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‘GR2HQ’ hits the air this weekend!


The UK Headquarters team will again be active in the IARU Championships this weekend. This is the 8th year that the team has taken part in the contest ‘nationwide’ using several calls over those years such as GB5HQ, GB7HQ and new for this year ‘’GR2HQ’’ (website), a new and unique prefix.

This year the team has expanded to include more than 60 experienced contest operators, operating simultaneously from 16 locations around the UK. The main 20M stations are in Northern Ireland and Orkney Islands. Other stations are on the Isle of Man, the Midlands, East Anglia, Wales and Somerset etc.

Please try to work the team on as many of the possible 12 band slots that are available (only dual-mode Contest [SSB & CW]). Sometimes it is difficult to work within the UK on the higher bands but with ‘Sporadic E’ in full swing anything is possible. On 10M for example, the GR2HQ station will be operating from several different locations during the 24 hours of the contest.

There are several Awards available again this year. This award is available to any licensed radio amateur who makes contacts with GR2HQ during the IARU HF World Championship contest on 10-11 July 2010 on a minimum number of bands/modes (maximum is 12 : i.e. 6 on CW and 6 on SSB)

Bronze award: GR2HQ on three band/modes
Silver award: GR2HQ on six band/modes
Gold award: GR2HQ on nine band/modes
Platinum award: GR2HQ on all twelve band/modes

All UK Stations are encouraged to work other HQ stations and other IARU stations in addition to working the UK HQ station. The full rules of the IARU HF Championships can be found at

Have fun, support ‘your team’ and most of all, enjoy the event!!!

Ramsey Island (GWFF-072) team back again!


Once again the members of the Strumble Head DX and Contest Group (SHDXCG) are heading over the water to activate the rare Ramsey Island (DXCC – Wales, IOTA EU-124, WFF GWFF-072). Activity will take place between July 22nd and July 26th or 27th (all dependent on tides) using the club callsign MC0SHL.

This trip also takes place during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 24-25th) where they  will be on the air using the club contest callsign MW9W over the weekend. They will again try to make as many contacts both before and during the contest.

They will have3 stations using the following equipment: two Elecraft K3 Transceivers, one Yaesu FT2000, two G3TXQ Hexbeams, 80m Dipole, 40m Vertical and three Acom 1000.
The team will be using MC0SHL on 17 and 12 meters during the contest to try to give as many contacts on these bands. They will be on the air mostly on SSB, but with some RTTY and CW thrown in.

Full details on last years trip can be found here and also in the Gallery.

G3WLV back Qrv with Optibeam OB6-3M


With assistance from Malc MØBZH and myself I am please to say that eventually last night Jack G3WLV was back on the air!
His previous install suffered a serious headache when a fallen tree crushed it so the new Optibeam OB6-3M replaced it as of yesterday.

The OB6-3M is a german designed high performance multi band 20/15/10m Yagi with patented efficient feed system. It is a computer optimized and field tested yagi without traps and with full size elements on all bands. It has 2 elements on 20 (moxon), 2 on 15, and 2 on 10 meters all on a 10 foot boom.

Most of the work had been prep’d by Jack prior to our arrival but as always, getting beam antennas in the air in confined areas is always a challenge. Good luck Jack, hope to hear you on the air again soon (groundwave hi)!

Diode Comms


DIODE Communications supply all the wide ranges of cable available to date.

They specialise in RF Cable, Cable assemblies and RF connectors from LF to Microwave. They are the UK dealer of Ecoflex and low loss Pro Cables.

DIODE Comms. can also give you competetive quotes on all available Ham Radio equipment from Tranceivers to Antennas.

Check out the link above or click the image to the left to be direct to their website.

EPC WW DX Contest ‘Country Winner’!


Pleased to receive this Award a few days ago for the EPC WW DX Contest 2009. Lets hope the 2010 results are favourable too when they eventually get published!

MCØSHL Qrv from GFF-015

Members of the Strumble Head Contest & DX Group were again qrv during the last week as MCØSHL. Whilst down in Wales for the marriage of two good friends (and members of the group), several periods of activity became available.

The Club house for the guys is located in the Pembrokeshire National Park (GFF-015) and using the G3TXQ Hexbeam (available from MW0JZE) and the FT2000, just short of 800 qso’s were made during the time in Wales.

Logs have now been uploaded to the EW4DX Logsearch for anyone eagerly awaiting a contact with this very active area. Qsl Cards are via Tim M0URX. Congrats to Rob and Jane!

Green Day Award available now!


Dont forget that this Saturday is World ‘Green Day’.

I shall be active from the reference number ‘GFF-111’ (new!) which is located on the eastern tip of the UK near the Humber estuary. I will be operating on 40 and 80m SSB only, using Yaesu FT897D running barefoot into dipoles with feedpoint at 12M above ground. Callsign will be MØOXO’.
As well as GFF-111, there are also three Lighthouses that can be claimed from out location. All details will be on the Qsl cards but all reference numbers for the activity can be found here for those requiring them.
The new ‘Green Day Award’ is also now available so have a look at the rules before the weekend and hope you may be able to achieve it. The Award can be claimed now for 2009 and then 2010 claims can be made after the event this coming weekend.
Good luck to all the teams for their activities for ‘Green Day’, we hope to meet you on the bands!

