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Green Day



(GreenDay 2011 click here)
(GreenDay 2010 see below)

GREEN DAY” 2010 will, for the GFF team come from the Spurn Point Nature Reserve in East Yorkshire, England. It is an all time new activation for WFF with reference ”GFF-111”. Callsign will be ‘MØOXO’.
Scroll to bottom of this page for all relevant information.

Spurn Point (or Spurn Head as it is also known) is a narrow sand spit on the tip of the coast of the East Riding of Yorkshire, England that reaches into the North Sea and forms the north bank of the mouth of the Humber estuary.

It is over 3 miles (4.8Km) long, almost half the width of the estuary at that point, and as little as 5 yards (4-6M) wide in places.

The southernmost tip is known as Spurn Head or Spurn Point and is the home to an RNLI lifeboat station and disused lighthouse.

Spurn’s fragile but unique location means that there are many different communities of plants living side by side. Many of the plants at Spurn have adapted to live in this quite hostile environment. The island’s sand dunes are a good place to find Sea Buckthorn and Marram Grass, species which help to stabilise and bind the dunes together through their root systems. You can also find Sea Holly which grows on dunes especially where the sand is moving around – these are plants designed to retain moisture.

The island is on a north-south-east-west axis for passing birds, resulting in some real oddities that land on Spurn out of the blue. In August and September bird watchers can spot Wheatear, Whinchat, Redstart, and Spotted Flycatchers. Many wading birds like to feed on the mudflats, where they probe for worms and other creatures. Look out for Dunlin, Redshank and Curlews.

Spurn Point Qso information

LAT : 53.34.31 N

LNG : 0.06.33 E


NGR : TA 41153 11282

WAB : TA-41

Lighthouses :

Spurn Head (old) : A2424X

Spurn Head (high) : A2424Y

Spurn Head (low) : A2425X





June 2010 is the four year anniversary of the European PSK Club (EPC). Throughout June, EPC members will celebrate the cispskoccasion by being on air using a wide range of special call signs, each appropriate to their own particular Country but also sharing in the joint theme of the EPC event. The Stations will be easily recognisable and prominent on the bands, the majority having the suffix «EPC» but watch out for other variants such as «PSK» and maybe more!

Stations will be on air as much as possible during the month and will be using various PSK modes of transmission. Of course different bands will also be targeted and whilst we are in the thick of the «Sporadic E Season», it will be a great opportunity for us to work each other on the higher bands as well. The intention of the event from members is not only to highlight the EPC programme but also to encourage other operators onto the air and maybe even to aid them into becoming members of the Biggest Digital Ham Radio Club in the World!

The «EPC Celebration 2010» will also have its own series of Awards. Not only will the stations have the special call signs and QSL cards, they will also have new EPC numbers allocated which again make them eligible for the current award series, as well as the existing EPC numbers of the operators of the stations too.

It would appear that so far we have in excess of 30 DXCC countries who have announced their intentions to be on air with the special EPC call signs and it would be so good if we could have more! The list of the announced EPC Club & Special Event Stations which will be operating in honour of the 4th Anniversary of the European PSK Club from 1st to 30th June, 2010 is available at this page.

Operator : MØOXO (EPC #3695)

Callsign : GBØPSK (EPC #11475)


June 2010 is the four year anniversary of the European PSK Club (EPC). Throughout June, EPC members will celebrate the occasion by being on air using a wide range of special call signs, each appropriate to their own particular Country but also sharing in the joint theme of the EPC event. The Stations will be easily recognisable and prominent on the bands, the majority having the suffix «EPC» but watch out for other variants such as «PSK» and maybe more!

Stations will be on air as much as possible during the month and will be using various PSK modes of transmission. Of course different bands will also be targeted and whilst we are in the thick of the «Sporadic E Season», it will be a great opportunity for us to work each other on the higher bands as well. The intention of the event from members is not only to highlight the EPC programme but also to encourage other operators onto the air and maybe even to aid them into becoming members of the Biggest Digital Ham Radio Club in the World!

The «EPC Celebration 2010» will also have its own series of Awards. Not only will the stations have the special call signs and QSL cards, they will also have new EPC numbers allocated which again make them eligible for the current award series, as well as the existing EPC numbers of the operators of the stations too.

It would appear that so far we have in excess of 30 DXCC countries who have announced their intentions to be on air with the special EPC call signs and it would be so good if we could have more! The list of the announced EPC Club & Special Event Stations which will be operating in honour of the 4th Anniversary of the European PSK Club from 1st to 30th June, 2010 is available at this page.

Qsl Card influx imminent!


Brace yourselves guys!

DARC (German Qsl Bureau) have just announced they intend to start playing ‘catch-up’ with the Qsl cards they have to send for their contest station ‘DR1A’.

They report ””But now, the time has finally come to send out those cards for the 100,000 QSO’s we made over the last years”.

Its happy days for all those Qsl Managers out there!

T31X – Pacific Dxpedition cancelled


From the team’s spokesman –

We apologize to the world radioamateur community – for the reasons
independent of us, we are not able to carry out the expedition. On the 25th of May at 10 p.m. local time the engine of our ship “Southern Cross” fell out, when we were in 120 nm from Kanton Island.
The captain Paul Green decided to turn the ship and go back to the port of Apia, Samoa under sails. Such decision was determined by the fact that the entry to the Kanton`s cove without engines would be impossible and the repair of engine in the ocean is impossible too.

The way to Apia, Samoa will take approximately 8-10 days with favorable wind under sails. The food and water must suffice.Our main task at the moment is to come back safe to Apia.

(Click Logo above to be directed to their website).

EPC – 4th Year celebrations in June


June 2010 is the four year anniversary of the European PSK Club (EPC). Throughout June, EPC members will celebrate the occasion by being on air using a wide range of special call signs, each appropriate to their own particular Country but also sharing in the joint theme of the EPC event.

The Stations will be easily recognisable and prominent on the bands (many from the UK too!), the majority having the suffix ‘EPC’ but watch out for other variants such as ‘PSK’ and maybe more!
The list of the announced EPC Club & Special Event Stations which will be operating in honour of the 4th Anniversary of the European PSK Club from 1st to 30th June, 2010 is available just click on the picture to the left.
Thanks Jurij MM0DFV

G1INK/p – SOTA / WFF activated


Well done to Steve G1INK for doing the double at the weekend and activating both SOTA and WFF areas.

Making use of the fabulous UK weather we enjoyed last weekend, Steve took the opportunity to take a hike up to Fountains Fell in the Yorkshire Dales National Park (GFF-020) and do a bit of radio too.

With the ‘Sporadic E Season’ in full swing he had contacts on 10 and 40M bands into EU and the UK, and on 20M into the USA.

Well done Steve, hope to hear you again soon!

26/05/2010 – Logs loaded into EW4DX LogSearch

PSK Award


Received this week this fb certificate. 

The Award was is issued for working EPC Members – 50 Federated subjects of the Russian Federation.

See more certificates in the ‘Radio Awards’ folder on the second page of the ‘Gallery’.

‘Green Day’ 2010 announced


WFF GreenDay 2010 – A «Green» Day of activity in Biological Diversity Year.

Within the framework of the annual worldwide nature protection action, the Day of Activity, ‘WFF GreenDay 2010‘ is being organized.

Radio amateurs of the whole world are invited to join us by having QSOs with radio-stations working from territories within National Parks and Nature Reserves of the World for a 24hour period on the 12th June 2010. ‘Especially Protected Nature Territories’ (EPNT) – are now included into the WFF Directory (see WFF Directory:

Keep an eye out on my blog for details of the GFF Area (new!) that I will activate on Green Day 2010.