Category - Blog

5th EPC Qso Party….



This is strictly BPSK63 contest, no other modes are allowed. The maximum output power is 100 watts. Recommended frequencies are: 160 meters (1.838 – 1.840 MHz), 80 meters (3.582 – 3.590 MHz), 40 meters (7.040 – 7.050 MHz), 20 meters (14.072 – 14.080 MHz), 15 meters (21.072 – 21.080 MHz), and 10 meters (28.072 – 28.080 MHz). Please note that since this year EPC members should send signal report plus 5-digit EPC membership number (example – 599 EPC00001). Please make sure that you don’t separate «EPC» from the «Number», and you don’t use any characters between. Please make sure that your EPC number consists of 5 digits! Other stations should send signal report plus QSO number, starting 001 (example – 599 001). You should send your log via E-mail: [email protected]

All the very best and see you all in the 5th EPC PSK63 QSO Party 2010!

Using MixW in this Contest. The new set of files for the MixW data mode software makes your particiapation in the EPC PSK63 QSO Party most enjoyable. You can download this set of files at

After the deadline all logs will be published as UBN reports..


Contest Log Checker Software


New Awards……


Several new awards received this week from my activities.

Most are shown in the Gallery under
‘Radio Awards’.

The one shown here is the Suffix Hunter Award issued
by Reinhard Lipkow (DK1IO) and relates to PSK-63 and
PSK-125 modes.

Are you, or have you considered being a member of the
European PSK Club (reported to be the biggest Ham
Radio Club in the World!)

The group offers a wide range of items to intrest Amateurs including News, current events, Awards, Contest information and so much more!

Check EPC out today …click here!

”We will remember them…..”


‘Poppy Day’ is observed on the 11th of November to recall the official end of World War I on that date in 1918, as the major hostilities of World War I were formally ended “at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month” of 1918 with the German signing of the Armistice (Note that “at the 11th hour”, refers to the passing of the 11th hour, or 11:00 am.)

Remembrance Day (also known as Armistice Day or Veterans Day ) is a memorial day observed in Commonwealth countries to remember the sacrifices of members of the armed forces and civilians in times of war, specifically since the First World War. This day, or alternative dates, are also recognised as special days for war remembrances in many non-Commonwealth countries.

More information about the Two-Minute Silence, Remembrance Sunday and the Remembrance Festival is available on the Legion’s website.



21/28 Mhz Contest – Stay of execution


The original decision of the Committee (to discontinue the event after 2010) was based on the poor level of support by UK stations as reflected not solely by the number of UK entrants (which, although low, has remained almost constant over recent years despite the sunspot decline) but also by the total number of QSOs made by overseas stations, which includes the contribution made by the dwindling pool of ‘casual’ UK operators.  This had led to comments from overseas operators remarking on the absence of UK stations to work even though there was propagation.  The Committee felt that it was not appropriate to run an international HF contest where the overseas leaders were struggling to achieve an average of 10 Qs per hour.

Immediately before and after the 2010 contest, the Committee received a number of requests to reconsider and there was considerable traffic on this reflector in the same vein.  Accordingly, on Sunday, the Committee reviewed its decision.

The logs are now all in and the number of UK entries is increased (not by the very optimistic figures which have been bandied about recently, but well up nonetheless).  Additionally, the leading overseas entrants have made nearly twice as many QSOs this year as in 2009, in propagation conditions which were still not exactly brilliant, which would indicate that ‘casual’ participation was also increased.  How much of this increased support was due to the desire to ‘be in the last one’ is a matter for conjecture!

After considerable deliberation the Committee reached a majority decision that the event will be continued for at least one more year and will remain contributory to the HF Contest Championship.  The Committee were agreed, however, that the event is still marginal and that its inclusion in the calendar after 2011 will be contingent upon the level of UK support continuing to improve.

(Photo above shows M0OXO receiving the Whitworth Trophy from Angus Annan (MM1CCR), President of RSGB back in 1997 for First Place in the 21/28Mhz Contest)

Spratly Dxpedition getting nearer…..


With only 60 days to go until DX0DX hits the amateur bands, the DXpedition Team Leader, Chris Dimitrijevic VK3FY & DU8/VK3FY has announced it will be extended to allow participation in the CQ World Wide 160m CW Contest.

He says while DX0DX was to go QRT on the 24th January, a couple of individual and keen members have asked if they could stay on air for that contest when ends at 2200 UTC Sunday the 30th of January. This will now extend DX0DX activation to 1st of February, 2011. This limited extension was agreed in light of strong interest from Top Band contesters and the 160m band being the highest sought after in the DX0DX website online survey.

DX0DX will be on air from the 6th of January and now through to the 1st of February, 2011.

EPC Contest – Country Winner 2010


This certificate arrived today for this Years EPC DX Contest back in May of this year.

I achieved tenth place overall in my category (SO20-HP single operator, 20M only, High power) which gave me the Country Winner for ‘G’ (673 stations submitted logs for the Contest).

This Year the Contest changed mode and PSK-63 (faster than PSK-31) was the only mode allowed.

XX9 Macau – ‘new one’ on RTTY…


After 30 minutes in the huge pile-up today i was pleased to log XX9TLX, (Georg DK7LX) in Macau. He was a great signal and gave me a new one on 15M RTTY at 0830UTC.
Macau is a city on the southern coast of China. It is located at the south of Guangdong Province, on the tip of the peninsula formed by the Zhujiang (Pearl River) estuary on the east and the Xijiang (West River) on the west.
Macau is situated 60 km west of Hong Kong and 145 km southwest of Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong Province. It is immediately adjacent to the Zhuhai Special Economic Zone.
Lets hope for some more new slots on 10 &12m whilst propagation is favourable and in the run up to CQWW SSB this coming weekend.

UK team hits the Seychelles this week….


Michael G7VJR along with G3NKC, G4XUM and G4BWP are teaming up in the Seychelles as S79K
for the CQWW SSB contest this coming weekend.

They hope to upload the log to Clublog afterward, if the web access from the island is good enough.They plan to do a bit of CW before the big SSB
affair, and have some “interesting antenna arrays” planned too. Michael, `VJR, says,

“Chances are good you’ll hear us, if we’ve got it right!”

Qsl Cards to RSGB Bureau


Latest batch of Qsl Cards to the RSGB bureau yesterday were:-

GB2WHL – 220 and
G4RCG 180

New WFF Award released…


Released this week is the new award from the GFF Team.

The ENA ( Explorer Of Nature Award) (click image) is available to those of you who ‘activate’ the WFF areas rather than ‘chasing’ them.

The Award is offered to anyone who activates 10 WFF Areas anywhere in the World and is free of charge (other than a small cost for postal services).

Qsl Cards are not required just a list of areas is OK.