Category - Blog

Rockall 2012 – Postponed….


From Col MM0NDX;

Much has happened since the first press release was issued on August 27th. A few days later, we got word that the 2009 MM0RAI/p Rockall team were again going to attempt an activation of EU-189 at the end of September. To cut a long story short, IOTA chasers will be aware that the Belgian team did eventually activate the island, with the aide of a converted navy rescue vessel and large inflatables – we congratulate MM0RAI/p on their achievenment as we all know how heavy the seas can be out there in Autumn.

With careful consideration and much deliberation, we have decided to postpone our intended activation of the islet for at least one year. This decision was not taken easily considering our planning and organisational aspects were going extremely well. Suffice to say, we believe an activation so soon after the Belgian effort now makes Rockall a less attractive target – that is the crux of our decision.

It is not lost on us that the majority of the world, outwith a proportion of Europe, still require EU-189 for their IOTA scores. With that in mind, this planned activity will not be cancelled, only postponed.

All donations will be refunded. We thank sincerely those kind operators and groups who pledged financial support.

What we can say is that another excellent location/target is now being organised. This involves a rare DXCC and IOTA. However, unlike MS0INT 2012 plans, we prefer to keep silent on this, and only release news and website one week before departure, sometime in mid-2012.

icqpodcast – easy listening to Ham Radio topics…


A great way of listening to current Ham Radio news. It includes local and national topics in a formal ‘chat’ atmosphere and also provides a propagation report.

Its great to improve your knowledge of Ham Radio and gives you the info in basic terms and well explained topics. Give it a try whether in your Shack or on your Ipod/Mobile Fone.

Click the image for a link to the icqpodcast website and then select the ‘Latest Podcast’ on the left side.

T32C – Christmas Island DXpedition by FSDXA – Update….



We started our SSB operations at the weekend with an entry in the Oceania SSB contest in which we believe we have comprehensively beaten the previous contest records. We will not, however, be entering the CW leg as this would undoubtedly lead to a lot of unnecessary duplicate contacts as we will by then have been very active on CW on all bands.

There has been high demand for Christmas Island, especially on LF and also on 10 and 12 where, for many years, there has been little or no propagation. So far the sunspots have been helping those bands along, with 10m being our QSO leader to date. We have pretty much been working all comers to clear the decks so that we can begin to focus more on Europe where band openings are much more limited than to the US and Japan. We would appreciate cooperation from those two areas – US and Japanese stations should find plenty of opportunity to work us on all bands. We did have to delay starting our RTTY operations – our original plans would have allowed us to be on RTTY right from the start. The good news is that RTTY is now well under way on several bands. If 10m continues to play well, we may even show up on FM!

On 160, we made our first European contacts last night, Italy and Germany and at our sunset and Russia, Ukraine and Finland at our sunrise. Hopefully these openings will improve over the next week or two. 80m shows a similar pattern but with longer openings, but right now only our topband station has access to the Beverages.

We will continue to make regular updates on our website and Michael G7VJR will no doubt update Twitter while he is here (he leaves with the first group next week). The online log on ClubLog is getting a very high hit rate, as expected – we are uploading logs twice a day, at 7am and 7pm local time here. The Internet connectivity from the hotel is turning out to be better than we had anticipated (since our site visit a year ago the hotel has installed a satellite Internet), and not only does this make log uploading easier but has meant that we have been able to follow everyone’s feedback better than expected – we are grateful for that and it feeds into our daily team meetings. There is a feedback facility on the website, which is the best way to reach us.

Finally, for that small but enthusiastic group of 6m EMEers, we are still hoping to give this mode a go in the second two weeks of the expedition, but cannot at this time make any guarantees.


DX Code of Conduct Update – October 2011


We have made encouraging progress on almost every front. Over 20,700 hams have visited our site and there is strong representation from hams in countries all around the world. One of our main objectives was to have this be a true international movement.

