Category - Blog

GUFF Area List



Below is the current list for ‘GUFF’ up to and including :-     20/11/2010


**Areas shown in BLUE are ‘first activated by’
**Areas NOT shown in BLUE are ‘not yet activated’

EU Guernsey Island GUFF-001 Bridget Ozanne Orchid Fields
EU Guernsey Island GUFF-002 Colin Best
EU Guernsey Island GUFF-003 La Claire Mare
EU Guernsey Island GUFF-004 La Garenne d’Anneville
EU Guernsey Island GUFF-005 La Gélé Road
EU Guernsey Island GUFF-006 Le Grand Pré
EU Guernsey Island GUFF-007 Le Jardin de Lorette
EU Guernsey Island GUFF-008 Ozanne
EU Guernsey Island GUFF-009 Pleinmont
EU Guernsey Island GUFF-010 Rue des Bergers
EU Guernsey Island GUFF-011 Rue Rocheuse
EU Guernsey Island GUFF-012 Silbe
EU Guernsey Island GUFF-013 Vale Pond – Colin McCathie
EU Guernsey Island GUFF-014 Alderney Island
EU Guernsey Island GUFF-015 Brecqhou Island [Sark]
EU Guernsey Island GUFF-016 Burhou Island [Alderney]
EU Guernsey Island GUFF-017 Coque Lihou [Alderney]
EU Guernsey Island GUFF-018 Crevichon Islet [Herm]
EU Guernsey Island GUFF-019 Grande Amfroque Rock [Herm]
EU Guernsey Island GUFF-020 Herm Island
EU Guernsey Island GUFF-021 Jethou Island [Herm]
EU Guernsey Island GUFF-022 Les Casquets [Alderney]
EU Guernsey Island GUFF-023 Les Étacs (The Garden Rocks) [Alderney]
EU Guernsey Island GUFF-024 Les Houmets [Guernsey]
EU Guernsey Island GUFF-025 L’Etac Rock [Sark]
EU Guernsey Island GUFF-026 Lihou Island [Guernsey]
EU Guernsey Island GUFF-027 Little Burhou Island [Alderney]
EU Guernsey Island GUFF-028 Ortac Island [Alderney]
EU Guernsey Island GUFF-029 Renonquet Rock [Alderney]
EU Guernsey Island GUFF-030 Sark Island

GIFF Area List



Below is the current list for ‘GIFF’ up to and including :-     07/09/2011
**Areas shown in BLUE are ‘first activated by’
**Areas NOT shown in BLUE are ‘not yet activated’
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-001 Altikeeragh
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-002 Annagariff
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-003 Ballymaclary
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-004 Ballynahone
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-005 Ballyquintin
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-006 Banagher Glen
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-007 Belshaw’s Quarry (GI7SQW)
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-008 Binevenagh
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-009 Bohill
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-010 Boorin
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-011 Brackagh
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-012 Breen Oakwood
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-013 Brookend
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-014 Castle Archdale
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-015 Castle Caldwell
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-016 Cloghy
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-017 Correl Glen
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-018 Dorn
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-019 Giant’s Causeway
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-020 Glenariff (GI7SQW)
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-021 Granagh Bay
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-022 Hanging Rock & Rossa Forest
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-023 Hollymount Forest
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-024 Kebble (Rathlin Island)
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-025 Killard
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-026 Killeter
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-027 Killykeeghan & Crossmurrin
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-028 Lough Beg
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-029 Lough Naman Bog
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-030 Lough Neagh Islands
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-031 Magilligan Point
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-032 Marble Arch
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-033 Meenadoan
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-034 Mullenakill
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-035 Murlough
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-036 The Murrins
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-037 North Strangford Lough
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-038 Oxford Island
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-039 Portrush
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-040 Quoile Pondage
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-041 Randalstown Forest
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-042 Rea’s Wood
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-043 Reilly & Gole Woods
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-044 Roe Estuary
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-045 Ross Lough
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-046 Rostrevor Oakwood
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-047 Slieveanorra
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-048 Straidkilly
EU Northern Ireland GIFF-049 Turmennan

