastest and best way to request your QSL cards and this will help us fund our outgoing bureau for the future. Any donations are most welcome of course… Thank you.

ZL4AA – 2SZ – Success !!

K1024 Great-Grand-Kids


Tonight, around 40 operators and guests crammed into the Shag Valley Station’s historic shearers quarters recreation room, transformed into a three station HF operation shack, to experience the unreal experience of the re-enactment of Frank Bell’s original contact with Cecil Goyder at Mill Hill School in London.

Among the guests were the current land-owners and hosts, Johnny Bell and his family, 5th and 6th generation Bell’s on the station.

As the operating team anxiously watched the Greyline simulator on the computer, initial contact was made on 20m with reception, once a clear frequency was found, excellent. This lead to what was the highlight of the evening –  Ian at Mill Hill School put two students on the microphone and at our end, Frank Bells great-grand children, Henry and Lucy (Photo left) took the  microphone and very quickly got “the lingo” much to the delight of the assembled audience.  Maybe Branch 30 has two  more budding members?

Meanwhile, Ken ZL4NR had tuned up the second rig on 80m while Mike ZL4OL operated and as the Grand-children finished their QSO’s, he quietly announced to the gathering – worked them! The headphone plug was then pulled and the gathering was able to listen to 2SZ working many stations.  

To see the latest photos and President Dave Mulder, ZL4DK’s report on tonights events go to


ZL4AA Shag Valley Station update


With the addition of more antenna to the already extensive aerial farm, ZL4AA  is now active on 160m, 80m, 40m, 30m, 20, 17m, 15m, 12m, 10m, 70cm (National System) and 2m IRLP Node 6507 via Dunedin 690 and 6675, local area STSP.

This is the latest message from ZL2CC on site 

Hi guys,

for technical reasons we had to run SSB on 80m last night (Wednesday) so we have changed the schedule;

Tonight Thursday we will be CW

Friday we will be SSB and

Saturday for the 90th Anniversary we will be CW

There was some discussion last night about running a split but so far, the team have been running without Tx/Rx splits.  They are now running three HF rigs so can be working up to 3 bands at the same time.

Most of the time, up to 7 or 8 operators are available at any one time so expect a range of voices on the air – the log of operators who had been on air up until last evening is,  Ken ZL4NR, Mike ZL2CC, Mike ZL4OL, Pete ZL4SA, Alan ZL4FM, Ron ZL4RMF, John ZL4RO, Adam ZL4ASC, Bill ZL2AYB, Lindsey ZL4KS, and Club President, Dave ZL4DK.  My apologies if I have missed anyone.

And of course a large group behind the scenes whose main interest has been in helping get the whole event on the air, without them nothing would ever have happened.


Martin  ZL4JH for the organising committee

MX0LDG – 7 Band Hexbeam

MX0LDG IOTA DXpedition to Isles of Scilly EU-011 this week are using the new 7 Band Broadband Hexbeam by MW0JZE Anthony. 

The 7 band Hexbeam includes a 40m element. The team will be using this antenna on 40m so please listen for them and work them from wherever you are in the World, Anthony would very much appreciate genuine signal reports on this band.

You can read more about the MW0JZE 7 Band Hexbeam 40m – 6m by clicking on the link.

The team very much look forward to working you all on Isles of Scilly, St Mary’s Island.

The team have no internet so logs will be uploaded after the DXpediton. 

QSL Via M0URX Direct & (Bureau OQRS only). Please do not send us any bureau cards for this activity.