Category - Blog

Little Saltee Island EU-103


May 23rd to 25th EJ9FBB & EJ5GM will be QRV from Little Saltee Island EU-103.

QRV on 40m through 6m SSB & CW only.

QSL via homecalls, EI9FBB & EI5GM respectively.



F/DL8JJ/P EU-081 Saint Marcouf Island


MW0JZE Hexbeams are very excited to announce that Emil DL8JJ has chosen the Ultra-Lightweight Portable Hexbeam to activate EU-081, one of Europe’s Most Wanted IOTA Saint Marcouf island. Emil will be signing F/DL8JJ/P and the activation will take place from the 5th – 10th July 2015

This is a solo trip but by no means is a lightweight expedition, Emil is taking this very seriously. His equipment list is quite impressive for a solo operation!

•    Flex-6300 (main RIG)
•    Kenwood TS-480SAT (standby)
•    Elecraft KX3 with 60Ah  (standby)
•    Acom 1011
•    Arlan Radiosport RS60CF headset with M350-ADJ Electret Mic (for SSB) against the loud noise of the choral seagulls
•    Bose QuierComfort  25 (for CW) Noise Cancelling headphones against the loud noise of the choral seagulls
•    LowBand Dipol 2x27m with Palstar BT-1500A
•    G3TXQ Ultra lightweight portable Hexbeam
•    12 mtrs portable tower
•    Genartor Einchell 2500
•    Honda EX7 (standby)
•    150 Ltr. petrol
•    3 Notebooks
•    N1MM Plus Software
•    FLDigi
•    K1EL keyer
•    Scheunemann single DX-pedition light paddle
•    Technical tools
•    Provisions to survive one week on the island

We wish Emil the greatest of success and a safe trip both on and off the island and a big thanks for choosing the all new Ultra-lightweight D-Hexpedition Hexbeam.

More info can be found on Emils site:


H42NT, H44NT, VK7FG in the mail this week..


Just back home from a small vacation and was pleased to see that the H42NT, H44NT and VK7FG Qsl Cards were sat waiting from the Printer Gennady UX5UO (Thanks G !.).

Qsl Cards are being processed and will be mailed Friday 23rd/Saturday 24th May. Sorry for the slight delay with these cards, I hope you will find the delay worth it 😉








The First Martian Marathon


On Earth, a fast runner takes a few hours to complete a marathon. On Mars, it takes about 11 years.

NASA’s Opportunity rover crossed the finish line of the first “Martian Marathon” in 2015

See more of this incredible story on you tube by clicking the image above.





‘Three Amigo’s’ Tour of P40


The following Callsigns wil be qrv from Aruba (SA-036) between 19th – 26th May 2015;
Peter (VK3FN) as P40FN, Chris (VK3FY) as P40FY and David (K3LP) as P40DC will operate from
from the late Carl Cook (AI6V – SK) P49V QTH on the Island.

They will be qrv on the HF bands.





Need a efficient & reliable Qsl service?

Here in the UK we have the best facilities to provide your DXpediton with the very best in QSL management.
We have a team of QSL managers ready to work for you and the deserving. We can offer dedicated OQRS systems as well as our own Outgoing QSL Bureau for the fastest Bureau shipments by Priority Air Mail. We have an Online Business Account for all our International mailings so your DXpedition gets the most competitive postal rates. We also offer you high quality Qsl Cards by QSL designers who are ready to put their mark on your QSL card.

For more information contact Charles Wilmott M0OXO or Tim Beaumont M0URX as attention to the finest detail is important to us.

We not only support DXpeditions and provide QSL routes for many rare and interesting call signs, but we also support organisations like the CDXC Chiltern DX Club, ARI and several UK QSL managers.

In the year up to 31/03/2015 the team have posted 30,930 items to almost every country in the World and supported a large number of DXpedition teams and single operator stations. The table shows you some of the statistics on our postage volumes over the last year!

Are you a UK QSL manager? Are you planning a DXpedition and want to manage your own QSL mailings from the UK? Then we can help you too!




Here is the AX8AA QSL Card design.

The station was one of many comemorating the 100 years of the ANZAC activities. AX8AA was operated by David VK2CZ.

Qsl via M0OXO OQRS






Messenger to crash on Mercury

planet mercury by messenger

The Messenger Spacecraft which has orbited Mercury since March 2011 is running out of fuel.

It is going to crash into the planet sometime this spring – possibly around the end of April.

The Messenger team keep tweaking the orbit by using methods such as creating additional thrust by squirting cold pressurised Helium through the thrusters to raise the orbit. However this will only delay the inevitable crash whose exact time remains uncertain.


Click the image to read more about ‘Messenger’.







H44NT QSL Card preview


Qsl Card designs received today from the Team.

Images sent to the Print Shop at UX5UO also today.










H42NT QSL Card preview


Qsl Card designs received today from the Team.

Images sent to the Print Shop at UX5UO also today.