Category - Blog

More buro cards completed…..


Another 70 GR2HQ Cards were completed yesterday and will be in the RSGB Bureau by this friday.

Email requested Cards are still the most popular and I would encourage anyone to request a card (either Direct or Bureau) by the On-line Qsl Request System (OQRS). It cuts the normal bureau time down by half and will save years – literally. Not only that, the station may not even require a card from you so check first and you’ll save wasting both your own card and your time by using this method.

Click the link and check out the OQRS.

15m Band continues to impress….


Well for the second week in a row, the 15M Band continues to impress.
You may have seen the report a little lower in my Blog from earlier this week when T88 was present for two new slots. Well again yesterday I managed double figures again with 19 Japanese Stations logged. I noticed this time that the condx also seemed to be improving on other modes with equally good reports from the Far East and North America.
Today was the best yet and in just under two hours i had logged an amazing 39 JA (Japan) stations, 3 6K/DS (in the Republic of Korea with his family in foto above), 3 in VK (Australia) and several of our friends across in the Russian Federation. Its great to see the logbook healthy and things looking good for CQWW this weekend.

(text in brackets for none-radio hams that may read the blog and for any discenters out there, my logbook is available for investigating should you feel the need lol).

Qsl Cards to bureau – Update

Another 630 Qsl Cards sent to the RSGB Bureau last night.

There were approx:-

220 for GB1TAN (Highest pub in Britain [WFF GFF-020]) &

400+ for GB1HI (Holy Island [IOTA EU-124 WFF GFF-013/GFF-172]).

Fingers crossed for a speedy journey through the Bureau!

T88 – new one on 17m


Well another good few hours on 17M again today and a nice change from the disastrous contest a few days before.
Today saw another 30+ Japanese into the log, the majority first time contacts too. Amazing to hear calling me was T88KH from Palau. First contact I was sceptical of a pirate or not but Harry (JH3KEA) called in again later where we managed a decent qso.
Officially the Republic of Palau (Palauan: Beluu er a Belau), is an island nation in the Pacific Ocean, some 500 miles (800 km) east of the Philippines and 2,000 miles (3,200 km) south of Tokyo.
Palau enjoys a tropical climate all year round with an annual mean temperature of 82°F (28 °C). Rainfall can occur throughout the year, averaging a total of 150 inches (3,800 mm). The average humidity over the course of the year is 82%, and although rain falls more frequently between July and October, there is still much sunshine. All in all, quite an eventful few hours.

GR2HQ Card hit Royal Mail….


The GR2HQ Qsl Cards arrived today from the Printer.

150 Qsl Cards that were requested ‘direct’ were the first to be processed and they will arrive at Royal Mail on Monday (20th September) morning. 130 cards requested on-line for RSGB bureau will be in the system early next week.

Thanks for your patience!

More Buro cards completed…..


Hot on the heels of the last batch (see blog previous to one), these cards also sent to the RSGB Bureau today:-

GB1TAN – 90, MØOXO – 140,
GBØANT – 445, GB1HI – 430,
GB4IPY – 370……..

….Substantially more than anticipated and still pending are the GR2HQ Cards.

That brings the total amount of labels printed in the last 14/21 days to just over 4000. Hopefully they will move very swiftly through the system.

WFF new activation – ‘GFF-113’


Saturday 18th September 2010 will see the Stour Estuary ‘GFF-113’ being activated for the first time. The operators will be Sonia (MØTUL) and Adam (MØGWS) and they will be operating from Wrabness from around 9.30 – 10.00am on 20 and maybe 15m SSB. The Operators will both be using their home callsigns as above.

The Stour Estuary is a nature reserve in Essex, England, east of Colchester on the estuary of the Rive Stour, managed by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, (RSPB). The estuary is important as a breeding, roosting and wintering site for many waterfowl and other birds, including woodpeckers, Nightingale, Blackcap, Whitethroat, Sedge Warbler, Shelduck,  Pintail, Teal, Grey Plover, Redshank, Curlew and Black-tailed Godwit.

Please give Sonia and Adam a call and we wish them well with their first WFF activation!

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2.6K Qsl Cards to RSGB Bureau


Latest Qsl Cards to go to the bureau this week are as follows:-

GB1TAN – 320, MØSCC – 70,
MØOXO – 290,
GBØANT – 470,
GBØWFF – 175, GB1HI – 410,
MØBZH – 45, GB4IPY – 560,
2EØKYI – 130, MW0JZE – 120.

Pending are approx 250 GBØANT & 200 GB4IPY
which will be processed in the coming days and also
270 Direct & Bureau cards for GR2HQ when they
arrive from the printer any day now.

G4OBK Logs now on EW4DX LogSearch


A big thanks to Phil G4OBK for his recent contact re-WFF.

Many of you will be starting to see new areas appearing in your results on the EW4DX LogSearch. Phil has kindly supplied the logs from his SOTA and his WOTA activities to us for the WFF programme.

So far we have sent several logs to the LogSearch from areas such as GFF-020 (Yorkshire Dales National Park), GFF-008 (Lake District National Park) & GFF-012 (North Yorkshire Moors National Park [new activation!]).

Please note that there are no Qsl Cards available for these trips, just the verifications on the WFF LogSearch. On your behalf, I extend our gratitude to Phil for his support of the WFF programme!

(Photo above shows Phil G4OBK on Helm Crag in the Lake District National Park GFF-008).