Take a look at the Flag Counter on our main page and click on it to see more statistics. You may be surprised to see how much support there has been from some countries where the number of supporters is well out of proportion to their population. This is due mostly to small number of hams in those countries who have dedicated themselves to spreading the word about the merits of improving behavior among their compatriots. You can do the same within your country too.

Another feature that shows this also is the rotating globe from Revolver Maps. This shows previous log-ins but will also highlight your QTH when you are at the page. Click on the globe for more detail. The support of DXpeditions has been very encouraging.

Of course, those operators are the major beneficiaries of ethical operating behavior. I have been listening to T32C and 3D2R and the pileups seem quite well-controlled compared with stories I heard about ST0R. That said, I would like someday to understand why, when the DX station asks, “M0?” someone whose call is K4XXX continues to call. There is no way the DX can hear him if he is listening to someone else!

Take a look at where we are featured on the main page and on That kind of prominent notice does a great job in telling DXers that the DXpedition thinks the Code is important and that DXers need to adhere to the Code to better their chances for a contact. Almost every DXpedition is showing their support with a logo and a link. A major thrust for 2011 that you can help with is to get the support of your country’s national society. The new page shows societies like RSGB and DARC that are pushing the project in their countries. There are others that are listed, although a few have supported us in the past but I cannot now find a link.

Please take a minute to think about how you can get your country’s society to support the project, put the logo up at their website, tell their members about it, perhaps through an article in your society’s magazine or newsletter. You can also help by putting the logo on your webpage and on your QSL card the next time you print some. We’d like our logo to be EVERYWHERE so that it will be impossible to miss and so every ham will learn about it.

On behalf of our Committee, I would like to thank you for the hundreds of e-mails I have received expressing the support of the Code project. You can feel good about the worldwide enthusiasm for a project with such high ethical goals. Keep spreading the word.

73, Randy W6SJ

3D2R in the log for M0OXO DXCC 300!!


3D2R operators very loud on 20M CW this morning. I was pleased to make the ‘trip’ there for DXCC 300!

Rotuma is a Fijian dependency consisting of Rotuma Island and nearby islets. The island group is home to a small but unique indigenous ethnic group which constitutes a recognizable minority within the population of Fiji, known as “Rotumans“. Its population at the 2007 census was 2,002, although many Rotumans live on mainland Fijian islands, totaling 10,000.

These volcanic islands are located at 12°30′42″S 177°51′9″E, 646 kilometres (Suva to Ahau) north of Fiji. Rotuma Island itself is 13 kilometres long and 4 kilometres wide, with a land area of approximately 43 square kilometres. The island is bisected into a larger eastern part, and a western peninsula, by a low narrow isthmus only 230 meters wide, the location of Motusa village (Itu’ti’u district). North of the isthmus is Maka Bay, and in the south Hopmafau Bay. The bays are full of coral reefs, through which there are boat passages.


The Strange Attraction of Gale Crater


Curiosity is about to go to Mars. 

The car-sized rover, also known as the Mars Science Lab, is scheduled for launch in late November or early December 2011 from the Kennedy Space Center.  After an eight-month voyage to Mars, Curiosity will land at the foot of a 3 mile high mountain in a crater named “Gale.”

It sounds a little odd—a mountain in the middle of an impact crater. Wouldn’t the impact have smashed it flat? Some scientists believe the 96 mile wide crater filled in with sediments over time and relentless Martian winds carved a mountain in the center, where it now stands nearly three times higher than the Grand Canyon is deep.

Because of its history, this strangely sculpted mountain is the ideal place for Curiosity to conduct its mission of exploration into the Red Planet’s past.
Today the Red Planet is a radiation-drenched, bitterly cold, bleak world. Enormous dust storms explode across the barren landscape and darken Martian skies for months at a time. But data from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter suggest that Mars once hosted vast lakes and flowing rivers. As seasoned travelers know, however, the journey is just as important as the destination. Curiosity can travel up to 150 meters per Mars day, but will stop often to gather and analyze samples. A high-resolution camera on the rover’s mast will take pictures and movies of the scenery, taking Earthlings on an extraterrestrial sightseeing tour.