GDFF Area List



Below is the current list for ‘GDFF’ up to and including :-     20/11/2010


**Areas shown in BLUE are ‘first activated by’
**Areas NOT shown in BLUE are ‘not yet activated’

EU Isle of Man GDFF-001 The Ayres (GD4WSB/p)
EU Isle of Man GDFF-002 Ballalough Reedbeds
EU Isle of Man GDFF-003 Ballamooar Meadow
EU Isle of Man GDFF-004 Barnell Reservoir
EU Isle of Man GDFF-005 Breagle Glen
EU Isle of Man GDFF-006 Calf of Man
EU Isle of Man GDFF-007 Close e Quayle
EU Isle of Man GDFF-008 Close Sartfield
EU Isle of Man GDFF-009 Close Umpson
EU Isle of Man GDFF-010 Cooildarry
EU Isle of Man GDFF-011 Cronk y Bing (GD4WSB/p)
EU Isle of Man GDFF-012 Curragh Feeagh
EU Isle of Man GDFF-013 Curragh Kiondroghan
EU Isle of Man GDFF-014 Dalby Mountain Fields
EU Isle of Man GDFF-015 Dalby Mountain Moorland (GD4WSB/p)
EU Isle of Man GDFF-016 Earystane
EU Isle of Man GDFF-017 Fell’s Field
EU Isle of Man GDFF-018 Glen Dhoo
EU Isle of Man GDFF-019 Goshen
EU Isle of Man GDFF-020 Lough Cranstal
EU Isle of Man GDFF-021 Miss Guyler’s Meadow
EU Isle of Man GDFF-022 Moaney & Crawyn’s Meadows
EU Isle of Man GDFF-023 Scarlett





You must work/hear/activate 50 WFF reference numbers, conditions below apply:-

The 50 WFF references must include at least  5 ‘GFF’ reference numbers

(45 WFF + 5 GFF or 40 WFF + 10 GFF etc etc)

(‘G’FF Stations’ include G, M,GI, GM, MM, GW, MW etc. or any of their Territories))

****Band / Mode endorsements on request****


The Claimant does not have to produce Qsl Cards to claim the Award but all the contacts

must be shown in the log

search at .

(If you are not in the LogSearch and think you should be, please contact me by email )



The Award is free of charge but I do ask that the amount below is paid to cover cost

of postage and hard backed envelope :

€6.00 Euro

** If you wish to use IRC’s instead of the above, then the IRC’s

must be the ‘new’ IRC’s with Expiry 2013 (sample below).


IRC’s with ‘Expiry 2009’ will no longer be accepted.


Please send EW4DX GCR List and above fee to Award Manager:-

Charles R. Wilmott

60 Church Hill,



South Yorkshire




I automatically receive EW4DX GCR list via email so all you have to do

is send me the cost of Postage (as above) via Paypal


Check out the other Awards available from the GFF Team : Click Name to learn more

GFF World Flora Fauna (GFF III) Award Class III – Bronze

GFF World Flora Fauna (GFF II) Award Class II – Silver

GFF World Flora Fauna (GFF I) Award Class I – Gold

GFF GreenDay (GDWW) Award – 2009

GFF GreenDay (GDWW) Award – 2010

GFF Explorer Of Nature (ENA) Award



…Tnx again to my dear friend Jurij MM0DFV for his
help in managing this Award!

New Zone 19 record….


New QSO/hour record was set up in the last CQ WW SSB Contest 2010 by Vladislav Sitnikov, UU5MAF, operated at RC0F.

Vladislav managed to score 322 QSO during one hour!!! Soon, his result will placed in ‘the best QSO rates in Contests’ table at

Vladislav is the only contester from Russia and Ukraine to achieve such a high score. Also, in this contest Vladislav claimed for new 19 Zone record. Once again, I’d like to mention that this result was scored from the Sakhalin Island, and it will be the only result from Asia.

