Category - Blog

Brusneva Island, AS-082

rrc dx

The Russian Robinson Clubs’ members are on the way to the RARE ones again !

Brusneva Island (IOTA AS-082) in the Saha Yakutia region of Arctic Russia (RRA: RR-08-11, WLOTA: LH-0281 (NEW ONE) and should be on the island any hour now.

It has only previously been claimed by: 9,7% of IOTA participants, last activation took place over 20 years ago.

From the RRC Website ; ”Reserve these days for your best friend – TX! Rotate your antennas to PQ 41NP! Warm up your linears (duplicate your tubes!) Donate your “winter saved PayPal reserves” ;)”.

Good luck to the RRC, hope to hear them during IOTA 2015 this weekend!


Pluto – Close up images


Unlike the icy moons of giant planets, Pluto cannot be heated by gravitational interactions with a much larger planetary body. Some other process must be generating the mountainous landscape.

The mountains are probably composed of Pluto’s water-ice “bedrock.” Although methane and nitrogen ice covers much of the surface of Pluto, these materials are not strong enough to build the mountains. Instead, a stiffer material, most likely water-ice, created the peaks.

The close-up image was taken about 1.5 hours before New Horizons closest approach to Pluto, when the craft was 47,800 miles (770,000 kilometers) from the surface of the planet. The image easily resolves structures smaller than a mile across.

The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland, designed, built, and operates the New Horizons spacecraft, and manages the mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. The Southwest Research Institute, based in San Antonio, leads the science team, payload operations and encounter science planning. New Horizons is part of the New Frontiers Program managed by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama.

Image Credit:
NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute


3B9FR LOTW….uploads started


Due to many repeated requests, I have started to confirm contacts with 3B9FR on LOTW (Logbook of the World) for the first time.

Robert 3B9FR still uses paper logs and I have to input this data into the PC log when he sends them. He can work between 50 and 500 qso’s a day so this task takes a lot of time. I currently have many paper logs and in the PC I have around 70,000 qso’s. My intention is to upload the 70,000 to LOTW and this will pacify many of you.

All future logs will be uploaded as a matter of course and ‘historic’ qso’s (pre 2014) as and when Direct Qsl Cards are requested. This can be done by Direct Post mail or using OQRS. OQRS Bureau requests can be made but I must stress of course that OQRS Direct & Post Mail Direct requests will have to take precidence. These will be uploaded to LOTW as soon as the request is processed. Request your 3B9FR QSL Card via OQRS Direct by clicking here.

Please be patient…..thank you.


Mountain on Asteroid Ceres

new mountain

What created this large mountain on asteroid Ceres?

No one is yet sure. As if in anticipation of today being Asteroid Day on Earth, the robotic spacecraft Dawn in orbit around Ceres took the best yet image of an unusually tall mountain on the Asteroid Belt’s largest asteroid. Visible at the top of the image, the exceptional mountain rises about five kilometers up from an area that otherwise appears pretty level.

The image was taken about two weeks ago from about 4,400 kilometers away





Biak Island OC-147 confirmed…

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New card in this morning…..

YB4IR/9 Biak Island OC-147. Thanks for the new ones Imam, great service as always!

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IOTA EU-103 confirmed…

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Thanks to dave EI9FBB for the fast dispatch of cards from his latest trip.

I was pleased to receive this new one today from EJ9FBB activation of Little Saltee Island, Ireland IOTA EU-103.

Thanks Dave for the new one!






9H5G, C6ATS Qsl route change



Please note that from immediate effect the Qsl route for C6ATS, 9H5G & KK4OYJ has changed from Buzz NI5DX to Charles M0OXO.

9H5G is the usual Callsign for John when at home in Malta but C6ATS is frequently used on IOTA activations of NA-001, NA-048, NA-054 & NA-113 when John is in the Bahamas.

M0OXO OQRS is now open for the above callsigns but please note, Direct routes via Post Mail & OQRS are welcome however, Bureau cards must ONLY be requested via OQRS, incoming bureau cards are not required and will not be received


PX8I SA-060 confirmation

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PX8I confirmation Qsl Card arrived today for a qso back in July 2014.

Location was Itarana Island, Brazil, IOTA SA-060 (Para State East Group).


Thanks to the team…..







I was pleased to receive this Certificate today.

Its been a while since I ventured into the Contest mode but happy to be back 😉