The Secret Lives of Solar Flares


NASA-supported researchers say that solar flares have been keeping a secret. The new finding, reported in the Astrophysical Journal, suggests that explosions on the sun could affect Earth even more than previously thought.

152 years ago, a man (in England) named Richard Carrington discovered solar flares. It happened at 11:18 AM on the cloudless morning of Thursday, September 1st, 1859. Just as usual on every sunny day, the 33-year-old solar astronomer was busy in his private observatory, projecting an image of the sun onto a screen and sketching what he saw. On that particular morning, he traced the outlines of an enormous group of sunspots. Suddenly, before his eyes, two brilliant beads of white light appeared over the sunspots; they were so bright he could barely stand to look at the screen. It would not be the last. Since then, astronomers have recorded thousands of strong flares using instruments ranging from the simplest telescopes in backyard observatories to the most complex spectrometers on advanced spacecraft.

NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), launched in February 2010, made the finding:  About 1 in 7 flares experience an “aftershock.”  About ninety minutes after the flare dies down, it springs to life again, producing an extra surge of extreme ultraviolet radiation.

“We call it the ‘late phase flare,’” say NASA “The energy in the late phase can exceed the energy of the primary flare by as much as a factor of four.”

What causes the late phase? Solar flares happen when the magnetic fields of sunspots erupt—a process called “magnetic reconnection.”  The late phase is thought to result when some of the sunspot’s magnetic loops re-form. A diagram prepared by team member Rachel Hock of the University of Colorado shows how it works.

The extra energy from the late phase can have a big effect on Earth. Extreme ultraviolet wavelengths are particularly good at heating and ionizing Earth’s upper atmosphere. When our planet’s atmosphere is heated by extreme UV radiation, it puffs up, accelerating the decay of low-orbiting satellites.  Furthermore, the ionizing action of extreme UV can bend radio signals and disrupt the normal operation of GPS.

M0OXO On-Line Qsl Request System (OQRS) goes ‘live’…..


I am pleased to announce that the new OQRS (Online QSL Request System) has gone ‘live’ today (18th Sept. 2011).

This should simplify things a lot and make requesting bureau and direct cards very easy for anyone to use. You,(as the user) will be able to go into the system after the request and you will see the status of not only the current request, but all the cards you have previously requested since the service began.

If you decide that you want the card Direct, then the facility allows you to request the card, pay for it in a variety of ways (via Paypal) and then you send your card via the bureau as normal. The requested Direct card will be with you in a very short and timely manner. Bureau requests are of course at no cost but the card will reach you in half of the time the bureau usually takes.

As mentioned above, there is of course a small charge for the Direct card which has to be made due to cost of postage, envelope and media etc but this is kept to a very minimum to make it easier on you. I can accommodate up to 20 qso’s on one card but to do this it would completely obliterate all of the necessary information on the card you require for your awards etc etc. I would suggest that 8 qso’s on a card is enough and then the card design, image and information is still legible but that’s a matter for you????

Please take a look at the system and see how it works but PLEASE, if you have already sent a card via the bureau then please do not send another request, email me to discuss the options.

73 es GL (feedback always welcome!), Charles

Kepler Discovers a Planet with Two Suns


The existence of a world with a double sunset, as portrayed in the film Star Wars more than 30 years ago, is now scientific fact. NASA’s Kepler mission has made the first unambiguous detection of a circumbinary planet — a planet orbiting two stars — 200 light-years from Earth.