Green Day WorldWide Award





You must work/hear/activate 20 WFF reference numbers, conditions below apply:-

1) Work/hear/activate 17 WFF reference numbers.

(All 17 contacts must be at a WFF location ).


2) Work/hear/activate 3 WFF reference numbers

(All 3 must be worked/heard/activated on ‘Green Day‘ )


remember******All 20 of the contacts must be made in the same year as ‘Green Day’ occurs

(e.g’s – If the 3 ‘Green Day’ stations you are claiming are from
Green Day 2009 (13th June 2009)
then the other 17 contacts must also be made anytime during 2009,

If the 3 ‘Green Day’ stations you are claiming are from
Green Day 2010 (12th June 2010)
then the other 17 contacts must also be made at some point during 2010.)


Band / Mode endorsements on request

*** It is hoped that from 2011, a different GDWW Certificate will be available each Year ***



The Claimant does not have to produce Qsl Cards to claim the Award but all the contacts

must be shown in the log

search at .

(If you are not in the LogSearch and think you should be, please contact me by email).



The Award is free of charge but I do ask that the amount below is paid to cover cost

of postage and hard backed envelope :

€6.00 Euro

** If you wish to use IRC’s instead of the above, then the IRC’s

must be the ‘new’ IRC’s with Expiry 2013 (sample below).


IRC’s with ‘Expiry 2009’ will no longer be accepted.


Please send EW4DX GCR List and above fee to Award Manager:-

Charles R. Wilmott

60 Church Hill,



South Yorkshire





Check out the other Awards available from the GFF Team : Click Name to learn more

GFF World Flora Fauna (GFF III) Award Class III – Bronze

GFF World Flora Fauna (GFF II) Award Class II – Silver

GFF World Flora Fauna (GFF I) Award Class I – Gold

GFF Explorer Of Nature (ENA) Award

GFF Honour Roll (HRA) Award


Sponsored by Hollywood Business Supplies


This area will be activated as part of ‘Green Day’ on 12th June 2010.
Please check back later for a report on the trip.
See also ‘Green Day’ for more detailed information on the trip.




Qsl information – click here

GR2HQ Log Search – click here

(GR2HQ status –
see bottom of page)


The UK Headquarters team will again be active in the IARU Championships this year (2010). This is the 8th year that the team has taken part in the contest ‘nationwide’ using several calls over those years such as GB5HQ, GB7HQ and new for this year ‘’GR2HQ’’, a new and unique prefix. This year the team has expanded to include more than 60 experienced contest operators, operating simultaneously from 16 locations around the UK. The main 20M stations are in Northern Ireland and Orkney Islands. Other stations are on the Isle of Man, the Midlands, East Anglia, Wales and Somerset etc.

Who can work who? :

All UK Stations are encouraged to work other HQ stations and other IARU stations in addition to working the UK HQ station. The full rules of the IARU HF Championships can be found at .

Qsl’s, Awards and Sponsorship:

GR2HQ team is sponsored by Martyn Lynch & Sons and Icom UK give their financial support towards the Website, Qsl printing and also the new Trophies that are available this year.

There are several Awards available again this year. This award is available to any licensed radio amateur who makes contacts with GR2HQ during the IARU HF World Championship contest on 10-11 July 2010 on a minimum number of bands/modes (maximum is 12 :
i.e. 6 on CW and 6 on SSB)

Bronze award: GR2HQ on three band/modes
award: GR2HQ on six band/modes
award: GR2HQ on nine band/modes
award: GR2HQ on all twelve band/modes

In addition to the usual paper awards, there are 3 new attractive trophies on offer for the ‘UK HQ Club Challenge’. This is for Clubs, groups or individuals to make a concerted effort to try and work GR2HQ on as many bands as possible. Details on Trophies will appear here in the coming weeks.

How to apply for the Awards:

How to apply for the Qsl’s:

Qsl Cards for this year’s event are via me, Charles MØOXO. Please note, I am the Manager only for ‘GR2HQ’! All previous calls such as GB5HQ & GB7HQ must go via their original Manager ( and NOT by me. I have no Qsl Cards for the old callsigns so please do not ask me for them.

Qsl Cards can be applied for Direct or via the RSGB Bureau. To cut the bureau time in half, I encourage you to request the card via email.

Qsl requests info: click here.

Questions? Email me here.


12/07/2010 – Qsl Cards not yet ordered from the Printer. I am awaiting Log verifications from the various teams to
establish which DXCC/WAB/LOC they were in before I can apply for LOTW certificates too. Please
be patient and as soon as the Logs are sent to me I will report my progress here. Any concerns or
questions pls send me an email, no problem.

– Position as above remains unchanged. Card design sent to GR2HQ team for checking, LOTW still
pending, awaiting logs from team.

07/08/2010 – LOTW uploads complete.

12/08/2010 – Cards designed and with Printer, eta 3 to 4 weeks.

17/08/2010GR2HQ Logsearch available tnx to Clublog!

– Qsl Cards en-route from Printer.

17/09/2010 – GR2HQ cards arrived. Processed 150 Direct which will hit
Royal Mail on Monday 20th September.

Cards now processed as soon as they arrive they arrive.

73 de Charles MØOXO