Vladislav operated from Gennady, R0FA, ex UA0FAI station, with quite a simple setup. 4 elements SteppIR, Optibeam 4030, FT2000 and Acom 2000 PA.

Well done Vladimir!!

Complaint about my Qsl Managing…..



hello, thanks for your mail. i send every qso card to all contact i worked at home same as portable or iota activation. It’s the first time who a OM said i have to pay to receive a return qsl confirmation card.
So you can keep your’s. I think that some other’s OM will be active in the futur  the same place.
Sorry for derangement.
best 73’s


Hi Laurent, thanks for the reply.

I am not sure how long you have been requesting cards from Managers but I find it very unusual if you are receiving them all back without any mentioning the lack of payment by you. I would be interested in knowing who they are for sure as they are indeed offering a great service.

It is and has been the proceedure for Qsl Managers to ask for a contribution for their Qsl service for many years and it would be rare indeed if none did. Please note I mention ‘service’ and not just a ‘qsl card’. In most cases you are contributing towards the cards, labels, envelopes and time of the Manager. If the Manager did not exist it would be very likely that you wouldn’t receive a card at all from thousands of people as they simply do not like doing the job.

I am sorry if you feel you are victimised here but I can assure you that is not the case. Have a look on and check out other stations such as 9M6DXX, CE2WZ, 3C0C, K5D, VP8DMH, VP8LP, ZD8Z, ZS8M, ZS9AH, EB7DX, EA7FTR (the list is endless) and see what proceedure they adopt.

I will forward your card and comments to the guys in Brazil and they may indeed reply to you but it will be extremely unlikely you will get a card from them without offering the standard contrubution of either $2US or 1 IRC.

Thanks for your input Laurent, I will add the message to my feedback page so that other Amateurs can both good (and in this case) bad comments in relation to the service I offer.
Kindest regards,



Just a precision, i send and i will send $ stamps and all things when i really want qsl card ( dxcc-iota some specials event) for PX2C ; i don’ t
really need it. Many time with english managers;  i join stamps for the return qsl but-and at this moment i havent anymore english stamps. When i’ll need some confirmation i will send/ask like regard to you and your all.
tnx also for your work and “devouement” at our hobbie.

TC3WFF & TC3A from new LZFF…..


From 24 to 30 November 2010 will take place WFF NEW ONE expedition TC3WFF and TC3A (CQ WW Contest) in National Park Kus Cenneti (Bird Paradise), TAFF-022.

The expedition is organized by “LZ Contest group” and Bulgarian radio club “LZ Flora Fauna”, and will be active on HF bands 160-10 meters SSB, CW.
They will also participate in the CQ WW CW Contest 27-28 November 2010 (only TC3A).

QSL for TC3A via LZ1NK and for  TC3WFF via LZ1ZF

to Buro today…….


Cards done and to be sent to the RSGB Bureau this week are:-

G4RCG 45, MØIAA 49, MW0OXO/P (WFF) 85, MØOXO 100, GB0WFF (WFF) 75, GB2NSF 180.
Latest batch from the Buro arrived last Wednesday and were processed by Saturday.

I am now moving on to assist Igor RA3CQ to confirm hundreds in his logbook as he has experienced serious problems in the Buro system at his side.
Along with Tim M0URX, we declined his generous offer to assist with costs and instead we offered to sponsor the printing of his cards, labels and postage, in an attempt to help him out.
I am hopeful that the ‘black cloud’ hovering around his enjoyment of the hobby may now be lifted and once more he can enjoy the hobby as is intended.

UK Amateur ‘in Space’…


After months of planning, they put operation Paris – Paper Aircraft Released Into Space – into action, travelling to Spain to send the plane on its journey.The balloon climbed to 90,000 ft where the helium expanded to a point that caused the balloon to burst and the plane was released, gliding down to earth 100 miles from where it set off.