Unlike Star Wars’ Tatooine, the planet is cold, gaseous and not thought to harbor life, but its discovery demonstrates the diversity of planets in our galaxy. Previous research has hinted at the existence of circumbinary planets, but clear confirmation proved elusive. Kepler detected such a planet, known as Kepler-16b, by observing transits, where the brightness of a parent star dims from the planet crossing in front of it. Scientists detected the new planet in the Kepler-16 system, a pair of orbiting stars that eclipse each other from our vantage point on Earth. When the smaller star partially blocks the larger star, a primary eclipse occurs, and a secondary eclipse occurs when the smaller star is occulted, or completely blocked, by the larger star.

This discovery confirms that Kepler-16b is an inhospitable, cold world about the size of Saturn and thought to be made up of about half rock and half gas. The parent stars are smaller than our sun. One is 69 percent the mass of the sun and the other only 20 percent. Kepler-16b orbits around both stars every 229 days, similar to Venus’ 225-day orbit, but lies outside the system’s habitable zone, where liquid water could exist on the surface, because the stars are cooler than our sun.

Strumblehead boys in 4W6A…(Day 16 Update / QRT)


cid_11092011339Well finally, several of our StrumbleHead DX Group start their journeys to Timor Leste today for the 4W6A Dxpedition on Aturo Island. Here is the final press release from Tim M0URX as they left the UK. I will keep this blog updated as and when I hear from them so please call in again and find this entry as I add more to it throughout the next three weeks. Scroll to bottom for latest updates

GOOD LUCK to all the Team, lets hope all goes well and it’s a tremendous success, have a safe journey to all!

So what route will I be taking to get to Timor-Leste? After a two hour coach trip to London, Heathrow Airport, there is a seventeen hour flight to Darwin, NT, Australia Via Singapore. I will be traveling with Ant, MW0JZE. In Darwin we will meet up with VK8NSB, Stuie, (Team leader) VK8DX, Oliver & VK2IA Bernd, The following day we fly to Dili, Timor-Leste where we have some work to do gathering supplies, generators need to be picked up and checked, fuel, food, water all needs to be bought.

The bulk of the equipment, including the linear amplifiers, the Titanex V160E vertical, Hexbeam and other antennas, left Darwin, Australia, on 6 September. It has all arrived safely in Dili, Timor-Leste, and is now awaiting the arrival of the team next week.

9M6DXX and 9M6XRO leave Malaysia on 12 September for a transit stop in Bali, from where they plan to be active ‘holiday style’ as YB9/G4JVG and YB9/GM3OOK respectively. Unfortunately, due to a late change of airline timetable, they will not now arrive in Dili before the afternoon of Friday 16 September. The chartered boat taking the team and the equipment to Atauro Island has therefore been rescheduled to later that afternoon.4W6A-400x65

It is likely that only one or two stations will be on the air that day as the team will run out of daylight before all the antennas can be erected. The remainder of the antenna work will commence at first light the following morning (approximately 2115UTC on 16 September) and 4W6A should be fully operational by the morning (UTC) of 17 September.

4W6A will be QRV on all bands 10 to 160 metres, using CW, SSB and RTTY with up to four stations simultaneously. It is hoped that log search will be available, thanks to the Clublog facility (go to, but this is dependent on a reliable Internet connection being available on the island. Col, MM0NDX, is the pilot for 4W6A and is responsible for providing feedback to the team. He may be contacted at [email protected] The QSL manager is M0URX, direct (SAE plus 1 IRC / $2), via the bureau, or LoTW. The entire log will be uploaded to LoTW as quickly as possible after the end of the operation or, if possible, also during the DXpedition. Direct or bureau QSLs may also be requested using the M0URX Online QSL Request Service (OQRS) at (there is also a link from the 4W6A website at


K800_13092011351Well after the heads up from the rest of the Strumblehead Team, Rob, Chris and I managed to worked both of the guys down in Darwin. Tim was signing VK8/M0URX and Ant VK8/MW0JZE. Sig around 1300UTC were poor with heavy Qsb but an hour later and after a frequency shift they peaked 5/8 with me which also gave Ants wife Laura the opportunity to get thro from her home station, great job!

Here is the latest report
from Tim 1400UTC 13th September);

After a long journey to Darwin Northern Territories Australia taking two days the plane finally touched down at 4.30am local time. Waiting for us at arrivals was Stuie, VK8NSB. We have spent most of the day acclimatising and making sure that we have no jet lag and have done this by staying awake all day and trying to keeping busy.

Stuie has shown us around Darwin today which we have really enjoyed.

This evening we met up with Oliver VK8DX we all had lunch together before retuning to the shack to finish off preparing the K3s and K2 for the RTTY and CW operators of the trip. Having had very little sleep in 40 hours, we are off to bed, catch you all tomorrow. Thanks also for all the guys that called in from the UK, EU and AS, great to have your support on the trip! K800_14092011371

Weather is baking hot as you would expect and we have purchased our hats (see photo) for our trip to Aturo Island in a few days.

Thanks also for all the guys that called in from the UK, EU and AS, great to have your support on the trip!

73 from/OBO Team 4W6A (M0URX)


Bernd, VK2IA, arrived from Sydney on Wednesday afternoon in Darwin. With 5 members of the team now at Stuie’s house we had a meal and talked about the work ahead of us over the next 12 days. It had to be an early night for all of us as we needed to be awake at 3am to leave Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia for a 0545 hrs local time flight with Air North to Dili, East Timor. It was in the departure lounge that the team met with the Timor-Leste, Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao our team leader VK8NSB Stuie had the chance to inform the Prime Minister of our DXpedition to Atauro Island. The team had a group photograph with the Prime Minister before boarding our flight.

The team were met at the Dili International Airport by Kim & Tony our local support team and driven to the Dili Hotel where the team members had various pre DXpedition shopping and logistics matters to deal with. The final two K800_part_4W6Amembers of the team are still in Bali, Indonesia prior to leaving for Dili on Friday. We had a meeting with Kim & Tony to discuss all the duties that we would need them to assist us with in getting the fuel over to the Island daily for the generators along with supplies for the team. The Hexbeam was delivered to the hotel, and the generators have been checked over for collection later.


Well the guys a little too busy today to give us any feedback, understandably they need to crack on with things at their side. I the meantime just a little addition to say that all is well and team arrived safely on Aturo Island. They have been very busy setting up and managed to get one station on the air around 10.45 UTC when they appeared on 21295.00. Signals were very good and gave a full 4 1/2 hours where the signals were 57 to 58 with me in Yorkshire (on my Hexbeam (MW0JZE build!). Tim, Steve and Ant were operating and had a huge pile-up resulting in a 5-20kc split at times. Tim and Oliver are concentrating on getting the Hexbeams up and we expect another update later today when they have time.

Well done guys, keep it up, a good start!


We have just received some news from Col, MM0NDX, the pilot station.

The team have lost one of the generators (possible breakdown) so they are limited with what they do at the minute. They are also hoping to get to the internet cafe to upload logs and get any news back to us here in the UK.

We will advise when more is forthcoming.

The first logs from 4W6A are now on line at


DAY 9 REPORT (…..troubles in Paradise Cry )

The guys had troubles with the 20M station yesterday evening with several reports of very bad audio. The Pilot tried to make contact but without initial success. We hope now the situation is sorted. Here are a few lines from yesterday which try to explain yesterdays events and dont forget to check the Logsearch (click here) although uploads may only be every few days due to local internet and access issues;

”The main reason why contacts have been a little slow is that we had a malfunction with a transceiver, particulary on RTTY & SSB. We are now running without back up.

Due to a power failure not all the logs synchronised all QSO’s logged for the upload. They are all showing on the network but did not all download. This will be rectified on next download/upload.”

Currently the team are experiencing difficulties on the 75/80M band from a yet unknown source. They will be back on 80M tonight (19th),or earlier if the issue is resolved, looking to work North America. Also, the generator issues are still hampering the team, so limited stations are the order.

As mentioned above, even now at 1530UTC there is still an issue with uploads to the 4W6A DXpedition log, there are qso’s missing, but this DOES NOT mean you are NOT in the log. Hopefully, the problem will be resolved soon, but if in any doubt, please work 4W6A again. The team are working hard to get these jobs sorted but those of you who have been on these trips will realise how difficult it can be when you are in a foreign place without the comforts of home, please be patient!



The problems the team had with the audio on the 20M station rig was finally resolved yesterday. A chat with a team member said that it was in fact an issue with one of the K3’s but after a full reset to ‘factory defaults’ it seemed to cure the problem. Up to yesterday evening (19th September) the team had logged just short of 15,000 qso’s – Great job!!!

Further from the team (1030am UTC);

Next log upload in few hours. Partial log uploads only, due to generator issues. Feel free to work them again if you wish to confirm the band slots. The Internet is so unreliable, almost to the point of unuseable.

They will be QRV on 80 and 160 tonight for EU but still a very high noise level on 80, moreso than 160 which at this stage cannot be resolved.

Many thanks to everyone for their kind words and support in the last few days of problems.


From Atauro;
Conditions continue to be good, though perhaps not quite as spectacularly good as on 16 and 17 September. As of 1130UTC today, 20 September, 4W6A has made approximately 18.5k QSOs.

We are aware that approximately 1000 CW QSOs made on the morning of 18 September on 20m and 30m are missing from the online log on Clublog. We hope to include these QSOs in future log uploads, but to be absolutely certain of a ‘good QSO’ you are invited to make another contact if you cannot find your call in our online log.

Last night was the first night without any local noise on 160m, and over 250 QSOs were made on topband to North America, including some East Coast contacts, to Europe as far west as the British Isles, and to Japan.  We should be on 160m each night now until 25 September.

We have received some reports of poor modulation quality on one of our SSB stations. We appreciate the feedback: the problem has now been solved. It would seem that the audio settings of one of the K3 transceivers had mysteriously changed in transit and we have now reverted to the factory default settings




This message was recieved from the Team yesterday as major problems were still being made as more qso’s were uploaded. Yesterday for example, the 12M qso’s from the previous day were all OK in the Logsearch. After the next upload however later in the day, most of the 12m Qso’s were overwritten and NONE showed in the log.
PLEASE be patient. They guys are aware of the problem and the Pilot has hundreds of emails complaining about missing qso’s. We have problems even contacting the team so as you can imagine, ammending logs is not possible at all at the moment. We understand that the main log is fine and the fault is with the partial updating. The full logs will be updated as soon as they have a stable internet connection and then we expect all the issues to be resolved;

”’16:36 UTC 23/09/2011

It would again appear a problem with uploading logs from the jungle has taken place. We are attempting to establish comms with the team to ascertain exactly what the problem is, but for the moment we suggest all ops with “missing QSO data” keep details of your contact(s). As soon as we clarify the issue, the 4W6A website will be updated. ”’


Initial reports saying 4W6A QRT at 0200UTC today were incorrect. They have 40,200 QSO’s logged at 1500z.
Most of the antennas are now done with just 12 and 15m dipoles remaining with one station.
Internet problems have plagued the team the past few days so next log upload will be completed when they arrive in Dili tomorrow.



The team of 4W6A have left Atauro, and are spending two days sampling the atmosphere and culture in the City of Dili. Two members are on their way home, John, 9M6XRO, and Steve, 9M6DXX.
The final log for 4W6A is online via this website, please be wary that until a stable connection is available, that some data may not be apparent.

The QSL requests are flooding in, and the comments received are wonderful, the dxpedition has been received amazingly well
especially some of the teams 160M operation. Hopefully soon, we will be able to post some pictures from Atauro, to give you a chance to see where the team operated from.

73 from/OBO Team 4W6A
